Why not earlier? I was trying to be nice and fair clearly something foreign to your logic.
Now knowing what you know I am a OK guy in your book?
I know I am sorry are you? Have you not stressed over as much as me, what do you have to lose. I am over it as far as it happening again. As long as you know that my server will be visual perfect in regards to game play which is what you want.
Don't be ignorant/obtuse regarding public play in regards to me. I m not being narcissistic, but in the last 4 years in the very least I have been the most active player. Why the delay and or late intrest in the way I behave. Jitspoe com on bud why the bother?
I had no proof that it was you despite my practically begging you to say it was you.
So In my rational I could not kick maybe you wanted to be left alone, using a more than one name you know that my point of view on this ? YES YOU DO
OK with that being said why test me? Talk about making someone who has a complex of spoofing and cheating more complexed. You never answered why you
UNTIL YOU LAGGED IN A MID 70 MPH FLIGHT stopped KILLED ME AND CONTINUED FLYING you made a complaint? I kicked others that night this is has been documented here by the person who to their credit said I was asking you to say something while using your "testing" ID and named you as Jitspoe, ok you did not see it. I
**edit you made a huge deal of this because you underestimated impresion of my HATERED for VISUAL interruption in game play first. With that said (meh there is a whole bunch more) why did you tell me there is no way to load maps to the server with rcon. If there is (I'm taking your word for this that there is not) a rcon command to load a map off my drive to the server please explain in lamans terms how, now that you know I am a Man of his word.
Besides the humiliation I endured for a favor you asked and money I paid thus pissing off the wife and the last blast from you on this forum. Knowing this, any map you want banned will never be put on rotation, but with limited trusted admins me and Aura for now would have control why not explain why we cant load maps onto server?
Thus Jitspoe Ignores....look at the following copout regarding the above statement.
Based on your actions in the game and on the forum, I have no clue how you act, lol
Well regarding the DP forum who has spent more more time here in trying to explain the public players point of view and combine that with public game experience?
Jitspoe Ignores. *edit Loial wants blathered questions