My maps from 5-6 years ago are starting to get played now finally, maybe this one will be popular in 2011. In any case I don't care much about it, I really only make maps for one person
. This may stand a better chance than encounter or roundup though, it fits small and medium teams better than either of those 2 maps. It also doesn't have the added defensive burdon of encounter or the 'which way did he go?' of roundup. It's more to the point and even works for 1v1 I think.
If anyone has some space for the bsp I'll put the public beta up today. Send me a pm here if you have room, File is about 1.3 megs.
Xile> Not sure which ledge you mean, can you take a screeny of it?
Few more snaps for ya, last 3 show off the vis techniques I used (Hopefully I can explain it well enough later)