Author Topic: bob WAS WARNED THEN KICKED  (Read 10455 times)


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« on: August 01, 2005, 01:32:37 AM »
Jitspoe help! Bob was abusing q2 and has been like Ganja UNI and GOOS has. BOB was complained about over and over and over on public tonight on public. I have over 40 ss of him ignoreing my request to behave and him laughing at me the admin and what the q2 community thought of me all the while taughting,while every player but him and me  on my server was complaining about him cheating. I cant prove it but I can post ss if that helps. What can I do? If he is that dam good ok but how can he be?

edit bob brought up some good questions,  he was covering space on maps that was impossible by all fair accounts of topspeed test as a matter of pride,  could some one please explain how and why he was able to reach our base despite maps brianstorm or airtime before most of us was even leaving base. He metioned that with the alpha build it was impossoble for him to cheat. Is this true?  I dont know but all I know is that all players despite the teams was whining about him cheating.

My experince with him is that he is either the best player ever with attrubutes beond the normal player or he cheats in some way. Also i helped him beta test his maps  so I fell bad about complaining  PLease Advise, he even mocked you Jitspoe and the fact that no matter what we do there was no way to stop him from cheating unles you rewrite the code? Is this true?  I need help,

Loial/Bob '08
« Last Edit: August 01, 2005, 02:20:04 AM by loial21 »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 329
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2005, 02:16:30 AM »
What do you mean "abusing" quake2? There's no possible way you're ever going to prove that anyone is cheating with screenshots.. no matter how blatantly. At the very least, get a demo of the suspected cheating. For years I have had random people accuse  me of cheating, and it's extremely frustrating. Hell, the last time I played dp someone called me a "hacker" ...and I was playing what I consider in my own standards.. very poorly. I've played alongside and against BoB for a few years now, and I've never had any suspicion of him cheating in any way. Then again, I can actually compete at his level of play. I can  sympathize with the frustration that comes from being routinely outperformed and outplayed... it's just a shame that people so quickly resort to throwing out accusations of cheating. Here's a thought next time you  or anyone else get shot within a few balls, outran, or otherwise outplayed -- maybe they're just a lot better. Perhaps, even.. they were lucky. Difficult concepts to grasp -- but they just might be possible.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2005, 02:21:34 AM »
What do you mean "abusing" quake2? There's no possible way you're ever going to prove that anyone is cheating with screenshots.. no matter how blatantly. At the very least, get a demo of the suspected cheating. For years I have had random people accuse  me of cheating, and it's extremely frustrating. Hell, the last time I played dp someone called me a "hacker" ...and I was playing what I consider in my own standards.. very poorly. I've played alongside and against BoB for a few years now, and I've never had any suspicion of him cheating in any way. Then again, I can actually compete at his level of play. I can  sympathize with the frustration that comes from being routinely outperformed and outplayed... it's just a shame that people so quickly resort to throwing out accusations of cheating. Here's a thought next time you  or anyone else get shot within a few balls, outran, or otherwise outplayed -- maybe they're just a lot better. Perhaps, even.. they were lucky. Difficult concepts to grasp -- but they just might be possible.
So quickly.........rofl I been complaining since your servers that BOB mental and you have passed beond the phyiscs of q2. You can only go so fast as the map allows to bad that every one in your clan seems to beat the laws of q2 phyiscs expect BAIN. This is way most clans laugh at you match request as far as I have seen on this forum and your web site.  Which by the way rocked as far as stats go. How many people really hold 4 to one kill death ratio after 10000 kills?

As far as prooving,  I dont know how I will learn, Are you saying that e3rrt has never cheated? Or are you saying they have never been caught?  or both? Anyhow LoL during your servers you completely ignored cheating and only viewgibed people doing good. Talk about acting like Snipen , rofl your servers were the best because I could account as being the best accordign to your stats. But lets count how many people were viewgibbed kicked or cheated opon *y2J excluded. COMON I am trying to run a fair server. BOB was clearly cheating. Blitz you moron how long does it take before you start playing  alpha 14 on my server with your name. With out a client-side proxy like your borther was using?  God how stupid was that. ? *&(%


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 329
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2005, 02:30:23 AM »
The first time I ever had a match I couldn't understand how people were flying over the barrels in arctic and killing me. It seemed impossible... such ignorance is blinding. BoB is one of the best players in DP, there is no need to question that. He is in an elite group that seems to grow smaller over the years. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't fully understand this game, or realize the depth of the community.. past and present.

As far as poor behavior, I can fully understand why that would be a sufficient reason to kick someone. Try not to intertwine two very distinct subjects.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 336
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2005, 02:34:43 AM »
Alright listen to this because obviously you're not getting your facts straight. In no way was I mocking Jitspoe or was I stating the fact that I was cheating and you couldn't stop me from it. I was simply saying that you can't cheat on alpha. I use alpha build9, not because it gives me an advantage but because it's the only build that doesn't have a messed up mouse sensitivity. Yes, I do have build 14 installed on my computer and do play on it and yes I still rape you senseless. When you throw accusations around with no evidence like a complete idiot, you're only embarrassing yourself. Yes, I was laughing at you when you warned me because it was hilarious. You were warning me when you were alive. I kill someone and you say "OMFG BEHAVE" then throw more accusations at me.

Now to the matter of abusing Quake2 and how I get into your base before you know what hits you. You guys have played the same maps on your server for years now. I'd hope that someone would finally get a clue and learn how to manuver around them.

Also, if you're going to hop on the band wagon and accuse me of cheating, you should look at the other people playing. I'm not going to say names but it's funny when others are blatantly wallhacking and I fly by them and kill them, then they accuse me of hacking cause I owned them. You should probably provide a demo of me playing and show everyone how bad I cheat. I can tell you right now you're only wasting your time.

I'll admit to acting like a detective ingame because after serveral years of playing, then  recently getting kicked and banned for incredibly stupid reasons gets very old, very fast.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2005, 02:47:32 AM »
Alright listen to this because obviously you're not getting your facts straight. In no way was I mocking Jitspoe or was I stating the fact that I was cheating and you couldn't stop me from it. I was simply saying that you can't cheat on alpha. I use alpha build9, not because it gives me an advantage but because it's the only build that doesn't have a messed up mouse sensitivity. Yes, I do have build 14 installed on my computer and do play on it and yes I still rape you senseless. When you throw accusations around with no evidence like a complete idiot, you're only embarrassing yourself. Yes, I was laughing at you when you warned me because it was hilarious. You were warning me when you were alive. I kill someone and you say "OMFG BEHAVE" then throw more accusations at me.

Now to the matter of abusing Quake2 and how I get into your base before you know what hits you. You guys have played the same maps on your server for years now. I'd hope that someone would finally get a clue and learn how to manuver around them.

Also, if you're going to hop on the band wagon and accuse me of cheating, you should look at the other people playing. I'm not going to say names but it's funny when others are blatantly wallhacking and I fly by them and kill them, then they accuse me of hacking cause I owned them. You should probably provide a demo of me playing and show everyone how bad I cheat. I can tell you right now you're only wasting your time.

I'll admit to acting like a penis ingame because after serveral years of playing, then recently getting kicked and banned for incredibly stupid reasons gets very old, very fast.
Hop on the band wagon rofl mean the 99%  of the people that played this game against you then I am sorry. At first I doubted them and I still believe you can play. But comon time has told you either cheat or have settings beond the good player.


The first time I ever had a match I couldn't understand how people were flying over the barrels in arctic and killing me

So imagine that my server has baned such maps in an attempt to cut down on such behaviors, I was running airtime, no difficutly for the average player to cover but BOB was in your base before you could get the air purged. That is not fair or a poor map,

*edit sorry I was qiuck posting forgot to post normal.

Bob and  I over the years have benn very successful at pissing people off with our gameplay. I digress,


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 329
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2005, 02:55:24 AM »
'good' is a relative term -- A good player to me is someone who has been actively involved in the higher end of the clan scene for a few years. People who know maps like the back of their hand, and  have played in enough organized and strategic team-based matches to earn respect. Clearly you're not one of these people, and as such he is without a doubt -- in your definition --  beyond a "good player." As far as being better than 99% of the people that play this game.. that's really not very much of an exaggeration.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2005, 02:56:53 AM »
'good' is a relative term -- A good player to me is someone who has been actively involved in the higher end of the clan scene for a few years.

LOL your showing your ignorance in the DP public seen. As long as I have been playing'98  q2 you clan has been acused of over achieving ok I know the felling but every exepct Bain has shown nothing but how you can beat q2 physics. I might be ignorant on how but after playing 8 years I know when something can be done and cant be done, Besides are you saying BOB has never cheated on public play?


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 329
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2005, 03:04:30 AM »
It was air time and he is not beond my skill level check your server stats bud :)
Have you ever even played a competitive match? I honestly do not think you understand the depth of DP.. past and present. Actually, from your comments, I know you don't.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 336
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2005, 03:18:11 AM »
Lmao... 99% of the DP community thinks I cheat? I must be hella leet. And yes, when I say the band wangon, that's exactly what I mean. One person accuses me of cheating with no proof and it slowly increases to several people then to what you say is 99% of the DP community thinks I'm  a cheater. When you continue to post with no proof at all it continues to disappoint. I'll join a pub and record myself, post it, and see the responces. I've played this game for several years and I know the physics to the jump and how to get around. It's not difficult. What you can't understand is that there is someone out there that knows how to aim and move at the same time like it's the hardest ability to do.

To what blitz said about competitive matches. There is an EXTREME difference between public play and clan matches. When I play pub I'm not out to cap and play as a team, I just want to shoot people. In matches you rely on others in your team and work together. You should try sitting in on one if you can get a chance. Now a days I doubt you'll see to much teamplay in matches, just a bunch of people running around trying to shoot each other.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2005, 03:24:12 AM »
It was air time and he is not beond my skill level check your server stats bud :)
Have you ever even played a competitive match? I honestly do not think you understand the depth of DP.. past and present. Actually, from your comments, I know you don't.
I dont check public stats do you. I never involved my self in your "matches" in fact I posted why i havent. All im trying to do is make a public forum/ server that is fair, if me and 99% of the public that does not chat on irc think that what your clan is about is wrong then I am sorry, but for you to accuse the most active player in this community of my depth. is wrong. Unless I have been lied to. Where is your clan now? Inactive becuase no one wants to match cheaters or known cheaters,  where are youre servers now? In my hands which btw is fair and logical not like your opinion of me. I got to go to sleep sorry. more for tomorrow for sure.

edit to bobs post

Bob me and you and you and me together we danced. Are you saying you never cheated or that you dont know how?  Sorry bro I warned you. Both of us know each other like the back of our hands. When you exceed what I know as limitations to q2 I will charge you with knowing better than to wax newbs on my server.

Jitspoe perhaps it is time like bain presented to encourage differnt levels of play. Please help

edit yes bob 99%  i have only heard 2 posts on the forums defending you. Sorry that is why I call you LEET GEEKS 

One more thing Using more than one name or spoofing

I can pick you out just by your "game play" unless your not trying. How many times has it been that You were using and alias like LOL or smoke or alf even, how many names must you use before you consider you self a man?

Either use e3rrt bob or say your him our be KICKED. Its not much to ask. If you agree to do this then unless their is a vote to kick your welcome as before this post my friend.

Loial/Bob '08


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 329
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2005, 03:31:33 AM »
So quickly.........rofl I been complaining since your servers that BOB mental and you have passed beond the phyiscs of q2. You can only go so fast as the map allows to bad that every one in your clan seems to beat the laws of q2 phyiscs expect BAIN. This is way most clans laugh at you match request as far as I have seen on this forum and your web site. Which by the way rocked as far as stats go. How many people really hold 4 to one kill death ratio after 10000 kills?

As far as prooving, I dont know how I will learn, Are you saying that e3rrt has never cheated? Or are you saying they have never been caught? or both? Anyhow LoL during your servers you completely ignored cheating and only viewgibed people doing good. Talk about acting like Snipen , rofl your servers were the best because I could account as being the best accordign to your stats. But lets count how many people were viewgibbed kicked or cheated opon *y2J excluded. COMON I am trying to run a fair server. BOB was clearly cheating. Blitz you moron how long does it take before you start playing alpha 14 on my server with your name. With out a client-side proxy like your borther was using? God how stupid was that. ? *&(%
This will be my last reply.

What the hell. Am I mistaken, or are you not a grown, married man? Part of me really feels sad that you're incapable of making a clear and comprehendable argument. You are rambling on like some kind of headless chicken with random edits to your previous posts, all the while making poorly spelt and fragmented comments.. to the point where I can't even take you seriously. If I diddn't know better, I would think you were just pulling my leg with some of this stuff.

The law of quake2 physics? Haha, what the hell?! I guess I missed that in class. *shakes head*

What do you mean you were the best player? The stats were sorted by most kills. You had the most kills. There was never any "skill" formula implemented in our statistic system (although one was planned). To conclude that you were the "best player" on the eR33t servers would be a truely embarrasing boast.

The clan name is eR33t, not e3rrt.

We had NoCheat server installed and running the best available wallhack prevention on our match servers. You wouldn't know this, clearly. We also had a list of IPCHAIN'd addresses which were banned from our colocation due to confirmed cheating issues.

In the unlikely event that I play in a public server, I sometimes use random aliases to keep random people such as yourself from bothering me.

I prefer playing with the quake2 build. When jitspoe get's it working well enough to require it's use, i'll be more than happy to use it. As is, there's a lot of annoying bugs (ie, the hitboxes, mouse sensitivity, model skin visibility) and such that just make it more comfortable to use the quake2 mod. Those things don't bother me much, after all.. it is still labeled an "alpha" build.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2005, 03:35:31 AM »
James let me post before your respond please :) I had the most pgp kills over 2000 more than second place, I dropped my weapon  when i knew I could beat the whole team other wise.

Nighty night



  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2005, 03:39:54 AM »
NIce excuse, I cant spell well I cant articulate well. SO WHAT? That is the oldest forum bully tatic to side step and dismiss somthing. Bob I mean well by this game and the majority of players that play it.
thanks for the double post.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2005, 03:40:33 AM »
c y a tommorow


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 336
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2005, 03:49:31 AM »
Alright look I'm getting tired and I don't feel like going on with this because you're obviously that intercoursing clueless. From what you say you are trying to free people of your server is how to actually play the game as it was supose to. You're trying to make it non competive with nothing but anarchy. And I will say this once and only once here. [eR33t] has never cheated in any form on any server. What you can't seem to comprehend is that there are people out there better than you.

I use a different name for the same reason blitz does, so I'm not bother by idiots like you who say, "OMFG THAT WAS BULLstuff AND YOU KNOW IT WAS LOL!" I prefere to left alone when I play, and when you see me spam binds and stuff it's when you call me by my name and say I'm cheating. I shouldn't have to let the server I'm there to rape them every time I join.

It's easy to pick me out in public servers cause I'm the one raping you. I've seen you and many others call other people using a different name me, while I was under a different name, because you were getting owned.

To the eR33t servers issue. You have no intercoursing clue why the servers were put down, so you should honestly shut your mouth before opening it. No one will match us because we rape them. For the last 6 months eR33t was active we only match one clan that I recall and it was cP. Assuming the other clans would have the testicular fortitude to work up the courage to actually agree to a match, they'd still manage to back down after the first map. Also while we were active all of us were in high school still. Then it started to fade because we moved on to our real lifes and focusing on the future.

And when you say two people defend me, you should look at who those people are. I'm sure they're two people who know the game, unlike you and 99% of the DP community.

The fact that you had the most kills doesn't really prove anything. You know that little number that read 1.0 next  to your name? If you typed [eR33t] into that search you would see all the names of our members with a 3.0. Your bragging about the fact that you can have an even score in public play, spectacular.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2005, 04:06:53 AM »
lol james

I know there are other players better than me dont be obtuse. Where is the bob the let me beta test his maps 4 years ago?

No member of er33t has never cheated ssk why dp decided to cheat on GT server to show why q2 is should banned? You leet geeks by your very knowledge of how to cheat is good enough for me. why learn how? I have heard and personally experinced that you play beond what can be explained. Why are you no loger active now cheating is no longer and issue?


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2807
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2005, 04:09:29 AM »
You will continue to be kicked unless we can come to an agreement about pissing people off with comments and droping your gun once in a while if your so good. I remember the times on your clans server you used to drop your gun to be fair why not on my server? I did on yours.


  • Autococker
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« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2005, 07:22:57 AM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:15:41 PM by IronFist »


  • PGP
  • Posts: 47
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2005, 09:29:38 AM »
Get a demo and I'll believe you. There is always a way to cheat no matter how good the code is, but you can't complain unless you have solid evidence. It's not hard to camera someone and record a demo.......