I'm not sure if this has been posted or you've all seen this, but I love this remix of an advert we have here in the UK:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGooQ8yYC0cFor those who haven't seen this video or the actual advert, Cilit Bang is one of the household cleaners we have here. They all have absolutely dreadful adverts; this is perhaps the worse. It's advert stars a guy called Barry Scott, who introduces the advert shouting: Hi there, I'm Barry Scott, and I would like to tell you about new Cilit Bang. This is the remix version of it, which should be bought by Cilit and used as their advert.
The funny thing is Barry Scott has become 'famous' because of his role in this advert; Nobody had heard of him before this advert, and he's hardly a celebrity now. He's just Barry Scott. And in fact he's not Barry Scott, he's Neil Burgess.