Author Topic: DP League  (Read 13013 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 199
Re: DP League
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2003, 11:49:39 AM »
That's why we shouldn't have matches on the crappy small maps.

LOL, exactly.  Also, DP clans used to always play like this.  How come its a problem now?

I think the idea of some kind of clan ranking algorithm.  But a league is different.  Its just like a longer tourney.  The champion isnt necessarily the best clan, its just bragging rights.  So it would be nice to have a ranking and a seperate league, but have the ranking algorithm take into account "championships" somehow.  That might be cool.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 242
Re: DP League
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2003, 08:56:46 AM »
Well, I personally think the less this is managed, the better. The clans should have the freedom to match the way they would normally match, just this way, they can feel like they're part of a "whole".

As soon as we start getting control-freak about little rules (map choices in the first season etc)... I mean, I know it's not unbelievably complicated. But, it's still going to remove from the fun, I think.

The only improvements to the code I'd like to see are statistics-related, a la CS. That would make scoring more dynamic.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 19
Re: DP League
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2003, 07:28:03 AM »
ok guys i was reading all this sh--  --um--  stuff it sounds great but your all over looking the main problem lack of players in dp and that is partly the fault of you "old timers" running off new players by insults and degrading remarks in public play  how can you get more people involved with this game when all they hear is.... you stupid donkey newbie..... be quiet u noob.....get the hell off my team you llama ...and my favorite "if it wasn't for me there would be no dp".... Some of you guys act like you don't want anyone new involved in dp well guess what if you guys don't start helping the newb's then you  old timers well soon be playing with yourselves .. Id like to thank some players from er33t for there helping attitude like bob for one who has helped people out with problems and taking time to explain and even show  how to make some of the jumps to us new folks. Im just saying try to help get the game rolling not roll the players under a bus  i like to play this game i hate to see it fade away like other games i have played on the net have done  over the last few years....and one more thing some of you clan leaders need to recruit some of the new guys and teach them things..thats what the clan should be doing not just grabing up good player but taking a newbie and help molding him into skilled player......anyways im all in on a league thanks Snipen


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 199
Re: DP League
« Reply #43 on: February 04, 2003, 06:53:41 PM »
Ok just to comment on the league again while i have a good point to share.... You wouldnt host a dodgeball tourney and then allow clans to play seige castle instead just cuz they like that better, right?  Same thing with a league.  A league is just a longer and more involved tourney.  But you have to have a format and rules.  Allowing the clans to do whatever the hell they want makes the league irrelevent and worthless.

And to Snipen, you are correct.  There isnt enough active players/teams to do this yet.  We are only talking about it so that when we have enough, we can put it into motion, hopefully.  But your right about the newbie treatment.  I was trying to help a newbie today and two other "vets" were playing around with him and getting him to join #2,000.  I know its funny to mess around with newbies from time to time, but you also have to help them out too.  The only way a newbie will get better and learn how to play is by learning from a vet.  So this means helping them and also setting an example.

Also you know the game is unbalanced when a newbie gets shown how to do the "jumps" instead of something like how to drop a smoke grenade instead of just tossing it when you want to get rid of it.   I know im exaggerating, but it holds true to a great extent.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 19
Re: DP League
« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2003, 05:28:41 AM »
rb i think you miss read what i said. when i said the clan leaders should be recruiting and training newbie's that's what i talking about teach them to drop smoke grenade's not toss them... help them with the binds... and setting up there options and commands and config files.. what should your fps be set at...which video resolution is best 800x600 ,,640x480  and why... and  no they do need to be taught about jumps when a new person joins in play and a guy is jumping of stuff twice as high as the newbie can he's thinking wtf and when he ask how you get up there the answer is "i jumped you stupid donkey newbie" you guys forget that you once where new and didn't know how to do all the skilled jumping and stuff ... the clan leaders need a trainee program for there clan and im not talking about these guys who just decide one day hey lets start our own clan im talking about you guys that have been around a while you need to step up  and take charge. the clan leader could even have one of his top players be in charge of the trainee program cause i know that one person cant do it all..anyway there it is i know someone is going to slam me and call me names but that's ok i cant take it lol.... l8r snipen


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Re: DP League
« Reply #45 on: February 05, 2003, 12:02:03 PM »
You can't expect clans to jump at the idea of taking in a newer player and training them to be good.  Leaders have certain expectations from players in the community, other clan leaders, and their own clan members.  I'll give you a real example which happened recently just to demonstrate how this works.
BoB/Smoke has been playing day in and day out on our public servers, idling in the eR33t-related channels(on both networks) and showing overall improvements in his skills and abilities.  I saw him as being an extremely capable player and knew he would only get better with exposure to a better playing atmosphere.  After taking all of this into consideration and I consulted with Y2J, he didn't express any concerns and  I recruited him that evening, and was ready to help him out on his gameplay/teamwork/general skills.
The following day I came onto a ton of criticism over the issue, from typically those who wanted to join.  "er33t is gone to excrement" - "er33t doesnt have standards anymore" - "i can beat bob 1v1" - etc.  However inside the clan channel there was nothing but support and congrats to bob, speaking with other eR33t members they all supported my idea and knew that I had everything in control.
Fortunately the others were considerate of my choice and supported me through it, but I've been in several management situations through out other previous where this sort of thing hasn't been taken well by my members.
The unfortunate part is that BoB, other members and myself were subject to this criticism from players on the outside, even though BoB is a great player and is far from a newbie.
If a leader from another clan were to recruit someone with little to no skill, they would be under the same fire from other players, their own members, and even their own co-leaders.  That's why it becomes such a difficult task for most clans to even attempt doing it, and really halts the development of new players.  I'm just glad two great guys gave me a chance and a step in the right direction. =]


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 110
Re: DP League
« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2003, 12:03:55 PM »
I agree with snipen. One of the reasons why clans dont have enough good people and die quickly is the lack of talent on a particular clan. Clans should get a relativly new couple of ppl and train them to be good in the long run. Kind of like a farm team.. that sounds kinda stupid but I would try and teach newbs to play better. Maybe tell them they can join the clan if they agree to not play the first few matches and just train for a little bit before they actually start matching. I also think that if that were to happen that there should be more scrimmaging so that the new ppl that clans pick up can get accustomed to a formated clan match..... Thats all i have to say for now


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Re: DP League
« Reply #47 on: February 05, 2003, 12:48:21 PM »
hmm, sounds like we need some kind of "Paintball Academy"


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 165
Re: DP League
« Reply #48 on: February 05, 2003, 12:55:26 PM »
I'll help..

I find myself helping random new people on pubs at 2am on my nights off.  They'll ask how I did a certain jump or move fast or something, and I'll end up showing them like a billion things on the maps on the rotation.  It's fun to teach people stuff.

The more competition the better.  


  • PGP
  • Posts: 19
Re: DP League
« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2003, 01:32:41 PM »
Xbain i understand where you are coming from but i think OJ is on the same page i am im not talking about taking a new guy and saying ok you er33t what i saying is have a training clan to put them in and after a while if they cut the mustard then they get to be  in the clan the training period could be many months.. if they are not what you are wanting in your clan then tell them that its not working out for your clan and them.. but no one loses cause they got a chance  and they should have learned something to take with them im sure another clan would pick them up... in the long run it would work out and maybe a "Paintball Academy" according to jitspoe might be the thing to do. There could even be a lottery for new guys and trades and stuff (only the minor league players) make that part of the league or something ..hell that might be too much but i think you all get where im coming from...thanks Snipen


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Re: DP League
« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2003, 03:28:17 PM »
New players usually don't learn howto play good by playing with people who are in the same boat as they are.  Also I for one am not willing to teach players team strategies and tactics only to see them leave for another clan when they actually get skills, but aren't called up to be in eR33t.  I might as well be having strategy development workshops with every other clan just so they know everything we do.

One thing that would help the growth of the newer players would be a league that had seperate levels based on skill level of the clan.  However, there are only enough clans for one league so perhaps accomodations could be made if we were to just have a league open to all levels of skill.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 108
Re: DP League
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2003, 03:42:39 PM »
Why wouldn't you open a league to all skill levels, the way i see it you really have no choice unless you want a league with 2 clans worth of people who know what they are doing.  I agree that something needs to be done about teaching newbies, if you dont want to, then thats fine it is your choice.  However, when people dont play the game cause all the newbies are getting bashed, dont complain that no one plays DP.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 242
Re: DP League
« Reply #52 on: February 06, 2003, 06:52:02 AM »
"Paintball Academy?" this is just getting crazy now. Didn't your mother ever tell you to "Keep It Simple, Stupid?" Yeesh. Two rounds and a tiebreaker, 20/50 time/fraglimit, and both teams have to agree on all maps. I don't see how anything could go wrong.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 108
Re: DP League
« Reply #53 on: February 06, 2003, 08:54:40 AM »
i think i am going to have to agree with fryth on this one  ;)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 199
Re: DP League
« Reply #54 on: February 06, 2003, 02:41:44 PM »
Clans dont need to take a newbie in and train them.  But if you find one who seams cool and hes interested, thats a good way to get another good player.  Teach them your secrets, and they will grow in the clan and you will develop a better feel for each other.  But what i mean is, like look at what Zimbu did recently.  He made a DP FAQ.  We need more of that.  People who take a bit of time to help.  What the rest of us can do is if we see someone doing something wrong when playing, instead of insulting him for it, explain to him that its not considered right, or whatever the case is.  Like someone tossing smoke into their base to get rid of it, dont be like "meddling JEW NEWB.. DONT DO THAT".  Your only looking worse than the newbie now.

I know i shouldnt even say it, cuz its a lost cause, but I will anyway.  In a way I agree with Oddjob.  But not exactly, cuz its not cuz of a lack of talent that clans die, but its cuz of a lack of capatibility.  A truly good clan can get through loses and setbacks.  More clans need to form under friendship and ideals, rather than just skills and cuz the clan would be the best.  I have to use DOM as an example, cuz I know it best obviously =)  When DOM was formed, it was just me and PolishPlaya (who is one of my best friends in real life).  Then we got vj, who we knew from our previous clan, RiP and who we were cool with.  Then we got Acid , who wasnt good at that point yet.  Both Acid and vj learned a lot from me and Polish and eventually got better.  Then we had a few other players who joined who werent "all stars" or anything.  Adrenaline, Fury, Jballz eventually.  Fury and Jballz are friends in real life, so once we got one, we got the other.  And then we hit it off and realized we had a lot in common.  Neither of them were good either at that time, but after a while they were as good as anyone.  So the point is, DOM never died and never will as long as we are still intersted in paintball because our clan is about more than just winning.  We are 0-3 since Paintball 2 came out and could care less.  The way most clans are formed, they would be fighting amongst each other right now and disband by now.  Having clans like what Prozak was before, where a whole bunch of good players were on the same clan, isnt healthy for the whole community.  Its better to have a bunch of 6-8 man clans that are compatible and get along.  Its more rewarding anyway to become a sucessfulll clan that way, than to just put together a bunch of random good players.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2003, 02:53:24 PM by RoyalBlood »


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Re: DP League
« Reply #55 on: February 06, 2003, 05:55:39 PM »
I throw smoke in the base to encourage my teammates to leave the base and actually do something usefull.


  • PGP
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Re: DP League
« Reply #56 on: February 06, 2003, 06:24:33 PM »
So it's you that does that?   Bain, you asshat.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 165
Re: DP League
« Reply #57 on: February 07, 2003, 03:11:03 PM »
It's funny.. above bain made a post as if we had a strategy to give away.  Our only real strategy is cocker spray and 500k rates to pj the other team and not us so we can win easy.


I've also let eR33t borrow the MB Ping Modulator a couple times.  Stupid y2j broke it, though.  Word of advice:  Don't try to stick a ping modulator in your pooper.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2003, 03:11:45 PM by Michael_Fornal »


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 110
Re: DP League
« Reply #58 on: February 19, 2003, 12:21:49 PM »
ah the good old days of the ping modulator


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 242
Re: DP League
« Reply #59 on: February 19, 2003, 05:18:51 PM »
This board is such an incredible waste of time!!