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Messages - JUICEY

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Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: NPBLeague Sign-ups
« on: April 23, 2019, 10:12:35 AM »
What in the hell? This tournament is an absolute fail.

Just realized I, along with Conca were not signed up with our permission so please remove these names immediately.
Maybe we would've played if this tournament wasn't run by incompetent hosts. Conca and I have agreed that we would have participated if we didn't have the biggest hacker in the history of DP on our roster.. (MiNDViRUS)
What kind of host would put a banned player on a roster without checking their background first? This is pathetic, and we feel incredibly disrespected.
It is clear you do not have the capability to run a tournament, nor can you accumulate more than 2 other teams, now it will only be 1 other team. Sad.

Please learn how to host a tournament properly, and learn to do it responsibly, next time. Although this game is dead so only someone who is addicted would try to keep it going by trying to form a tourney LOL.


I agree, juic3 and ToXiiC have hacked multiple clans and got away with it, the ban hammer needs to come down.
LOL darn you are really upset we banned you from that match aren't you? Blocking me on instagram too! what a cutie <3 yes ban me for hacking when I don't even have the slighest idea on how to 'HACK' a clan lmao. cmon whaley get off your period kiddo.

hi i'm juic3 and I was given leader (didnt ask for it). Why should I or fzx get banned for something we did not do? I hope there is very STRONG evidence against any member that gets banned, proving whatever accusation there may be against him. 

Server Discussion / Re: Poseidown Servers
« on: October 19, 2015, 03:27:36 AM »
I'd say let the new servers be new servers like those before them, but I agree with all the responses from the others. These guys are out of hand. For instance, you can't match this clan and have normal conversation take place, the only things they'll say and repeat are phrases like LOL and GG EZ every time they kill you. Not to mention the passwords set are usually something like "autism", and they love to degrade to  calling people autistic and/or saying you have down syndrome, meant in a demeaning way (enjoyed that). I understand their trying to act dominant, and feel like a strong team but its seriously depressing to see people try so hard to do it... the last few times I've matched them boredom sets in quick with regards to trying to have a fun game, and all I sense is insecurity on their part. It's not fun guys people don't want to play you when you act like that. It's past the point of being an annoyance and is now sad.

Don't talk about having a normal conversation when you and your teammates consistently start the trash talk every match while losing. We can't take a team like you seriously so we troll you back for the lolz. We find it hilarious that you are on here crying how offended you are about how we reciprocate to your trolling attempts. 

One of the members in your team has a serious mental condition, autism. By setting this our password it helps spread awareness and allows other players to understand the support we have for that member. We are not in any way degrading this member. We understand it is a real problem and we are sending our prayers to him.

Instead of crying every time you get stomped and calling us hackers/annoying, etc, simply ignore us in the server and just play. Note: if you don’t start the trash talk every match, there won’t be any trash talk to begin with. If you get offended so easily on the internet, I don’t even want to know what it’s like to know you personally lmao. We also understand that boredom strikes very quickly when you play us. Getting blown out every match and 1:3 ratio is definitely not a fun time. We find you so cute when you call us hackers every match. Learn how to play the game and quit accusing everybody of hacking.

Both your, and your teammates posts are literally useless, stay out of this thread and don’t even reply to me. Whatever you have to say is not important and worth reading. This was simply a notice to players that we have put up servers in the game. Play in them if you like, don’t play if you don’t like, it is simple. You are literally more emotional than a woman. Nobody needs your useless input. Wondering where the "moderators" are to “moderate” these threads...

Once again, I'll ask:  How did you communicate with frozer?
Toxiic is 100% correct. One of my members was able to get contact with frozer via a messaging service i.e. steam, origin, etc.

Hi all, long time no see.

I jumped in for a few fun rounds of DigitalPaintball and got to see our clan tag on dplogin has been stolen by some kiddies. See, DaRk' is inactive but i prefer that no kiddies can around with our tag claiming to be DaRk'. I hope they get that right taken away. That's all.

All the best,

Hi all, I jumped on the forums today to see that my team has been reported by some kiddie for 'stealing' a clan.

Actually, frozer gave us this team because it's inactive and let us restart it. My teammate had leadership to it and made us all leaders. We decided to kick the inactive players because we want a fresh and active team. Sorry PlayaH, if you still play you are welcome to tryout for our NEW team.

We were given leadership therefore it was our decision to do what we want with the team. Frozer said he has no intention of playing and it didn't matter what we do. Frozer gave up this team to us, and we were given consent to do anything we want.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: New DP montage by Juic3!
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:17:11 PM »
Since it doesn't look like you've been on the forums much lately, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven't seen this thread:

In addition to the light grass textures, you're using almost-white boxes, grey rock textures everywhere, and near-solid colored barrels -- pretty much a combination of the most advantageous textures from various texture packs that have been floating around.  This gives you an advantage over people playing with the standard textures.  Please switch to textures that closely match the color/brightness/contrast of the original textures, or just grab this texture pack:

I don't want to have to ban people for this, but I need to enforce fair play.

This is your warning.
Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt, as I was not aware of that thread. I've changed my textures to the original hr4 texture pack you've posted.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: New DP montage by Juic3!
« on: May 11, 2015, 01:48:31 PM »
60 fps for the win nice! New Feature from Youtube?
It might be a new youtube thing possibly with a combination of good rendering settings!

Ahhh ma boii killing me at 1:47 and 3:47. Nice montage. JUIC3 POWER.
Thanks my man, glad you liked it :)

How recent are these?

As toxiic mentioned they're about 2-3 months old at most!

These textures hurt my eyes, nice montage tho :)
I appreciate the feedback, and i'm happy you liked the rest :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: New DP montage by Juic3!
« on: May 10, 2015, 07:56:30 AM »
juicy :3

Very nice montage for a first try (:
Thank you man, appreciate it :)

"This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

... hmm it wouldn't let me watch it, so I had to use a vpn to get around this error.. Anyways, great vid!

Paintball 2 Discussion / New DP montage by Juic3!
« on: May 09, 2015, 03:32:18 AM »
Hey everyone!

As you all know I've been around this game for a while now, about 5 years (on and off). The past week I've had a lot of free time after finishing exams so I figured why not finally make a montage of my recent game-play?

This was my first ever montage, so part of this was for the learning experience of editing.

I hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think!

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: If the Map Pool was forced to 10 maps...
« on: September 30, 2012, 05:43:19 PM »
There should be missions of some sort, or rankings.... Missions give you reason to stick with the game and keep playing the game(along with player rankings) It's not a big deal, but it adds something to the game rather than just continuously pubbing/matching which promotes repetition which is boring. I doubt that the idea of keeping only 10 maps is going to happen. It would mean that there should only one or two american servers, and 1/2 Euro servers, since its all the same then.. why would anyone want to buy more servers even though it would make no difference? although reducing the number of maps is what would encourage new players to look forward to and learn "x amount" of maps, there isnt anything else that would encourage them to stick around for a while other than potentially start matching.. i think that rankings or individual missions would be a good idea..

Cheater Reports and Bans / ffxgamer -- speedhack
« on: February 23, 2012, 05:46:44 PM »
In Supermans Pub at 6:35 PM EST. He wasn't logged in.

Demo Requests / Re: Demo request Snood Shep and Juiicy
« on: February 05, 2012, 11:21:21 AM »
Gonass, it’s really hard to hide wallhacks. If we were truly walling, then there would be sooo much more obvious moments almost every round, and they would be very easy to notice. Just because you have the idea that we are wallhacking, doesn’t mean you should review the demo’s 20 times just to find an awkward moment in the map and accuse snood of wallhacking because of a little coincidence..

Like I said, there would’ve been much more blatant moments, and they would be much easier to notice if we were truly hacking, because it’s very difficult to hide wallhacks.
Also, I’m pretty sure that almost everybody that has played DP, has at one point put their crosshair on the opposing team through a wall accidentally.  I mean I could go through your demos and find some awkward moments, and brag about how much of a hacker you are just because of a little shot too… But I won’t because if anybody was truly hacking, it would be very easy to tell, since it is very difficult to hide something like that. Quit accusing snood of walling, because you’re wasting your time by going through the demos to find the smallest little coincidence and bring a huge discussion about it. Once again, if he, or any of us were truly walling, the evidence would be right there, and you wouldn’t have to re-watch demos multiple times to find one little suspicious moment. 

Demo Requests / Re: Demo Request: Juiicy
« on: February 05, 2012, 12:30:52 AM »
i still need that other demo juiicy,

What are you talking about?  I just rewatched it to see at which point I reconnected.... I didn't reconnect during wobluda at all? Message me on irc because I don't want to start a conversation on this thread. I'm confused...

Demo Requests / Re: Demo request Snood Shep and Juiicy
« on: February 05, 2012, 12:21:51 AM »
Since your perception while you watch the demos is as if snood is actually using the wallhack, everything will seem more suspicious and every little awkward thing that happens during a map will be considered wallhacks even though it’s not.

[22:57] <@Austin> i was typing to gonass..
[22:57] <@Austin> becasue look
[22:57] <@Austin> supposedly i was shooting spawn through a wall
[22:57] <@Austin> and following him at 17:30
[22:58] <@Austin> even though i was  lining the jump from ice to hi bd
[23:21] <Austin> I might get banned for something completly stupid..
[23:21] <Austin> id dint do antyhing
[23:21] <Austin> wtf

Yes, it was unexpected that Ballers would win the American side of unrated tournament, but its sure not because of hacks. Like shep said, we’ve played as a team for over 2 years together(before I got unbanned I played with shep, then while I was banned shep and snood were teammates for a while) and slowly improving. Most teams haven’t been complaining that we hack during the actual tournament, they complained about how much we camped (which was what led us to win). I think people are just upset that they lost to Ballers, a team that shouldn’t of done this good and are expressing their anger on the forums by accusing us of hacking, because skill clearly wasn’t a part of our game today, right? I’m curious why none of us were accused of hacking during the actual tournament but only after we beat you, this all started.
Anyays, although this thread is meant for the whole Ballers clan, it seems as if though it’s being directed towards snoods “AWKWARD” or “COINCIDENCIAL” shot. Just because you have the idea that we hack, when you watch the demos, every tiny little thing is automatically predicted as if it was wallhacks…You should review these demos in a matter where you don’t think we are hacking, and think of it based as if it was just luck (which it was)……

These little suspicious moments that are barely obvious and made into huge discussions are pretty annoying. Just because you saw one coincidence in a demo does not mean he is using wallhacks. It’s pretty hard to not be obvious if you use wallhacks (I know because I’ve used them before). Clearly none of us were suspicious at one point throughout all these demo requests made today except that “COINCIDENCIAL” moment by snood which caught everyone’s attention and is now being debated on whether its wallhacks or not.

Let me tell you this: If I really wanted to hack in DP or distribute hacks to anybody,  or cover a ‘hackers’ back, I wouldn’t of went through all of the time, and process, and waiting and MSG’ing with jitspoe… I would of just evaded my ban and made a new account…. I wouldn’t of waited 3 months to play DP again and hack.. I mean, it’s pretty self-explanatory. I’m not covering snoods back because he asked me to, I just feel as if though this is getting out of hand by accusing him of hacking just because of that coincidencial moment which was a total fluke. You need to change your perspective when you watch a "hackers" demo and watch it in a way as if though he isn’t using hacks and is playing fair (like we are right now), otherwise when you watch the demos in a point of view as if he is actually walling, every little suspicious moment, will be taken as if it was wallhacks. Also, almost everyday when I match, I have a demo request.. I thought about it and I feel as if though I have to play bad on purpose in order not to get a demo request.. That is pretty pathetic. But I hope you understand. I'm not trying to make a ragefest just making a point.

Demo Requests / Re: Demo request Snood Shep and Juiicy
« on: February 04, 2012, 07:29:24 PM »

Demo Requests / Re: Demo request - Juiicy
« on: February 04, 2012, 07:27:35 PM »

Demo Requests / Re: Demo Request: Juiicy
« on: February 04, 2012, 04:05:45 PM »
juiicy, i still want that second demo after you reconnected on wob.
what demo? I didn't reconnect?

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