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Messages - KnoppiX

Pages: [1]
Help & Support Archive / Re: Please Help! Linux Drivers!
« on: June 17, 2006, 04:38:10 PM »
i figured out its CRTL + E in Konqurer and ran the wizard. now i need help with fxgl config setup stuff.

Help & Support Archive / Please Help Installing Linux Video Drivers!
« on: June 17, 2006, 02:08:52 PM »
hi im having problems with installing those ATI Propertary drivers. i downloaded the 30Mb .run and when i trry and run it Kwrite opens it. i set it on execute but it doesn't execute. konsole seems useless cause cd doesn't work for somreason. i have a x300 with no 3d support. please help!

Help & Support Archive / Nothing happens when I run PB2 on Linux
« on: June 06, 2006, 03:31:56 PM »
okay, i extracted the tarball into my home directory and i think i executed the paintball2 executible file but nothing happened. i even told it to open in a new window, it asked if im sure if i wanted to execute and i hit yes. then konqurer just opened a blank window... heres a snapshot of the folder i extracted it to...

& when i boot up knoppix the driver it auto configs is a generic radeon... will it still work with pb2? (i noticed it runs sluggish when doing movies & any little 3d game, but it shouold atleast boot up pb2 for now)

PS: i have a 3 gig permanant image on my harddrive for knoppix so i can install stuff in my /home dir and still have it next time

General Development / Re: An Idea for Build 017
« on: June 01, 2006, 01:59:08 PM »
i see.... (not really but i shall google away, if i have problems i'll post again)

General Development / Re: An Idea for Build 017
« on: May 30, 2006, 03:12:31 PM »
lol... since i don't think jit wants new wepons (for now...), i'll work on new models/skins for gunz :D

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Desires for Build 17?
« on: May 30, 2006, 03:09:25 PM »
sniper paintball gun :D

& log-in features

(only just found this scary big thread :o)

Other Stuff / Re: Can Any1 Help?
« on: May 30, 2006, 03:04:36 PM »
Drivers... simply put, i had old ati drivers for my little x300 and pb2 was crashing like nuts tho it wasn't crashing on my other intergrated gfx comp so i updated and it works really nice now (still haven't solved the random mohaa crashes that happens sumtimes, i think since its summer i gotta dig up all those fans which i took out in winter :o)... here are links for drivers for nvidia. since the 7 series is a new one, the cd which came with ur card prob is like the first driver for 7 series and is outdated... download new ones from here


General Development / Re: An Idea for Build 017
« on: May 30, 2006, 02:53:01 PM »
Heres the problem im having with the exporting the carbine modded as a vss :( ... how can a gun have bone? any thing i make with milkshape and export to any thing doesn't have bone... not just this gun... how do i give it bone?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Download Link
« on: May 30, 2006, 02:35:55 PM »
main link for downloading takes u to where u must b a member to download, so i reccomend u switch filefront & fileplanet links around cause the first time i came to this site i thought only way i could get the game was if i was subscribed to fileplanet,,, then i found sourceforge after closely scanning the files page for extra link

just a reccomendation :D

Paintball 2 Discussion / This is an open-source game right?
« on: May 30, 2006, 02:26:04 PM »
Well, i think jit when u get the linux support working nicely you should submit the game to a major linux distro to add in their next new version. sorta like how the guys who made SuperTux & that other spaceship game did. do you think thats a posibility? cause it wuold make the game more well known/popular.

General Development / An Idea for Build 017
« on: May 30, 2006, 01:40:49 PM »
Hello jitspoe, here is my idea for a new marker in pb2. Since everyone will have to download build 17 for the log-in feature I think you should also include a new marker (which I am presently working on) here is what it would be:

VSS (Named after my favorite weapon in AA the vss silenced sniper which you can only pick up from dead terrorists) - A Semi-Automatic Sniper Paintball Marker. It has a scope (currently the scope is 2x30, 2x magnification 30mm lens) & an elongated barrel making it a very accurate marker. I have the model made (currently it is the carbine with a longer barrel & a scope, which is just a cylinder with something to hold it since I'm not a pro at modeling but I want to give it a shot) however I recently learned how to model a gun off of a picture so I will do that & make a skin somehow  :o . any who back to specs to make it a more practical gun it's shots should be able to travel further than the normal markers (meaning higher velocity) & it should suck up more co2 than the rest of the markers per shot also (keeping people from just grabbing the vss & spraying with a scope without having to reload a new can into your gun). I’ll also make a scope overlay & a sound for the firing. If you like this idea tell me so I can start seriously getting it done knowing it will be added to the game  :) (I’ll make it any way cause I want to play with milkshape, it just won't look all too pretty) main pro of using the weapon in-game is it would allow for larger "forest" type of maps which are outdoors to be used with a scoped weapon now in the game (at the moment most of the maps around are all smaller ones, I mite make a few maps to go with it since I'm experienced with mapping in quake3)

Scope: I'm using these links to help visualize what the rail holder & scope should look like:

You can contact me at , I hope you like my idea  8)

**jus read the faq, no new weps till we get pb at a good level... :(  i need help on making a model in md2 any way....

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