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Messages - mcandre

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Ubuntu debian package
« on: May 04, 2008, 02:33:52 AM »
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure which libraries need to be installed, so I copied the dependencies from AssaultCube's debian package.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Ubuntu debian package
« on: May 02, 2008, 10:01:43 PM »
I made a quick debian installer for the Linux binaries. You can get it here:

I now have a habit of quiting whichever game I'm playing immediately after configuring the settings. I was just finished tweaking Paintball when it crashed while loading Archaic Fields. My settings were forgotten again.

Natch, I can't Alt-Tab whether in full screen or not, gl_mode 21 or 4.

Also, when I change to another program and return to Paintball's console, the letters become uppercase until I close and reopen the console.

"snd_device alsa" did it! I think everything is moving from OSS to Alsa, so maybe the Linux default should be changed.

I'm not able to Alt-Tab even when the option to do so is chosen. But, I can Alt-Tab if the console is open. For right now, that's enough for me :) Though the OpenGL screen stays up when another program, e.g. Firefox, GEdit, OpenOffice is selected.

1. Haha. I was going to add that I thought maybe this bug was really a feature! I just haven't played at servers that did this.
2. I see a command to restart the sound engine (snd_restart) at, but I don't think pball has a way to use other devices yet, as there is only and Even if I could find the command to specify the device, I would have to copy some file over to the pball directory.
3. This sort of things happens a bunch. I've even used the tilda names trick to hack my brother while playing Liero Xtreme. If this isn't related to map corruption, then I guess there's some underlying process that really crashed pball.

Yes, I am running this on a Mac. Actually, I'm running pball twice, as I have Mac Leopard, Linux Ubuntu, and Windows Vista included in a simple triple boot. I wish I knew more about developing on Macs, as I'd love to be the one to port Paintball to Mac OS.

The only reason I prefer PCM to OSS is that Ubuntu/OSS currently doesn't handle audio well on MacBooks. The audio sounds terrible and I can't change the volume unless I specify the PCM sound device for every program.

I've managed to create an installer for Ubuntu, which I'll upload and submit a link to you guys as soon as my web host sorts out its RAID issues. The debian installer is a lot nicer than just a folder of binaries.

The Linux binary works! I am so happy! There are a few problems with it in Ubuntu though:

1. Each time I am eliminated, until I respawn, the game dims. Not the whole screen, as I can still see my mask, team scores, and other things. But the environment blacks out.

2. PBall doesn't let me specify the audio device. Since I'm running this on a MacBook, I have to use PCM as the audio device or I can't control the volume--my roommate gets annoyed by the sound effects.

3. I think I was downloading a modified Shazzam map when PBall crashed. Though I had saved my configuration multiple times before starting the download, the conf. wasn't really saved. Upon restarting PBall, I had to reconfigure everything again. So 1) There's an element in that map which can crash PBall, and 2) The Save button doesn't really save immediately.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / crosshair/fire mismatch
« on: July 15, 2006, 06:57:49 PM »
The crosshair is not where the paintball hits, even right at an object. See attachmented screenshot.

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