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Messages - Visine

Pages: [1]

it didnt work

i cant belive it still doesnt meddling work

... man

iv done eveyrthing!!

where in the server.cfg do i cahnge port number?

Where do i change the port in the server config ?

i thinks thats what is goin on

K so, if it is a firewall, then what should i do

right now i have

port number 27910



what should i do now, and i have forward ported everything

Resolved Help & Support / I forwarded ports but server wont work
« on: September 27, 2006, 07:52:50 PM »
Here, i did EVERYTHING I WAS SAPOSE TO DO  and it doesnt work!!!

please help

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Why cant people see my server?!
« on: September 25, 2006, 06:42:45 PM »
and  how do you forward port?

Resolved Help & Support / Why cant people see my server?!
« on: September 25, 2006, 06:27:42 PM »
well i have the "advanced server" thing, and when i load it up no one case seee it on the server list i can, but i see it in black, and then when i refresh it is still black, and i know other Pol  cant see it cause i asked my friend to go on, and he couldn't see it!

please help me :)

Server Discussion / Re: How to change admin password?
« on: September 17, 2006, 11:44:34 AM »
that didn't help, it doesn't show where or how to change it

Server Discussion / How to change admin password?
« on: September 17, 2006, 09:08:23 AM »
i really need to know how
please tell me :) ;)

Pages: [1]