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Messages - Krizdo4

Pages: [1] 2 3
Other Stuff / Re: Weird Internet Problem
« on: July 24, 2008, 06:48:55 PM »
Similar thing happened to me when I upgraded to Firefox 3 on a family computer. IE 7 worked but new firefox didn't and it turned out to be Norton Firewall.

Other Stuff / Re: More VB6 Help
« on: July 19, 2008, 10:44:01 PM »
I have been making a program I use this code
Code: [Select]
Option Explicit
Dim msg As String
Dim dlgdef As String
Dim Caption As String

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
    If txtusername.Text = Master Then
        If txtpassword.Text = M4573r5hip Then
            Load (frmAdmin.frm)
            msg = "Incorrect Password"
            dlgdef = "vbOKOnly"
            Caption = "Incorrect Password"
            MsgBox(msg, dlgdef, caption)
        End If
        msg = "Incorrect Username"
        dlgdef = "VbOKOnly"
        Caption = "Incorrect Username"
        MsgBox(msg, dlgdef, caption)
End Sub
When I edit something on the lines opening the message boxes and click on something else or go to a different line I get the error
Compile Error:
Expected: =
Any idea why I get this error?

Your error is on the MsgBox lines.
Because you're using ( ) after msgbox you must have a return value.
Do either of these:
1: Remove the ( ) e.g.
MsgBox(msg, dlgdef, caption)
MsgBox msg, dlgdef, caption

2. Add a variable to return a value to.
dim dummy
dummy = MsgBox(msg, dlgdef, caption)

You also need the " " around M4573r5hip  as already noted.
Oh and since this is on a form you can't use the name Caption for any of your variables since it's already a part of the form. (Window title)

As sk89q noted, vbOKOnly is a constant but not only do you need to remove the quotes but you should use the correct datatype for dlgdef which believe is integer, definitely not string. I might be a long but I doubt it.

Krizdo is asking for sv_login to appear in the server status output so that it will appear in the server browser.

set sv_login XXX s


I not sure exactly what it's called but whenever you tag an "s" on the end of the set line. Put it in the default config so as people setup new servers from it, so it's easy to see in the server browser if GLS login is needed. Also, encourage people running servers requiring login to tack on the "s".

Mapping / Re: Lights
« on: May 29, 2008, 08:06:08 PM »
Try clicking on the upper-left icon of the window.
Then Edit>Mark
Then select the area and hit enter.
Then paste the text into something.

Problem is, gcrypt uses the super-incredibly-painfully-slow random number generation, even when you tell it to use the fast.  I'm tempted to hardcode the source to use the fast and compile it into the binary.

Is this what you're refering to when you say you're telling it to use fast.

Well why not.

How much time per week would you be willing to dedicate to resolving issues brought up to the committee?
A few hours but would depend on how severe an issue is. The more severe (the more interesting) then more time.

Have you been in a position where you have had to make difficult "grey area" decisions?  Give some examples.
Not particularly.

Are you comfortable with contacting people via email, IRC, Ventrilo, etc. in order to investigate issues?
No trouble with email, irc, various IM's. Voice chat I avoid but would use if needed.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how well would you say you know players from the "pub scene".  1 being you don't play pubs.  10 being you play on public servers every day and know everybody there.
5, When I play, it's on pubs.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how well do you know players from the matching scene?  1 being you don't match.  10 being you are heavily involved in a clan and know members of every other clan very well.

On a scale from 1 to 10, how well do you know the IRC community. 1 being you don't use IRC.  10 being you idle in most of the channels and know everybody but "DPSurfer" (but can usually identify him within a couple lines of text or by his hostmask unless he's legitimately a new player).

If you are presented with a case where it appears somebody has violated the rules, but you can't find enough evidence to prove it 100%, would you vote to punish him or not?
If I was proven to me then I'd vote to punish, even if it was someone else's idea of 90%. If I'm personally the one investigating, then it would need to pretty much be 100%.

Would you be willing to turn over a friend or clan mate if you suspected him of violating the rules?
I'd probably investigate prior to deciding but if they're reasonably suspect then yes. I have it easy though. No clan. And

Are you prepared to take the crap the community may throw at you, if they don't agree with a decision, and behave in a mature and professional manner?

Why do you feel you would be a good member of the committee?
Easy to be impartial. As a lurker I've been around a while and accumulated zero enemies. I'm not afraid of technical details which is important for a community that is internet based.

I think this might be the better solution:

On linux, the /dev/urandom provides non-blocking pseudo-random data. If the quality of that is better than the windows random source being used or at least good enough then I don't see any need for using the high-quality random random generator /dev/random.
It would seem to speed up generating the key saving you the trouble of setting up it's own thread.

I'm not sure about the "right" way to do this but here's a suggestion.

Code: [Select]
#include <signal.h>

#undef assert
#define assert(expression)  \
  ((void) ((expression) ? 0 : raise(SIGTRAP)))

Server Discussion / Re: Help With Running Server
« on: April 14, 2008, 08:37:44 PM »
since is your internet router, you need to port forward the first router 27910 to

On the second router, port forward 27910 to the ip address of your server.

Somehow I doubt there's a route from to subnet because of the NAT. They'll need WAN IP of the router at which will be something like

but then....

Yes I have admin and pass to both routers. I know how to port forward and I have done it correctly. I just hadn't set the port for the server...

I'm curious what's the current status if you think you have the port forwarding correct and now the server set to the right port.

Server Discussion / Re: Help With Running Server
« on: April 14, 2008, 08:12:07 PM »
what does that have to do with setting the port on the server or the routers?

I read one of the posts out of order and thought you still wanted equipment IP's in which case the first two hops would show the router IPs ... but from the wrong direction unfortunately. Oops.

Server Discussion / Re: Help With Running Server
« on: April 11, 2008, 05:42:30 PM »
and When I try to connect by IP it does this over and over...

I've done something similar. The thing is some linksys routers won't forward a port from the internal interface directed at the external IP back to your server.
Manually join it using the internal IP and you'll be able to play. It won't show in the server browser for you or anyone else behind "rtr2" but it will for everyone else.

edit: it might be useful to run "tracert" from your computer and then another not behind router 2 then post the results.
The first 2 or 3 hops would help illustrate the what's actually connected to what.

Help and Support / Re: Won't let me use my clan tag
« on: April 08, 2008, 06:24:43 PM »
Well if they don' may want to change this:



The way I understand that is that when you make a clan, your clan tag automatically becomes a part of your name...

Person logs in with a nick that has a clan tag in it.
Server scans nick and automatically detects the clan tag.
Server looks up whom is allowed to use the clan tag.
Server kicks if user is not allowed.

A clan tag doesn't become part of your user name but you combine the username and clantag when setting a nickname in-game.

Other Stuff / Re: MySQL: Drop column only if it exists
« on: July 04, 2007, 06:16:07 PM »
This might help out:

Looks like you can setup an error handler for unknown column and just continue when it's encountered.
Might have some side-effects though. Is this for a one time thing?

Steam Source-based games (and I think HL-based) allow a server operator to configure an HTTP download location for maps -- typically, it is some server they control. Even if the server is on the same box as the game server, it is still faster than the speed limits imposed by the game's protocol.

I don't recall if any anti-leeching stuff is provided. However, you could do the following to discourage it:
1) Use a standard file (ie: "paintball2-map-allow.txt") in the root of the HTTP maps directory that determines if that directory is okay for paintball2 in-game map leeching. If it does not exist, it is assumed that it isn't okay.
2) Use a header (ie: "X-paintball2-server-referrer") that includes the ip:port of the server we are leeching a map to play on with. This header would be sent when retrieving "paintball2-map-allow.txt" and map files, so that the server could straight out deny or generate a dynamic "allow" file based on the referring pball server (you could dynamically deny/allow access and block map downloads directly using this header).
3) Have the server respect "paintball2-map-allow.txt" and refuse to give the download HTTP location to clients if the HTTP server does not allow map downloads.
4) The client may need to check "paintball2-map-allow.txt" before a download too, since a game server may lie in order to leech bandwidth (of course, since the client sends a referring header, the HTTP server operator can always manually block requests).

If a map desired is not on the given HTTP server, the client might ask the game server for an alternate location that might possibly have it, then eventually default to the normal map download process if it is unable to complete an HTTP download.

Like HL, you could probably expand this to include all media types.

You might allow for rotation of the HTTP download servers in case for some reason or another there are different sets of maps at different locations, or the server operator feels they need to load balance a bit to allow optimum HTTP download speeds.

I like this idea. It puts the responsibility of bandwidth with the person running server. Simple access control. Would work on a LAN.

How about a nice helpful shell script?

#! /bin/sh
# for each $1
# diff $1 $1.old |grep -c '> '
# next
# echo result
                                                                                                                                               echo 3457                                                                                 
#// End of file

man grep:
  -c, --count               only print a count of matching lines per FILE

If you want a count of all the lines of a file you can:
cat filename |grep -c ''


Add me to:
 - Global-login based logins (ops)
 - Make the server not hog all the CPU if there is a fatal error.
 - If the server has a fatal error, try to load a map rather than leave the - server down
 - Punish / forgive system for team kills
 - Enlarge lists (server lists, scoreboard, etc.) to display more characters
 - Save console command history to a file

Also I'd like if it would stop downloading the previous map if the server changes map.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Global Ban & Login
« on: June 13, 2007, 08:13:50 PM »
By the way
 Date Registered:  January 05, 2005, 09:25:01 PM
 21 post I'm burning the forums up.

Another forum lurker.
Posts:     29 (now 30 I guess)  (0.021 per day)
Date Registered:    August 03, 2003, 12:44:13 AM

I noticed there's a couple of bans for people using modified skins.
Does the client know it's using modified content or does the server it's being reported to figure it out?
If it's the client I suggest that the client could delete the offending skins or move them to some other folder to be nice and then when they connect to a map the in game downloader should grab the content from the server. Maybe apply the checksum mechanism that notices when your map file isn't the same as the server and auto re-downloads.

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