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Messages - abrken

Pages: [1]
Ok, it seems I have fixed the problem.

I'm running Win XP.

I think it has to do with my installation process.

I have tried to install DP 18 over my existing DP 16 manually. This was THE bad idea !

After using the original DP 18 directory and copying DP 16 map/textures and so files to DP 18 directory, it seems to run just fine.



Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Hardware failure -> Temp-Ban
« on: May 23, 2007, 10:53:21 PM »

What's going on ?

This morning I was playing DP with version 16 on Grafitti server

Then the map has lag forever so i disconnect and relaunch DP 16

Then the server kicked me telling that I was not a registered user and another user has already registered my nickname. lol, that was me !

So I decided to switch to DP 18

I have entered my login in the profile and reconnect to the server.

I was playing for about 1 minute and sundenly the console appears with this kind of message :
"ABRken was kicked because of hardware check failure".

Woa ! first time I get this message. So I have tried to reconnect the server and ... I discovered that I was "Temp-ban"

What this ? what did I make wrong ? My ISP didn't change my IP adress ! I am ABRken ! please help me !



After having read this thread :

I running WinXP on PII

Yes your right, I playing quite often on speed server, because i'm not a good player, I like to play and do not like to wait too long after dying ;)

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Game play for no kill spawning
« on: April 19, 2007, 11:33:29 PM »
I'm trying to explain an idea that came to my mind after having playing dp vs a team that was kill spawning.

To get interest in basket ball the american league has made a rule that get the offensive team a timing for shooting the ball to the basket.

Could it be possible in dp to add such a feature.

Define a region (near the flag or near the spawning region) that when an offensive opponent comes in trigger a timer. When this timer comes to the end and the offensive opponent is still in the region, the opponent get returned to its own spawning region.

Hope this make sense.


Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« on: February 22, 2007, 10:22:42 AM »
This is a game, not a digital alarm clock :)

Sure, this is a game, I should say : an adictive game !

The adiction can lead to miss some real life event ...

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« on: February 22, 2007, 12:44:34 AM »
Hello All,

this are my requests (peharps it's already exist in dpb) :
- Display an in-game real time clock
- Have a clock alarm with 2 diffrent alarm : 1/ ring at setted time 2/ stop program at setted time
- Enlarge the lists (server list, player list) so that they can display more letters
- In server list show different colors for 1/ full servers 2/ password locked servers
- Have a "best of" page on the web site showing 1/ the more played maps 2/ the bests players (algo should be discuss)

At the moment, that's all !

PS : please continue to have paintball running on my PII !


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