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Messages - Xirul

Pages: [1]
Server Discussion / Server crashing in build 21
« on: June 16, 2008, 05:59:01 PM »
Ever since I downloaded build 21, every time I leave my server on for a long period of time (like overnight) it crashes.  Anybody know why/have any ideas?

Thanks =)

Other Stuff / Re: How to play the Quake2 jump mod
« on: November 26, 2007, 06:58:51 PM »
Could someone mirror the files from step 2:

Quote from: Jitspoe
2) Download the Q2Jump client.  Extract the files into your quake2 demo directory (where quak2.exe is):

I'm being blocked from the site.

Oh and what does +game jump actually do?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Who created DP:PB2 ?
« on: November 17, 2007, 02:26:46 PM »
Well if it wasn't for The Great Carmack, none of this would be possible...

HOw far back did you want to go? ;D

You could go back to Bill Gates, or whoever invented Unix lol

(being a newb)  I think it's more important just to have fun with the game, and not worry about being respected and all that crap =/

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Official Feature Vote of 2007
« on: November 17, 2007, 01:54:15 PM »
Fav Servers: like bookmarksfor servers

+1 for that

General Development / Re: Standard Dialect of C and C++
« on: November 17, 2007, 01:01:49 PM »
ummm, unix is an operating system. ;D similar to linux.  so if you learned how code in c++ on a linux based system, the application would not run on windows. Thats why in the paintball 2 source there is the windows version to compile, and the linux version to compile. u can compile linux-based, or in this case unix-based applications on windows, just not run them.  they use different syntax.

that's not true at all =/.

The syntax for C++ is the same, no matter the OS..  I liked C++ for Dummies to start off, personally.  Web tutorials ftl, books ftw!  Spend $20 =P

Resolved Help & Support / Re: [Linux] Extremely Slow Runtime
« on: June 03, 2007, 01:07:26 PM »
nvidia-glx, I think.

Resolved Help & Support / Re: [Linux] Extremely Slow Runtime
« on: June 03, 2007, 11:44:30 AM »
Well, I'm getting a new graphics card in a few days so that might help.  A few days ago I tried installing nvidia 3d graphics drivers (one would think that they're already installed O_O), but the installation failed.

Resolved Help & Support / [Linux] Extremely Slow Runtime
« on: June 01, 2007, 08:41:12 PM »
I'm running on Linux (Debian distr.), and I knew this game had Linux support so I downloaded it.  Unzipped the archive and started Paintball 2.  The game is so slow that I can hardly move my mouse.

Was there something special I was supposed to do on my end, or is the Linux support only really half-Linux support?

Edit:  I looked at the console, and it's failing to load, and reverting to

Thanks for any help  :).

Pages: [1]