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Messages - BeViS

Pages: [1]
Server Discussion / Re: The End of an Era (Graffiti Taggez)
« on: March 26, 2009, 05:55:53 PM »
OMFG!!! Snipen.. Why? is this some kind of joke? or is this you just being a Snipen again? why must you do this? lol i cant live without GT servers they are []D [] []V[] []D!! WTF?

Other Stuff / Re: ICE CREAM
« on: March 23, 2009, 02:21:43 PM »
Some funny ish OLE!!!! Nice!!!

Cheater Reports and Bans / ]s[uMMiT and Hyphy...
« on: January 10, 2009, 11:40:19 PM »
im not completely sure what type of hack but in the demo around 10 the hack starts/ is turned on.... i have hacked b4 and i know what they look like and i have seen something like this... in around 3:00-2:00 area.... tracer shoots once... then turns and shoots shyguy and then the shot kills us both i don't see the line anywhere near where i was i will also past my demos from the scrim.... <---mine<-----theirs

 i think if i have them right..... if not lol they are red we are blue..... let me know what you think....

You really were compromised by someone, but this is not Jitspoe's fault; your general system security is your own responsibility
Hmmmm...well i do beleave that there is some kind of blame of the login system...lets say for instance...someone found my Email Applyed for my password for the DPLogin and some how Jitspoe's email system did some how let them "hacker" get my password.....I Guarantee if i looked for a Email on DPlogin i would be able to hack it myself....if so then Jitspoe is in the wrong but i guess that Jitspoe's system is in the wrong because i did not hack but what ever....i mean its kinda Special ED...but what ever....i guess that there is nothing i or anyone else accept Jitspoe can do.....but what ever......this is so Specail ED.... i guess ill see DP in 124 days in counting..... GT will prolly never see me again but oh well....<3 all and see you in the next life!! lol   Contact me at

Well i guess 125 more days then i guess.....idk what is up with this this is so messed up i did not and would not hack for the life of me i do very much dislike DP2 now this is SpecialED Errrr

i mean is there any way someone logged on from that ip without me knowing? i have been gone for atleast a year and i just started to get back into DP2 im not sure how that was capable but i do have a bone to Myspace got hacked and they did log onto my Email for a fact i know of is there any way of a posiblity of someone trying to hack my DP2 account and playing under?

please Reply if there is any way possible of this to happen?

Cheater Reports and Bans / Question.....?
« on: August 24, 2008, 10:09:35 PM »
What is the longest wait that i may be waiting for my ban to be released? i know 126 days but i mean i did confrunt Cameron with my config.cfg i did give him the config.cfg and he told me that the only thing that was different within the config.cfg was the i do not use joystick but it was on there.... so is there any way that this can be looked at i wanna go and prove that i am the best DP2 player ever You all know i am too naw i just wanna play tho please PM me if anything is discussed and or poved please PM me.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Check this out guys READ PLEASE!!!
« on: August 23, 2008, 06:47:06 PM »
okay deleat it...ill still deny it

Cheater Reports and Bans / Check this out guys READ PLEASE!!!
« on: August 23, 2008, 06:17:36 PM »

look i have not and would not hack in the last year sence i played as PoohBear/KingCamper i would not hack for the life of me i want to become the best "Non-hacking" DPplayer out there... I admit i did write that whole thing and i know it wasnt very comprehendable but still....I Would Not Hack...!!!!!!!

hey thx bud for the post/'s hit me up =)

Yeah That is what i Told him!!!! 8-) "quote""Johnny Cash"

look jits...well first i don't have any type of hack on my computer i did many days back in my day i have done my time with the bans im done with the seeing through walls and speed hacking and for one thing quite sure i or any other family member was NOT hacking. and i am pretty dam sure i personally do not have hacks on my computer since 4/5 years ago. i gerontee you if i ask any DP2 player ill name some so you can talk to them if you want...any REAL DP 4LYFE!!! players i havent been in or on any servers/paint ball for approximately 1 year i had to leave time off of paint ball because i got locked up in school i coulnt get on i was **cry** studying  merry school!!!!**sniffle** mad to go to bed on a time unreal...yes my name is Shane but not GAI AZ SK8er lol i hated that kid im not no rapist like him im sorry my name is shane.....errrrr.......but im not like that Jitspoe i have been in the DP population for on of almost 10 years.... i know no life yet but its getting there! so why dont you sleep on that and ill see if you contact me.....hope to hear from you soon....please contact me @ anyone have any type of question please do the same i will answer all that i can.......well lets see if im right =)


eh i guess well see what he thinks hope i get a E-mail soon....

but really anyone need a question answerd Please dont be ignorant for you shal be ignorant you will be Fryed At the STAKE!!!!  "wee haha"  *Cheer!!!**RaWR*
talk to me in about 127 days i guess on and off...vent just give me a server and place to go lemmi know ill chat with da HOMIES!!!! naww i love all people on Pantball just some more than others.haha cmon everyone knows that i suck and im Becoming a nother [GT]Snipin <3 you 8-) cmon if i had the ZHG hack or W/e why would i viewgib i would own all cmon Everyone with Me?  *LETS GO!!!! * CHARG*!!!!!!!   naw cmon really why would i need to viewgib?? cmon all you guys know im PRO!!! Hehe naw really why would i hack.....Dude you brought Weed on the Plane???? * no its a smokeless bong* *Dude Put That stuff Away*  okay im out you all can email me if you care <3 8'-( ight <3 Old DP2 PLAYERS GIVE ME SOME HELP GUYS APPEAL!!!! <3 BYE <3

i was messing around with that poast but if i was actually hacking i would be... trying to deny totally its a joke....hope none are offended...:0

I swear to god i wrote that I SWEAR!!!! im the only one that has the file!!!    127 days in counting

i have a hard timee seeing so i would like to have somthing to be able to have more vissual for the game

Paintball 2 Discussion / i found a way to.....
« on: July 15, 2007, 05:41:46 PM »
color your paintballs....jitz/anyone is it ok to do this if you know how or no?

Cheater Reports and Bans / wall hacks.......?
« on: July 09, 2007, 10:35:17 PM »
here is a demo of prk hacking not sure what 1 but its a cool 1 lolz X-X

Mapping / When i use BSP i get a thing thet says......
« on: May 20, 2006, 01:57:14 AM »
it says.... c:\>call ..|compilers\qbsp "mapname"....the system connot find the path specified then it would say c:\>call ..\compilers\runmap "mapname"   c:\>pause then press any key to continue... then i press it then the black box gos away... can someone plz help!!!!! ???

Server Discussion / Re: Graffiti Servers
« on: April 05, 2006, 06:26:39 PM »
i have been getting "BAD" LAG and i had have been getting ping like 110 to 89. When the new build came out i was experianceing bad lag sence GT servers had changed to build 16 so i have been wanting GT to change it back but they won't because certian reasons...... so please someone else pespong to GT's server poasts...Thank You [GT]BeviS

Server Discussion / Re: BEVIS SERVER ABUSE
« on: April 04, 2006, 03:07:55 PM »
and for the person that made this section i was already in bed at 9:55 PM and also i haven't got the GT login so how could i do it?

Server Discussion / Re: BEVIS SERVER ABUSE
« on: April 04, 2006, 03:05:57 PM »
no he is not in Clan [GT] anymore

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