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Messages - Krzysztof10201

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Ok.. I'd like to hear form the participants what happened that we had only this match. I don't want to flame about people. Just want to make it constructive. Hope it's not too much for the time I wasted for making it happen.

oXz Team  0 - 21  Deadly Lobsters


Team namePoints  Goals scored Goals lost Place
Team Better Than You 0 0 0 3
Deadly Lobsters 3 21 0 1
.oXz.  0 0 21 2

Team namePoints  Goals scored Goals lost Place
Team FR 0 0 0 1
QeHs #1 0 0 0 1
QeHs #20 0 0 1

1st team of Group A   0   : 0   2nd team of Group B
1st team of Group B   0   :  0   2nd team of Group A

Winner of the 1st semifinal   0   :  0   Winner of the 2nd semifinal
Loser of the 1st semifinal   0:  0   Loser of the 2nd semifinal

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Football Cup - Scoreboard & Results
« on: March 20, 2013, 10:02:46 AM »
Hello everyone! :D

It's time to start our event! Play for your teams, have fun and never give up, no matter how hard your situation will be! :) May the best man win!

Informative notes:

1) Scheduling - The scheduling links have been sent to each team last week. If you can PM matches, i don't mind, it's been made just for your convenience.

How do we schedule?
1. As a name, please type your team's name (e.g. Deadly Lobsters)
2. Pick as many possible times as possible for your team.
3. Check for the opponent's times and dates and PM to them to choose/confirm date.
4. The faster you do this, the more comfortable will be to set a match.
5. After match, post result with image at created forum thread.

2) Matching - There will be 3 servers open (2 of them are already up). A single match lasts for 15 minutes. How do we match?

 a) Euro vs Euro team:
     1. Go to Football Cup #1 EURO at scheduled time.
     2. Play a match ;)
     3. Either make an image and post it at this thread with result, or make sure each team's player will post here.

 b) Euro vs American:
     1. Go to Football Cup #2 EUvUS at scheduled time.
     2. Play the first half and make a screenshot of result.
     3. Go to Football Cup #3 EUvUS
     4. Play the second half and make a screenshot of result.
     5. Make some maths and post a summary result with 2 screeenshots.

3) Phases and proceeding

  a) Group Phase - 2 best teams of each group proceed. Points: 3 for win, 1 for tie, 0 for lose. If there is a tie in points, the number of goals scored will be decisive.

  b) Play-off Phase - 2nd team of Group A meets the 1st team of Group B and vice versa. Then winners play with each other for the 1st place and losers play with each other for the 3rd place.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - Sign up!
« on: March 12, 2013, 01:02:11 PM »
I'm very sorry, but I must move the cup to the next weekend: 23rd - 24th March. It is not dependent on me, but I will not be able to manage the tournament this weekend. Once more, I'm sorry.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - Sign up!
« on: March 10, 2013, 10:54:19 AM »
Ok, almost everything is ready to start. The links to scheduler has already been sent and servers will be available on Thursday/Friday. Our event starts on next Saturday . The thread for results will be created on Thursday. There, I will update our scoreboards and we will post match results with images (or any other form of confirmation - for example 2 posts from players of different teams with the same result).

I wish everyone good, competitive time next weekend. May the best man win! ;)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - Sign up!
« on: March 08, 2013, 04:27:28 PM »
The tournament is going to last for 2 days, at 23rd - 24th March.

Saturday - group phase
Sunday - semifinals and final matches.

The scheduler has already been made, will be sent at team's leader's e-mails. Informations about scheduling are included at description of scheduler and are listed below:

1. As a name, please type your team's name (e.g. Deadly Lobsters)
2. Pick as many possible times as possible for your team.
3. Check for the opponent's times and dates and PM to them to choose/confirm date.
4. The faster you do this, the more comfortable will be to set a match.
5. After match, post result with image at created forum thread.

We have 6 teams in our event:

1. EUROPEAN - Deadly Lobsters
    A) krzysztof10201
    B) HobbyLobster

2. AMERICAN - Team Better Than You
    A) [cP]Clipz
    B) -uR-Chemical

    C) -uR-Capo
    D) 4th best

3. EUROPEAN - QeHs [q] - Team 1
    A) mrpeach
    B) gamabunta

    C) sata
    D) jimmy

4. EUROPEAN - .oXz.
    A) Bangy
    B) anyone of

5. EUROPEAN - QeHs [q] - Team 2
    A) blaa
    B) oldie

    C) heyneken
    D) pif
    E) sawy

    A) Heisenberg
    B) EsTeB

I've already made randomly generated groups (made some images of group-making - see at attachments ;) ). So, here are our groups:

1. Team Better Than You
2. Deadly Lobsters
3. .oXz.

1. Team FR
2. QeHs #1
3. QeHs #2

To make scheduling system working, I need your e-mails, where I send a link to it, so I please the following people to PM me e-mails:

1) Clipz or Chemical                      +
2) MrPeach or Gamabunta             +
3) Heisenberg or EsTeB                +

Scheduling system is just waiting for your e-mails - as soon as I get those 3 mails, I'll send you the links

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - Sign up!
« on: March 07, 2013, 03:32:19 PM »
Ok, I guess we will not get anyone else at these times. Seems like everyone are too busy for it right now, so I'll give it one more chance this summer. But, as we get 6 teams, I'm going to run it once we get players of 2nd team and replies to PM's sent by me, just to make sure everyone are still willing to join the event.

We will have 2 groups and 3 teams per group - system all vs all. 2 best teams will get to semifinals, and then we will have finals and 3rd place match. Once I get replies, I'll prepare scheduler and invite u to it via e-mails. Your job will be to pick as much possible dates and hours as possible for you - it will make much easier for the others to schedule with u. The match results and scoretable will be open just at the same time. Same for servers.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: |-210| Liquid Nitrogen [RECRUITING]
« on: February 24, 2013, 05:10:15 PM »
Hope you won't be too lazy to find your teammate :P

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - Sign up!
« on: February 21, 2013, 06:36:40 PM »
So, here's the last day and 4 teams are signed up so far. As this system has no sense for 4 teams, I decided to hold a sign-up until we get 8 teams, as there are still some people (at least 3) who declared to join, but didn't sign up with a teammate. Spread the word and convince your friends, so we can have some fun here! :) Still hope we can do this guys! :D

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - Sign up!
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:51:45 PM »
Example - player without a mate:


Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - Sign up!
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:50:38 PM »
Example and the first sign up:

Deadly Lobsters
European team
1. krzysztof10201 –
2. HobbyLobster –

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - Sign up!
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:47:18 PM »
List of teams:

1. EUROPEAN - Deadly Lobsters -
    A) krzysztof10201
    B) HobbyLobster

2. AMERICAN - Team Better Than You
    A) [cP]Clipz
    B) -uR-Chemical

    C) -uR-Capo
    D) 4th best

3. EUROPEAN - QeHs [q] - Team 1
    A) blaa
    B) anybody from

4. EUROPEAN - .oXz.
    A) Bangy
    B) anyone of

5. EUROPEAN - QeHs [q] - Team 2
    A) ...
    B) ...

    A) Heisenberg  -  PM
    B) EsTeB  -  PM

7. ...

8. ...


List of players:

1. AMERICAN - Rewind (i guess..?)
2. ...

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Football Cup - Sign up!
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:45:50 PM »
Welcome everyone at the first edition of Football Cup! Here, our epic competition will get the best football players eager to compete in our championship! Firstly, the

Type: 2v2 football match
Match duration: 15 minutes
Shooting: No PGP / grenades
Score limit: No

There will be two phases:
1) Group phase: teams will be divided to groups of 4 teams each– matches all vs all – the best teams advance to the…
2) … Championship phase – when you lose a match, you are eliminated.

The rules of advancing are based on UEFA Champions League and will depend on the number of teams participating. For sure, we will get the best two teams from each group and then, some ‘lucky losers’ – the choice here will be based on the total amount of goals scored during the group phase, so don’t stop trying to score regardless of your situation – it might be decisive in the future!

How do we sign up? There are two possible options:

A. You have already formed a team:
The sign-up form goes like this:

<name of your team>
<European team / American team>
<first teammate>  -  <e-mail of first teammate>
<second teammate>  -  <e-mail of second teammate>

- I need your e-mails to make a tool helpful for scheduling matches based on and this is the only purpose why do I need e-mails of both players. I recommend creating new e-mail if you want to keep privacy for your e-mail box.
- As <first/second teammate> please, post only the nicks which are your original (same as the nick at your dpball account) – it will help people to PM here if required.
- Underline the official team e-mail for scheduling matches.

B. You don’t have a team, but you want to participate:
Write form like this:

<your dpball account nick>
<your e-mail>

This will allow to get a teammate more easily – I will list these players in one post, so people can form some teams.  It doesn’t mean that you will get a teammate – we just get a list of contacts to people willing to participate – forming your team is still up to you!

The sign-ups will last to the next Friday - the 22nd of February. Get your teammate and have fun with us! ;)

PS: Please, use this thread only to sign up a team or yourself as a single player. To make comments, go to the previously created thread. Thanks a lot ;)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - discussion
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:02:43 AM »
As I have the solution for most of the problems, I will probably start s sign-up thread tomorrow. It will last until next Friday. I will write all rules and advices there. You can still vote for my questions.

This thread will be open for everyone until the end of sign-ups. Then, there will be no time for any modifications, keep that in mind guys.

Please, use sign-up topic only for team registration. The official comment section is here.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - discussion
« on: February 14, 2013, 02:20:57 AM »
Yesterday, I came up with the idea to speed up match-scheduling. Last month, I've seen a scheduling table at, which looks really simple and the results can be seen for everyone invited to fill it up. I wanted to make one and show here, but it is necessary to make e-mail invitations during creating it.

Every team would just choose as many dates and times in a table as it suits to them. This will help to schedule a match for everyone, as it seems the most problematic part of the tournament.

I would make one table inside Doodle per phase. I'm just wondering if it is necessary to make a table for semi- and finals, as there will be only 2 matches, but as it doesnt make much difference for me, I will create it. The most helpful it will be at the Group Phase, when people will need to schedule with 3 other teams. Oh, and to make it even easier, I will create 1 table per group in Group Phase - it will be clear for everyone with whom they need to schedule.

Now, it is clear that I will need e-mails from people participating in a cup - question removed form votings.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - discussion
« on: February 13, 2013, 08:14:43 AM »
The main problem with tournament's length is match scheduling, that's why it's going to take that long. 2 days per phase is a minimal time: 1 day for scheduling match with opponent and 1 day for play, because:
1) Everyone have their duties - school, work, study, etc., 2) The time zone - as it's a global tournament, we will have 10-hours difference, so it must take some time to schedule a match. but yes, it looked way too long. Already edited this.

I was wondering if we can do whole group phase in 4-5 days, just by setting up groups and matches all vs all will go whenever u can and want. 2 days per quarterfinals-semifinals-finals must be taken. I doubt that we can do it by gathering all people at one strict date - it would be possible if we were about to make only-Euro or only-American cup. In this case, we might need 4 servers, must wait for sign-ups to decide.

In this solution our tournament will take max 11 days. It's not that long, but we must be sure people will play their matches if we want this solution to work. Still believing in people, so I'm going to give it a try.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Football Cup - discussion
« on: February 12, 2013, 10:16:01 AM »
Hey again,

Thanks a lot for all positive replies ;) We will probably need 1 Euro and 1 American server, so I will ask Clipz and MellonCollie when time comes. When we get more than 10 Euro or American teams, we will make 2nd Euro or American server, as there is no point of making more of them. I will PM u guys in a while, just give me a second to concentrate on it.

Here, I would like to show an estimated schedule for organizing it, which I will try to follow in the nearest future:

EDITED - 14-02-2013:
1 ) 12th - 22nd Feb. - Discussion in this thread, getting more people interested, some votes.
2 ) 15th - 22nd Feb. - Registrating teams in the thread "Football Cup - Sign up!" - will be created at 18th 15th Feb.
3 ) 23rd Feb. - Server issues, creating  scoretables, rolling groups, setting up some rules dependent on the number of registered teams as advancing rules, matchmaking, new thread "Football Cup - Current results", etc.
4 ) 24rd Feb. - 28th Feb - Group Phase
5 ) 1st - 2nd March - Quarterfinals
6 ) 3rd - 4th March - Semifinals
7 ) 5th - 6th March - Match for the 3rd place and Final Match.

Then, I will create a thread to hear some feedback - what was wrong, what would you make differently, how did you like it and so on, and so forth.

I would like to make some votings right now, hope to see some answers. I will count your answers and update the vote once I come here.

1. Would you like to have 1 PGP bullet per round at match?
   Yes (1)       No (4)

2. The competition should be:
   2v2 (3)       3v3 (0)

3. Match duration:
   15 minutes (2)      20 minutes (0)       other (i will add if u suggest it)

4. Schedule presented above:
   Everything OK (1)      Phases too long (0)      Phases too short (0)

5. Match scheduling
   [14-2-2012 -------removed---------]

6. Any ideas for prizes? ;)

[14-02-2013 : I also collect people's opinions on servers and add it to vote poll ;) ]

Thanks a lot for your answers, see you soon! :)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Football Cup - discussion
« on: February 10, 2013, 06:21:56 PM »
Hey everyone,

I’m writing to share with the idea of organizing the Football Cup based on a Pong mode. Yes, if you don't like it - don't follow the next lines. Thanks. I’ve already talked with several people about this. There are some people eager to join such a tournament, so I write this post to discuss about it and to give some various proposals and imaginations of the event. The rules (almost all discussable) will go like this:

1. Type of competition. In the past, people tried to make football league. It failed because most of people didn’t come to the matches (which were probably unscheduled). My idea is to make a championship based on UEFA Champions League rules, with the exception that every player can join a tournament if he/she has a team. Let’s assume that we have 16 teams scheduled on a tournament. The tourney will go like this:

   1) 4 groups A-D, each with 4 teams, 6 matches per  group in a system all vs all. We get the best 2 of
   each group advanced = 8 teams, as 1A = 1st at group A and so on. The rest is eliminated.
   2) Quarterfinals: matches of 1A-2B, 1B-2A, 1C-2D, 1D-2C. Winners advance.
   3) Semifinals: matches of winner 1A-2B – winner 1C-2D  and  winner 1B-2A – winner 1D-2C.
   4) Match for the 3rd place and the final match – we have 3 final places.

Why is it better than league? Firstly, it is shorter, so people will not get bored. Secondly, it is more enjoyable, because we have way more competitive tournament – the loser is eliminated. Thirdly, it is easier to organize it – less matches (with 16 teams we have 32 matches compared to 16*15/2=120 matches in a league of the same size). This tournament is considered to be a test if it could work fine and if it might be continued and developed in the future.

2. Number of players. Most of guys were likely to have a 2v2 cup. It is possible to have 2v2 or 3v3, as more players on the field will not be very entertaining.

3. Match duration. Very good teams at 20-minute match score about 10 goals, sometimes even less, so it can’t be less than 15 minutes to make it fair.

3. Shooting. Most of people who play this are fine with one PGP shoot per round and it actually works fine at the [OTB] Soccer server, so the cup will have this solution in it.

4. Servers. As the main football server around is [OTB] Soccer, I thought about [OTB] servers, as everyone got used to ping they have there, but if we would have more American teams, we can think about different servers and make matches with 2 halves – 1 on American, 1 on European server. It just depends on the players which sign up to the tourney.

5. Team registration. As it is the very first tournament, I think it will work fine if it will be done here, at the forum. There will be new thread created for teams to sign up when everything will be fine.

6. Match scheduling. I’m not experienced at organizing such tourneys, so I would like to hear some opinions here. I was wondering about getting e-mails with the registration and people would schedule a match by contacting with each other by mail or by forum accounts by PM.

7. Results. The result of the match (if anyone couldn’t check the result) would be PM-ed from both of these mails or posted with an image at the forum and if everything is fine, it will be submitted at the scoreboard. 4-5 days should be enough for each round (3 rounds of matches for a group phase, 4 rounds for a championship mode, which might be faster as less teams we will have here). I know that people creates websites for such cases, but as it is the very first try and I’m not sure about how many people will be interested, this option is considered only in the next edition.

Every suggestion, idea and opinion other than ‘meh it won’t work because soccer sucks’ will be greatly appreciated ;) Looking forward for it. Thanks in advance!

Cheater Reports and Bans / Speedhack OMGItsAliA
« on: September 14, 2012, 04:50:48 AM »
Nick: OMGItsAliA
Server: DcN Italy 24/7 CTF
Map: Italy
Time: 10:30 - 10:50 GMT
Time of record: about 10:40
Type of hack: speedhack

Sry, forgot about playerlist.

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