Thanks to everyone for participating, and to cP / Ic3y for letting us use their servers.
1st) New Breed eSports 100$
2nd) .iNte. 50$
3rd) Oxmoze 20$
Brackets: Breed eSports went undefeated in the entire tournament, without losing a single map.
Unfortunately, NA teams didn't participate well, so we'll likely make this all european in the future if we do it again.
2nd/3rd place teams: Contact Shockwave on IRC to receive your prize.
Thanks to people like JMR for being so appreciative. Unfortunately, some individuals such as Skitzo decided to be annoying after losing. Community makes or breaks tournaments, some people make it worth spending time to run these events, some don't. Thanks mainly to the European community for helping make this run smoothly.
For future reference: Don't think Ren was played once. Wobluda surprisingly was the least played.