It's funny to see 100% up there cause I KNOW there are a group of people out there that don't care squat about teamwork and strategy, and just want to let thier individual skill dictate play.
In fact the decission to create a structured strategy and practice regimine in GT caused several individuals to leave. I think they were vaguely quoted as saying, "We just want to get in there and play, we don't need practice or strategy, that's what public play is for."
I think some players, even some fairly skilled players, just want to get in there with a group of other players and let it fly with the combination of thier "individual" skills. And I think this tactic works well against moderately skilled strategic clans, and other skills-only based clans. But to compete at the highest caliber you must have skill influenced by strategty.
You must know the maps. You must know your opponent. But mostly you must know eachother.
Ultimately, I want to know what each of my teammates will/would do at any given moment/cituation in a match. I want them to know what I would/will do. I want all of us to know eachothers strengths and weaknesses and feed off of that to become a machine programmed to manipulate any situation to our advantage.
The hard part in achieving this is finding a group of people that have the skills, dedication, discipline, and that same drive and desire to become a true "team." I feel Rust had that, also smurfs and eR33t, and some others I can't remember.
An interesting note to this subject.
I read this post and wondered...
Hey Everyone,
I'm looking for a couple litterate players who are capable of forming sentences with proper punctuation and fairly decent grammar. If you'd like to lend a hand for a special project I have in the works I can provide some benefits or credit where need be. Drop me a PM on the forum, or find me in #dpstats on
And Hey, if you're illiterate(or somewhere in between) but can still perform simple tasks such as watch demos and make comments on them, I guess I need you too.
Now maybe eR33t is just doing something totally unrelated to thier team, but I must wonder...
Of course, any true strategist should be highly interested in anything the top teams are doing. They are, after all, the top teams, and they have an upper hand somehow. Short of pure skill, there must be something they are doing to be the best. Reviewing demos of players sounds like a pretty darn good place to start. Now what's so crazy about that is the entire paintball team community has made reviewing demos an easy way to "learn" a team. Why? Because most teams play as individuals. No need to try to get full team match demos. Just record individual demos off of pub games of each person. The way they play alone is gonna be the way they play with thier team. WOW...I may be a little slow, but that is pretty dang smart guys!!!
I miss Rust