Sorry for the multiple posts, but I figure it's alright with a 3 week gap.
I've been trying to get the poly count down, but with the lack of layout planning on my part, as well as the amount of aesthetic details that I have on the map, it's virtually impossible to get it to respectable levels without sacrificing the overall look. Re-doing the map layout to make it function well will also make it seem like a brand new map, so I've decided to avoid that option as well.
A lack of recent feedback also doesn't help me much in terms of what needs fixing apart from aesthetic changes. Therefore, my current plan is to add some final touches to this map and get it closer to (if not into) the final version. The map is definitely still playable, even enjoyable and unique if I do say so myself, but obviously your FPS may suffer a decrease.
So, anything I should consider changing?