For those wanting to get on IRC, which is HIGHLY recommended if you want to scrim or match, I have collected some information here that wil help get you started.
First, you will need an irc client. The most used irc client out there ir Mirc. Mirc can be found at
Once you have that downloaded, it will need to be installed
As Mirc's install guide has lots of pretty pictures, I'm just going to post a link to the setup guide: When they talk about irc servers, you are going to want to use
irc.globalgamers.netNow once you have got Mirc all set up, read the following to start using irc on the globalgamers network.
As taken from
http://www.globalgamers.netOnce Connected...
Once you've managed to connect to our network, the next thing you should do is register a NickServ account. What does NickServ do you ask? Well, it holds all of your channel access information, registered nicks, and fakehost information. It's an essential part of your use of the Global Gamers IRC network.
Now onto the good stuff...
To register a NickServ account type:
/ns register AccountName Password EmailAddress
Make sure you use a real e-mail address, since it will be required to validate your account.
To auth to your NickServ account any time you connect to GG after registering, type:
/ns auth AccountName Password
To hide your IP/hostmask from other users type:
/mode your-nick +x
You can apply for a free custom fakehost on our fakehost page.
To change your account password type:
/ns pass oldpassword newpassword
(Note: /ns in the above commands is just a shortcut for /msg - Obviously /ns is easier to type so we recommend using that.)
To register a channel type:
/cs register #channel
If other users are occupying the channel you must have op status to complete registration.
To list all of the channels on global gamers type:
ChanServ commands can be used in a few various ways. !command in any registered channel, /cs command , or /msg ChanServ command .
Quick overview on common ChanServ commands:
Kick: !k nick reason
Ban: !b nick/hostmask
Kick & Ban: !kb nick/hostmask reason
Timed Ban:* !tb nick/hostmask duration reason
Permanent Ban: !addban nick/hostmask reason
Delete Ban: !delban nick/hostmask
Op: !op nick(s)
DeOp: !deop nick(s)
Halfop: !hop nick(s)
DeHalfop: !dehop nick(s)
Voice: !v nick(s)
DeVoice: !dv nick(s)
Channel Modes: !mode +/-mode value
Topic: !topic content
Add User: !adduser nick/*account level
Delete User: !deluser nick/*account
Change Level: !clvl nick/*account new-level
Resyncronize User List: !resync
Invite to Channel: !invite nick
Invite Yourself to Channel: !inviteme #channel
Settings: !set setting value
Recently Executed Commands: !events
Channel Information: !info
Access Level: !a nick/*account
Network Staff: !staff
Infoline: !setinfo content
Notes: !note value
Help: !help value
Show Commands: !showcommands
Network Information: !ni
Unregister Channel: !unregister
*Duration Codes: s = seconds | m = minutes | h = hours | d = days | w = weeks | M = months | y = years (Ex: !tb newbie 1w2d)
Global Gamers offers a specially modified bot server for bots that require less flood restrictions to operate efficiently. For more information see our server list page.
If you ever need network assistance for any reason, you are encouraged to come visit us in #GlobalGamers and /msg HelpServ with your request, and we'll be glad to assist you as soon as we can. We hope you enjoyed our brief new user guide on how to get started here on GG. We'll see you around the network!