Perm ban.
Created a WH, said he didn't distributed them. He appologised, everyone's happy. Wrong.
His integrity and trust are on low level, why should anyone believe what he said, that he didn't distributed? Zalatek got perm ban instantly (if I remember correctly) for creating and distributing. Now here you have a person that agrees with the fact that he made hacks. And he gets minimum...
There are to many inconsistencys with banning players. Some get hard time, some get none or only 32. Yeah, that was the original ban. For MAKING hacks - walle and mod content and using them for long period of time. So back to the integrity part - he was using them for several months, never ever thought of comming clean, he got cought, he said ups, my bad, everyone forgives him, ge gets lowest of the low ban times and everything is OK. What a load of crap. It reminds me on how politicians deal with the problem once they get caught.
If you wanna clear this game of hacking do instant perm bans, IRC bans, dplogin bans - Either do it the right way, or you will see more and more of this.