some ideas,
it would be cool if when requesting a match server, you could pre-select the maps in the IRC command, which would automatically update the maplist of the private server, temporarly (3 maps total). maybe a few servers could be configured like this, not all, if this ESL league thing actually happens..
or another cool idea would be to make the serverbot a little more complicated, so that when you type !match say in #er33t-gaming, the match server bot would PM you asking further details of the match (#ofplayers, maps, etc..) and then configuring the server with the details/maps you selected.
heres an example:
Now talking in #er33t-gaming
<s0ul0> !match
**match|bot pm's s0ul0**
<Match|Bot> What is your clan tag?
<s0ul0> [mili]
<Match|Bot> How many players?
<s0ul0> 4
<Match|Bot> What maps? ***the maps would be decided upon pre-match by both clans, including tie***
<s0ul0> pbcup_pforest kalbeach rebirth_b2
<Match|Bot> OK, your match code is 3ad8dcn3
**then you get the clan your matching to PM (/msg) or /notice the bot with the match code**
/notice Match|Bot 3ad8dcn3
**after my opponent messages the match bot with the match code, the bot will reply to him with the maps/details the initiator (me) selected, then ask my opponent if he accepts the match.
<Match|Bot> what is your clan tag?
<bix> [3iob]
<Match|Bot> confirmed [3iob] vs [mili] 4vs4 match. maps: pbcup_pforest, kalbeach, and rebirth_b2 for tie. Do you accept this match? YES/NO?
<bix> yes
after the challenged user types "yes", the bot will PM both users (will most likely be the leaders of each clan), telling them what color they are and the server ip/password.
**most likely login wont be needed for these type of servers as the server would automatically put the maps in order**
<Match|Bot> bix has accepted the details, s0ul0. Your team is RED. Please make your way to the server: - the password is: dingleberry.
after this messaged is received, the
now i give my team the info and connect to the server.
***after the match is completed, the server will save the details like score and such in some type of text file or auto upload it to a web server somewhere, which the admins can use to update the ladder records or whatever.***
IMO this will provide dp with a more sophisticated matching experience, and could possibly attract a more competitive crowd and bring this game back 'from the dead' so to speak. and will eliminate the need of keeping your clans record in the mirc channel topic. though you could still keep your irc records for 'scrim' purposes...
cool idea for a match script but it sounds really complicated to do, what you guys think?
or maybe someone can post a less-complicated way to accomplish this... a way for the server to record match outcomes, that way you dont gotta deal with admins as far as adding wins/losses go, the server does it for you.
thoughts? ^^