Yes. Conclusion. I concure.
Drawing my conclusion about cheating and spoofing are not my personal opinions, but what this year's posts have shown. Hacks are being used more often for the sake of cheating rather than catching cheats. I have called for catching more hacks in public as this is where they stem from rather than waiting till they match, 'nip it in the bud'. I also called for caution for the sake of spoofing as we all now know is also a real threat. I also called from harsher penetalies due to the ones in place are simply not working to deter this behavior.
Think about it. How many times have they used this before they got caught. One is too many. This above all else is the message we send...."well I guess its OK to cheat because now I can catch you.”"
Also a reputation does not make someone trust-worthy. Do you trust UNI? I think you meant good, honest, trust-worthy reputation, reputable, a person of repute. I think a logical idea would be to vote, but common when has a fair logical idea ever be done?
I conclude that harsh bans are needed when they can be implemented. 3 Strikes you are out. One offense per year. Message being dont intercourse with the cheats. I only wish a code was in place to detect cheats installed and kick. Regardless of your intention with this in place, depending on people of 'repute' would not be needed. Thus neither would hacks