Author Topic: My new toy  (Read 13488 times)


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 76
Re: My new toy
« Reply #40 on: January 08, 2010, 03:47:51 PM »
You can have one blow in self defence here in the UK, I believe.

But as Lekky pointed out, the most you can do is push them out your house before you become the criminal...


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 818
Re: My new toy
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2010, 09:33:12 AM »
To protect your family.. from what! Where do you live?! :O

He already mentioned he lives in Colorado.

The NRA is a pro-gun advocacy group, and therefore we would expect them to favor gun rights. While recognizing their bias you may want to check out their column "Armed Citizen" in their publication "America's First Freedom". It contains news highlights of stories where citizens used firearms to defend themselves.  You can find the current month and five months of archives at the link below.

The stories are taken from other news outlets and sources are cited, so you can follow up if you like.

I am sure there are many stories as well on other websites of those who did not properly store firearms, or properly use firearms resulting in injury or death. I post these simply as anecdotal evidence of people using fire arms to defend themselves.

I personally do not own weapons because I have young children. In order to keep the children safe I would have to lock up the guns, which would reduce their effectiveness in home defense. I will consider purchasing one when the kids are older and I can teach them proper safety procedures as my father taught me. My step father collects guns and when they are older I am sure they would love to go with him to the range.

My brother also collects guns, swords, knives, and polearms and cycles through his "home defense weapon of choice" each month.  I would classify him as in the over-eager category when it comes to weapons.

He came home one time to find someone in his apartment. The unknown man was rummaging through my brother's closet. A .357 was my brothers weapon of the month. He crept up as stealthily as a 6'10 350 pound man can and held it to the intruder's head.

The man promptly wet himself and then explained he was with apartment maintenance and was checking for radon. Since that incident they have faithfully alerted my brother in advance when checking for radon.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 818
Re: My new toy
« Reply #42 on: February 13, 2010, 10:27:23 PM »
So I spent $1100 on this..

You probably have it well under control, but don't forget your insurance floater for firearms.

Your standard homeowners policy limits you to $2,500, and with this gun and your others you may be pushing that soon.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 277
Re: My new toy
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2010, 01:51:15 AM »
why are all the halfway interesting posts in the "other" section? delete this section so that the "main" category, Paintball II Discussion, can get some play/

alright flipper, ive got one: i can understand, to some degree, having a powerful weapon inside your home for those "just in case moments" (m7's story shows the more humorous side of this). the other aspect you mentioned was as a concealed. can you explain the rational behind this? whats types of situations you imagine that the gun would cure?
(consider this plain curiosity. not insulting, or meant to antagonize. the only reason i dont hesitate to ask is youve seemed to handle expressing your side pretty well, considering youre a one man army)

i personally have carried a knife everywhere for the past ten years. anyone who doesnt know me see's it as a weapon. the rest know its my multipurpose tool. currently its a spring loaded kershaw (1560steel) that clips into my pocket, so the cops think im trying to hide it. ive never had to use it as a weapon, but there is some degree of safety knowing that (worst case scenarios) it could be. on the plus side, it'd take a fair amount of intent to actually kill someone with it. bar rats who think they're gonna kick the excrement out of some dork have consistently backed down when they realize what the clip hanging off my pocket is connected to. best of all are the memorable moments it's unintentionally left me. like when some stripper came up to my friend giving his drunkass all too much attention. she leads him back somewhere and later comes out screaming about money. now, his stupid donkey shouldve realized that he was getting into some excrement, but more so she needed to tell him if the clocks running or not. regardless, it escalates to where some beefy intercourser who thinks he's got authority, decided to flash his gun at me (since i was doing all the talking for my inebriated chap). maybe i was drunk, but i busted out laughing at this intercourser. like he's gonna shoot me down in some public strip club for $100. so i patted my pocket and he recognized this tiny little clip hanging out. not that my 4.5in blade was going to frighten this beast, but he did shake of his punk bully attitude and soon we walked away without paying that skank.

now, that wasnt just pure chest beating (although mostly), it was to show that in a lot of situations the weapon doesnt choose the victor. its the intent of the person behind it. that if youre not sure about just how far you will go with your stinger, it wont save you from the moment. unfortunately, theres way too many people who cant see a graduated scale, and think that if there weapons coming out to play, it'll play to its fullest. thats some mindless excrement that i cant accept. so with guns it's way too easy to eliminate a life, but the stakes can be high.

heres the tool i had decided on when i was going to denali for 8 months. my rational was always "just in case crazy grizzly bears want to eat me". somewhere inside i was always thinking about a quick dinner. the only time ive considered buying a gun. i was always curious to see what it would do to a bunny rabbit.

link=topic=19427.msg187013#msg187013 date=1262670538]quote author=blaa
You see a black man moving in your room, you say he freeze, he still moves, you hear your daughter crying, you shoot the black man.

i dont know you blaa, but im giving you the benefit of the doubt in assuming you're being sarcastic. if not, this is a prime contender for "most stupid donkey comment".


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Re: My new toy
« Reply #44 on: February 18, 2010, 01:24:08 AM »
In all honesty, people who actually carry concealed are some of the most polite people you will ever meet. The wonder here is why do people always ask "what situation do you need that for?" If I knew that my family would never be in harm's way I wouldn't need to carry a firearm correct? Some people have never been in any personal duress their whole life but unfortunately I have not been so lucky. Besides making a name for myself in the regional gangs (they do not see me in too large a light) there are plenty of other reasons I carry. 1) protection of my family. This simply put if a group of nice individuals decide to take my money while I'm out one night with my wife walking through one of the parks we frequent. Now the money isn't an issue. A place a higher value on any human life that is higher than any amount of money I carry but what I do not know is when this group will walk away. What will they do once they have the money? Beat me senseless? I'm not a large guy but I can more than hold my own in physical combat but I am not made of steel. A lucky punch could send me snoozing. Would they stop at that? Who knows? Do you? There are numerous accounts of situations like this (I have even been at the scene of the crime a few times). What would they do to my wife once I am either asleep or dead? Do you know? I sure don't. When it comes down to it I would be a piss poor father if I let some idiot physically harm my kids. I sure the heck wouldn't be doing them any good if I just rolled over and died. The fact is everyone feels safe until that one moment when fate plays it's hand. If you do not watch the national news on a daily basis maybe you should. You will see a dozen cases a week where people just like you thought they were safe and the weird stuff would never happen to them only to wind up on the news as the latest greatest story. A young man even murdered a young woman in a school laboratory over an animal. Do you think she enjoyed being strangled to death? Have you ever watched someone bleed to death after being stabbed numerous times  over a few dollars? Believe me, it is not something you want in your head. I can vividly recall the sounds of the man's pain and anguish. Seriously, I hope nothing happens to you. I hope you will always be prepared for the unexpected. I just won't risk my families innocence and safety on the cops who don't even know we're in trouble until they are called. I doubt I will   be dialing 911 while my kids or wife is in trouble. There is a good saying that I have read numerous times that would work here..... "Remember, when you have seconds to decide how to act when you or a loved ones life is in danger the cops are only minutes away." Even today I watched a show were a woman was being accosted by a man in an alley. A homeless man (someone who had nothing and the type of person so many look down upon) tried to intervene to help the woman only to be beat to death himself. The woman did survive but still ended up in pretty bad shape. If she had had a firearm maybe that man wouldn't have had to die. Seriously, google this stuff. Please, arm yourself with information.

I am not a one man army and never claimed to be one. I don't look for trouble and could go the rest of my life without ever having to interact with anyone else. My family can not. Are there crazy people who prey on society? Yes. If I pull a firearm when needed what do you think a bad guy will do? Keep coming? If he does he won't be a threat to anyone for awhile at least but more times then not the bad guy will turn away and go prey on the easier target (the ones who think nothing could ever happen to them).


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1218
Re: My new toy
« Reply #45 on: February 18, 2010, 08:14:39 AM »
 surprised you have internets, living in such a excrementhole. gangs and stuffff


  • PGP
  • Posts: 45
Re: My new toy
« Reply #46 on: February 18, 2010, 08:44:37 AM »
All the people i know with their CPLs are great people. They simple carry because they can and want to be prepared in case a situation arises.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 277
Re: My new toy
« Reply #47 on: February 23, 2010, 01:33:33 AM »
please dont misunderstand my post, and i hope im not misunderstanding yours. i was asking about your views and how you came to them, not challenging their validity. god, i feel like im in some sort of dp therapy session. anyways, your views are yours and i got no issue with them as long as they dont invade my own. i just like to understand how people develop them and come to hold them as true. call me queer, but thats interesting. as for the "one man army" comment, it was referring to this thread. you were taking a lot of hits from others and then rationally commenting back, thats admirable in my book. until m7 posted, it was literally flip vs. all.

on a side note, i have absolutely no problem protecting anyone i care about from an attacker. thats including all forms of attack. i will always instinctively fight back until they find themselves in the cowering position they had meant to put that other person in. i just dont think i need a gun to do that, but there's always extreme scenarios.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1218
Re: My new toy
« Reply #48 on: February 23, 2010, 04:32:32 AM »
please dont misunderstand my post, and i hope im not misunderstanding yours. i was asking about your views and how you came to them, not challenging their validity. god, i feel like im in some sort of dp therapy session. anyways, your views are yours and i got no issue with them as long as they dont invade my own. i just like to understand how people develop them and come to hold them as true. call me queer, but thats interesting. as for the "one man army" comment, it was referring to this thread. you were taking a lot of hits from others and then rationally commenting back, thats admirable in my book. until m7 posted, it was literally flip vs. all.

on a side note, i have absolutely no problem protecting anyone i care about from an attacker. thats including all forms of attack. i will always instinctively fight back until they find themselves in the cowering position they had meant to put that other person in. i just dont think i need a gun to do that, but there's always extreme scenarios.

actually, this post is somehting i would have liked to write :D


  • PGP
  • Posts: 6
Re: My new toy
« Reply #49 on: February 23, 2010, 07:10:49 AM »
lol flip u stupid buy gun D: i rather go estonia and buy girls .D


  • Committee Member
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Re: My new toy
« Reply #50 on: February 24, 2010, 12:32:35 PM »
lol flip u stupid buy gun D: i rather go estonia and buy girls .D

Do they come with free anti-virus software?


  • PGP
  • Posts: 11
Re: My new toy
« Reply #51 on: March 02, 2010, 06:03:53 AM »
Here, this is my new toy. It's pretty decent I think, but maybe I will get the upgrade-version soon!


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 249
Re: My new toy
« Reply #52 on: March 02, 2010, 09:18:51 AM »
Here, this is my new toy. It's pretty decent I think, but maybe I will get the upgrade-version soon!



  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 281
Re: My new toy
« Reply #53 on: March 02, 2010, 09:16:38 PM »
Here, this is my new toy. It's pretty decent I think, but maybe I will get the upgrade-version soon!

I find your username more amusing than your post ;D