Author Topic: New Map: silent  (Read 6840 times)


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New Map: silent
« on: January 18, 2012, 02:33:53 PM »
This is b1 of the version of solitude I've been working on. Took a solid 14.5 hours to compile vis.

Known issues:

Lighting. Doesn't seem too bad when my brightness is turned up (except for the church)
Textures. Laziness on the purple side
Clutter in the middle. I haven't really added anything to the middle yet because I need to see how it plays first.

There's one jump i identified right before compiling from the low church that ends in the enemies BD that is a bit too easy. I'll probably be fixing this before the final.

I'll match with CC on it a few times then get a b2 or a final  out.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2012, 02:43:43 PM »
lol @ mid high


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2012, 04:36:07 PM »
Slight bug where you get caught, watch the bug demo, and this maps seems massive to be able to go base to base this quickly, and i failed at the end, you can make it back up to the high ledges when you hit it right.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2012, 05:00:07 PM »
Yep that is similar to the jump i found right before compiling. The offending brushes are those little cliff brushes... if those weren't there it wouldn't be a problem. Your jump sequence doesn't bother me as much as someone stopping there and getting in the high BD that easily. That high BD has to take at least one skill jump.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2012, 07:28:46 PM »
I stopped there a few times pretty easily. I could also make the jump to that BD ledge even if I stopped on the high bridge. And I think I posted the demo with me speeding to the ledge and not the one with me doubling to it. I can nearly clear the entire ledge when I double jump to it. I think some sort of change would be nice right there in order to make that BD so easy and quick to get to. One idea would be to raise the rails on the bridge in all the spots except for the very ends so that it would be impossible to double the middle part of speed over it.

The other jump that I didn't post was if you were to keep going the way I went in the first demo and you can make it all the way up to the high cliff ledges that you start with on the other side. I was able to make it even faster to the base when I did it that way because you avoid the ground almost completely. But, that sequence of jumps is pretty far above the ability of a normal player so I don't think it's really an issue.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2012, 07:49:36 PM »
Yeah in the next beta/final that jump to BD won't be possible


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2012, 01:50:45 PM »


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2012, 02:29:02 PM »
yeah, same file as above worked when it was just me, but on a match server it crashed dp2 for everyone.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2012, 02:38:28 PM »
yeah, same file as above worked when it was just me, but on a match server it crashed dp2 for everyone.

superman match server


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2012, 03:40:10 PM »
Works fine for me ([OTB] Beta and [OTB] Match 3).

Edit: It's in the beta folder with the name silent_b1.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2012, 10:37:18 PM »
Very nice.  I really want to write a new lighting program to make this look even better. :)

- I'm loving the bridge in the middle.  I wish more maps had this kind of detail.  The text on the walls kills it, though.  I'd try to find a way to block the road off and have it fade into darkness, or maybe just put a pile of rock/rubble on the ends so it looks more natural and doesn't kill the immersion.
- The clip ramp on the bridge sometimes ends up screwing me up when I try to double jump off of the bridge (those aren't necessary since the new physics tweaks fix steps stopping you).
- When exiting the base to the left, the pile of slopes/boxes is very awkward to navigate.  Not much room to DJ or ramp jump, and if you back up to try again, you fall all the way back down.  Some of the grass slopes are too steep to walk on, and some of the details/steps are too big to step over.
- I think this was mentioned, but when taking the high path on the left, the rock protruding from the wall will knock you off.
- Inside of the church is too dark.
- I don't think I'd add more clutter.  Players don't seem to like it (ex: airtime vs airtime2).
- When going around the right of the church from the center (left from the base), I'd center the ramp boards on that box a little more.  I sometimes hit the box when I'm going for the ramp since the ramps are so far over.
- The map is probably a bit big to be popular with the new players, but I don't see that changing much.  I like the mid and church sections, so about all I can suggest is scaling the base areas down.
- I don't think the trenches add anything - they just occasionally kill the flow and will probably trap newbies.  I'd remove them or at least make them shallow enough that you can jump out anywhere.
- I think the whole left path out of the base really needs a rework.  It doesn't flow well at all.
- You're probably aware of most of the texture alignment issues, so I'll save the nitpicks for the next beta.  You might not have noticed that some of the shingles on the church are upside-down, though (most people probably won't but it's an easy fix).

Renamed to silent_b1 and uploaded to the beta server.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2012, 07:19:09 AM »
superman match server

Fox and Unrated you guys fail...  You told me it was final version!  Moving to beta folder as silent_b1.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2012, 08:38:31 AM »
Now I see even big DT can make map boring as hell. I don´t care you barely changed the original map, but you haven´t done anything to improve gameplay yet. It´s fragmented, half-baked and I don´t even like visual side of the map. You should map from the beginning and use one of the existing map or make entirely new one, that´s what you are good at. This crap is boring.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2012, 10:18:05 AM »
I wasn't able to download the file. But from abnormals comment it looks like this map lacks overscaled spaces and ice jumps!


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2012, 10:23:38 AM »


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2012, 11:09:33 AM »
I don't like the map anymore. It's like a one way map with this changes now.

And i'm missing this parts:


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2012, 02:03:36 PM »
Not sure what you intended gameplay wise - since not too much changed... besides removing the high-route (which certainly needed to at the very least be modified to improve gameplay), but:

I don't really see the point of 2-flags in this map. I don't feel like it adds anything beneficial to the map - as most teams will be camping around the church/attempting to control bridge, the single point rounds will become important. I don't see there being too many flag fights - making the added bonus of winning a 2-flag flag fight kinda odd... in my opinion. (I have not play tested this, I'm just speculating)

I also feel camping around the church will be a problem (and in the high BD?) - well... maybe not a problem, it'll just cause for slower gameplay, which is fine. The only problem could be "hiding" - since that is a problem with most over-complicated maps (which is also why I like the lack-of clutter in your maps) - I guess you'll only know if this is a problem after playing on the map in a scrim/match.

Didn't play test it, or even look at it for too long... but it looks visually appealing, and probably has okay gameplay. I was hoping for more of a change from Solitude, but it's still nice.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2012, 03:07:45 PM »
Aircrew: who are you?


- The original plan was to create rubble there and make it look blocked off... by the time I got to that point i was just so unmotivated to spend hours doing that that i decided i'd make olbaid laugh (since he's the person that'll be picking this map). If someone else wants to do this, be my guest.

- I put the clip ramp there because I got stopped by that step a few times... if that's gone then yeah I'll remove it.

- I wanted to make that cliff to the left awkward to navigate... that route would take much less time than the route to the right (if it weren't awkward) making everyone go that way every round.

- I remembered I hadn't lit the church once I'd started compiling.

- Agreed on the clutter note... I didn't really realize it until matching with CC on it the other day... the low route is mainly only used when people accidentally fall down there and the current clutter seems sufficient.

Again, I don't make maps for new players. This map is intended to be a match map and mostly made for Olbaid (and teams that play like CC/eR33t) since he was pushing me to do it.

TBH I'd be happy to cough up the mapfile to you as long as you agree to not make any major gameplay changes.


I didn't intend to change a lot... Solitude was a really cool map, it was just way to big and not really set up for the matching community. Again I wouldn't make gameplay claims until you've played on it.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2012, 03:16:44 PM »
Sorta like with finishing zpar... I am just so detached from DP these days that getting motivated to put in the effort to really polish this map is hard to do. If someone jitspoe-level wants to finish it, let me know.


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Re: New Map: silent
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2012, 01:04:52 PM »

I didn't intend to change a lot... Solitude was a really cool map, it was just way to big and not really set up for the matching community. Again I wouldn't make gameplay claims until you've played on it.

I just played it, and my gameplay claims were correct. It was a very boring map to play. (I'm not intending to cause a flaming reaction, but since you're one of the few mappers who understand gameplay, I'm trying to respond gameplay-wise, to hopefully improve the map).

1- 2 flags doesn't add anything positive. It doesn't fit this map, since it's essentially 1 path. The only times flags ever got used (in my match), were 1 on 1 flag fights. Nobody ever fell back to base when they were the last alive - they sat around the church or tried to hold midhigh. The 2nd flag just adds for an added point boost that doesn't seem to fit with the slowness of the map.

2- I think the church should be "opened" more - it was easy for people to hide around it. Being able to see the other side easier would limit that. Having a very uncluttered mid - then a big cluttered-bulky church... didn't seem to fit nicely.

3- It seemed like most gameplay consisted of the faster team holding mid (sitting bridge area) and the other team trying to hold the church. Usually only giving up 1 point, and really easy to ensure 1 point rounds.

4- The BD? rocks/cliffs are kind of annoying to go up - probably intended to slow people down... but since it's such a "good" camp spot (being higher, more view of the map), wouldn't it be more beneficial to have a trick jump to get there, instead of awkward cliffs?

It's a nice looking map, but it is still over-sized for the game play it gives. The base area is huge, yet never gets used. The entire game is played from church-to-church, and really doesn't consist of great strategy/teamwork/gameplay. This is obviously just my opinion, and you may completely disagree with it, but I didn't find the map enjoyable at all, nor did my teammates. (And yes, we won, it's not a way of flaming about losing).