Very nice. I really want to write a new lighting program to make this look even better.

- I'm loving the bridge in the middle. I wish more maps had this kind of detail. The text on the walls kills it, though. I'd try to find a way to block the road off and have it fade into darkness, or maybe just put a pile of rock/rubble on the ends so it looks more natural and doesn't kill the immersion.
- The clip ramp on the bridge sometimes ends up screwing me up when I try to double jump off of the bridge (those aren't necessary since the new physics tweaks fix steps stopping you).
- When exiting the base to the left, the pile of slopes/boxes is very awkward to navigate. Not much room to DJ or ramp jump, and if you back up to try again, you fall all the way back down. Some of the grass slopes are too steep to walk on, and some of the details/steps are too big to step over.
- I think this was mentioned, but when taking the high path on the left, the rock protruding from the wall will knock you off.
- Inside of the church is too dark.
- I don't think I'd add more clutter. Players don't seem to like it (ex: airtime vs airtime2).
- When going around the right of the church from the center (left from the base), I'd center the ramp boards on that box a little more. I sometimes hit the box when I'm going for the ramp since the ramps are so far over.
- The map is probably a bit big to be popular with the new players, but I don't see that changing much. I like the mid and church sections, so about all I can suggest is scaling the base areas down.
- I don't think the trenches add anything - they just occasionally kill the flow and will probably trap newbies. I'd remove them or at least make them shallow enough that you can jump out anywhere.
- I think the whole left path out of the base really needs a rework. It doesn't flow well at all.
- You're probably aware of most of the texture alignment issues, so I'll save the nitpicks for the next beta. You might not have noticed that some of the shingles on the church are upside-down, though (most people probably won't but it's an easy fix).
Renamed to silent_b1 and uploaded to the beta server.