Once again, thanks to Rick for the template.
Detail - 80/100
Brushes in the map that are primarly there to make it look nice.
Relevance - How does the detail compare to the rest of the map? Is it relevant to the theme and style? Or is it random? (20/25)Nice relevant railings and archways.
Appearance - Is it visually appealing? Does it make you want to play the map? (25/25)Yes, looks very nice, very cohesive.
Suitability to Gameplay - How does the detail collaborate with gameplay? (15/25)Seems all well scaled for doublejumps and such.
Quantity - Is there too little? Is there too much? Or is there enough? (20/25)About right.
Jumps - 80/100
Judge based on the jumps of the map
Quantity - Are they too rare? Are they too common? (20/25)Quite a lot, as jitspoe mentioned.
Suitability - Are the jumps randomly placed? Are they needed? Do they work well? (20/25)They seem fairly randomly placed, in the container section at least, but it works. The stair ramps are well placed.
Relevance - Are the jumps relevantly placed? Are they Leading to places of importance? (20/25)Not in particular, although it doesn't seem that bad as there are few pickups anyway. Most lead to high ground, so that works.
Range - Are there jumps for people of all skill level? Some easy jumps and some hard? (20/25)Yes, at least there are chains of jumps for higher skilled players.
Gameplay - 48/100
Judge based on how fun the map is to play
Flow - Do you get stuck anywhere? Can you get from place to place without any fuss? (10/15)It's alright, but there are two loads of containers that generally slow down the pace a lot for bad jumpers.
Items (placed) - Are the items placed in convienient locations? Will they affect gameplay negatively? Are they present at all? (3/10)Only items I found were the autococker set in the middle. That's fair enough, but where are ammo pickups for the rest of the map?
Spawns - Will you get spawn killed? Are the spawns varied enough? Are they fair? (5/10)Quite varied, although there is one questionable one where you spawn facing your own base.
Lines - Do the lines look interesting? Are they used for the sake of being used or do they serve a purpose? Is the Visibility of the map good? Can players see other players at certain points only? And does this help or hinder gameplay?(5/15)Some incredibly long lines of sight in this map, and anyone going for either base will be visible at some point - there are no map separations.
Capping + Grabbing - Is it too easy/ hard to grab? Is it too easy/ hard to cap? Are the flags worth too much or too little? (15/30)Grabbing and capping both mandate travelling the whole way down the one big path and all the way back. Doable, but I wouldn't anticipate it happening too much in 10+ player pub games.
Layout - Are all the paths equal in terms of speed? Is the scale of the map good? (10/20)It is pretty much one big path, so the speed is equal, and the map isn't too small, but would probably get cramped relatively quickly as the player count adds up.
Technical Skill - 27/50
The quality of the mapping techniques used.
R_Speeds - Are the r_speeds low enough for play? Has the mapper done a good job at keeping them low? Will it be laggy for some players? (5/25)With an average wpoly on spawn of 1.5k, and a view looking down the whole map of ~3k, this map is not particularly well optimised; this is understandable given the design. However, some more attempts could have been made, such as playing with the -chop values and perhaps simplifying some of the circular geometry. Gotta mark you down here, sorry.
Alignments - Are the textures aligned correctly? (10/10)Yes, as far as I could see, apart from the one that was quickly mentioned and fixed.
Brush + Grid work - Is their technique good? Is the grid size appropriate? Have they used clipping planes (if they are relevant)? etc. (12/15)Everything seems nicely aligned and squarely on the grid. As mentioned, the curved geometry has a lot of sides which is bringing the wpoly up.
Innovation - 30/50
Is this map NEW and EXCITING or have we seen it before?
Innovation/ Unique - Have we seen this all before? Or were you impressed by the fresh look of the map? (30/50) Nice idea for a map, not unique in FPS but unique to paintball. Nice use of uni's textures too.
Overall - 265/400Also, if you did manage to the wpoly down a bit, you could copy CoD a bit more and use rscripts to make a huge wavy water surface outside the boat