Author Topic: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse  (Read 28536 times)


  • PGP
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GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse
« on: December 24, 2004, 11:59:11 AM »
yeah that's right you lame fukheads.... ban me cuz im using a pgp? bunch of fukn wussies... omg. i happen to find the pgp to be the best fukn gun in this game. stop sucking penis and grow up stuffheads.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 09:45:05 PM by jitspoe »


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2004, 10:39:29 PM »
Another satisfied graffiti customer.


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2004, 01:52:31 PM »
Another satisfied graffiti customer.

Can I quote you on that Mr. LLamanat0r??


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2004, 05:05:01 PM »
...who runs graffiti?


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2004, 05:24:35 PM »
Snipen of course....


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2004, 05:26:15 PM »
"hehe i love you guys"-the good eric cartman

smell the love in the air kiss and make up or dont play there ever (what a sham(not shame)...

what name were you using on the server and were you female doged at for using a cheat before you got baned ?  

its just a game ....when i got baned once it was because i was re-binding keys <<<< w h a t   t h e   * * *  was that .....tried not cry out loud ...and kindly asked around with snipens pals and peolple that know him what the deal was ..its was his son that kicked me
 but i understand your fustration speaking from experence snipen is a very very prickly pear( i have logged most minutes there) ....only thing i can do is shut up and try to win with the ppg(great weapon with steel barrel) which seems to work well (all time ppg god here)  and stop spamming chat with bound phrases...trying to help  :)

btw ...why dont people use one freaking name all the freaking time what is the freaking purpose of of haveing for then one name ..only nefarious reasons or your a freaking chicken  "i tell you what"-hank hill
<<<...this is close to being a new topic question

several people have full admin rights


  • Stingray
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2004, 11:08:30 PM »
those servers are messed up yet people are still playing on them. It just makes no sense to me.


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2004, 03:34:52 PM »
I think as a general rule, you're required to be an power-tripping, abusive prick in order to be given admin rights to the graf servers. At least, I've yet to encounter a graf admin that didn't fit that description.


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2004, 09:22:09 PM »
Jitspoe you crack me up...  We pay our hard earned dollar to give free servers to idots who whine "hacks" complain about everything they can but contribute nothing to DP or the servers.. We started the servers when Er33t decided to close their servers because of their inability to continue to pay for their servers.  DP was going to shut down until we brought the servers online. (YOUR WELCOME)

YES I admit there has been some admin abuse on ocassion and I'm not condoneing that but we went through the identical same problems and complaints with Er33t servers when they were alive and you never said a thing.

What saddens me about you is that you are so caught up in YOURSELF, YOUR ALPHA and your little IRC "CLICK" that you have forgotten the most basic elements of marketing a product.

There will always be crybabies who think noone should be able to beat them ect and that everyone is doing them wrong...


You, OLD friend, are so caught up into force feeding yours onto EVERYONE that I am compelled to just stay wih the OLD Q2 version.

I have seen you 2 times on the server since the day they were created so how the hell can you form a fair opinion about the servers...

What??  Because we don't wan't to upgrade to YOUR latest server bulid that makes us trash so you take us off the server list...

Jit you don't play on our servers enough to say crap and as far as I'm concerned you, your ALPHA, "your click", and any of the other self serving little crybabies who don't like Graffitti servers can go straight to APEX laggy servers so you won't have to have anything to whine and female dog about anymore...

I play the game for fun and the few little crybabies in your "CLICK" remind me of this guy >>>

I used to have respect for them (they know who they are) but no longer give a hoot.  I think ALL of you need to stop acting like magpies on a fence, be quiet, and play the game.  Otherwise, be quiet and go somewhere else.

We might have to use the servers, which cost us in excess of $1,200 per year, for something other than YOUR ALPHA.  Oh and BTW APEX is no more protected than Graffiti when it comes to hacks.  

In FINAL, if you don't like Graffiti servers then stay the F__K off and stop trying to talk them down.  You've paid nothing and again, haven't been on them enough to form an opinion...

Thanks for the bandwidth...


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2004, 10:07:35 PM »
Because dedicating like 4 hours of my life every day to a game and its community is so selfish...

I'm not "forcing" anything.  If you want to play on an outdated server with Q2, that's fine.  You don't need it on the DP serverlist to do that.  It still works with GameSpy or ASE.  It is, however, frustrating when I spend years working on something and people just shove it aside without so much as commenting on what they don't like.

I think "clique" is the word you want, btw.


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2004, 10:42:35 PM »
Yeah we're what, 4 server side updates behind??  They change way too often and the one were using works just fine.

It's funny that the ONLY servers that show up on the ALPHA server list is APEX servers.

Yeah you spend years creating something but you ONLY listen to a few select in your "CLIQUE" (the word I wanted) Your not forcing anything?  You take our servers off the list because we're NOT impressed with your latest serverside client? 

Like I said, you crack me up and the proof is in the package.. Keep it on Apex servers because in my opinion, no matter how, unimportant it may seem to you, you've ruined my opinion of you and Digital Paintball with these antics.

Again, APEX servers block nothng more than GRAFFITI Servers do and APEX servers lag.  Cheats are still used on both and as hard as it might seem to some there are still great players on both even if some of us like to spend and hour or more playing DP daily.  I have seldom missed a day in what, 7 years now?  I'm a hack, I cheat, and now I'm selfish?  I've heard it ALL over the years...

It is excretory openings like me who keep your game going... now whose really become the "Selfish" one


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2004, 12:06:59 AM »
both of you stop ..mut your to freaking old for this dear friend you might have a heart attack  .
jits please just ignore him his had no whiskey jk :)

mut shhhh use your indoor voice :)

im going to read this and to sip some jd and reflect on whats been said


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2004, 12:26:28 AM »
The build running on graffiti is over 8 months old.  I had to go back 59 news updates to find it. :)

Here's some of what's changed since then:

Gameplay Changes
- KOTH (King of the Hill) support -- there are ent files included for ksplat2, koth, and yoy that allow you to play them in KOTH mode.  Teams get a point for each x number of seconds they stay on the hill (controllable by “koth_hilltime”).  There are no rounds and the respawn time, controllable by “koth_elim”, is defaulted to 5 seconds.
- "flagmustbeatbase" cvar requires all of the flag carrier's team's flags to be at home before the carrier can capture the flag.  This makes maps like castle1 much more interesting and no longer a rabid capfest.
- “flagcapendsround” cvar (actually implement in a previous version, but I’ll mention it here since it works well with the above setting) ends the round as soon as the flag is captured.  Especially handy when you have that one newbie left alive hiding in the corner while the other team keeps doing flag runs -- this way they can only get one capture.
- Gun freezing.  In order to discourage the squat-n-spray tactics that are becoming ever-so-prevalent (two guys sitting around the corner from each other spraying a stream of paint waiting for the other to walk into it), this was added.  As long as you don’t spray nonstop it shouldn’t be a problem.  “guntemp_inc” and “guntemp_dec” control how quickly the freeze bar increases and decreases.  The default values are pretty forgiving right now, but I’d like to make it stricter in the future.
- Overtime.  If the scores are tied when the timelimit is reached, the map goes into overtime for 2 minutes (or whatever is specified by the “overtime” cvar).  There are also some fine-tuning options.  If “overtime_0” is set, the map will go into overtime even if the scores are all 0.  If overtime_4team is set, all teams must have unique scores (useful for a 4-team tournament that requires specific rankings for each team).

New Rotation System
- mapinfo files allow you to specify the minimum and maximum player counts for a map to load, thus eliminating overcrowded servers on tiny maps and near-empty servers on gigantic maps.  They also allow for the cycling of game modes, so you can play something like midnight in 1-flag mode or halfpipe in deathmatch mode.
- Map voting.  Rather than simply changing to the map with the most votes, votes accumulate.  Each person gets one vote per map.  One person voting for a map over the sequence of 5 map changes counts the same as 5 people placing a single vote for the same map.  All maps also get one auto-vote.  That keeps things cycling in a normal rotation.  Basically voting for a map bumps it up one position in the rotation.  The map with the most votes gets played then its vote count gets reset to 0.  You can also vote for different game modes.  “votemap <mapname> <gamemode>” is the command, but there’s also a GUI menu for it in build 12.  You can even vote for maps that aren’t in the rotation and they will be added but get no autovotes.  They must be voted to the top of the list.  The “sv_votemaptime” cvar controls how long (in seconds) players have to vote at the end of the map.
- Remote admins can easily alter the map list with the “rotation” command.  It allows for the dynamic addition, deletion, and saving of maplists.
- "newmap" command supports a gamemode parameter.  Example: "newmap midnight 1flag"

Misc. Stuff
- can now specify "requiredfiles" in the map worldspawn and the client will download specified
files (requires client build 11 or higher).
- In order to make things fair and reduce wasted bandwidth, "sv_maxfps" limits the client cl_maxfps (Quake2) and cl_cmdrate (Paintball2).  Default is 80.  Note: There are some issues related to joysticks on the standalone Paintball2 client that cause it to send more data than it should and may result in getting you kicked for repeatedly exceeding the limit.
- "fadetoblack" cvar fades screen to black when a person is eliminated so they can't ghost recon.
- "observerblackout" cvar makes observer's screen black during rounds so they can't provide recon.
- Code reworked to allow for client-side scoreboard, encoded messages, etc.  Lots of cool stuff for players using build 12.


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2004, 12:26:48 AM »
lol, exceeded the maximum post length...

- In Siege mode, upon winning the round and reaching the fraglimit, it ends the game instantly rather than starting an new round then ending it.
- Teams no longer get points for ffire while on defense in Siege mode.
- In CTF, 2nd flag no longer appears on stand at round end if someone is carrying it.
- Players sorted by kills, then deaths.
- Nothing is displayed when the chat string is empty (ie: pressing t then hitting enter).
- Spawn with weapons now works properly with expert mode.
- Fixed a potential crash on linux servers related to the password setting.
- Funname fixed for botcmd so you can properly rename your bots now, ie: sv botcommand ACEBot_1 funname Jack
- fixed problem with noname bots.
- Idle checks are stricter now.  Some input devices (such as joysticks) made players appear to not be idle even though they were.  Now if they don’t move in the number of seconds specified by the “idle” cvar, they get knocked into observer.  Also, if they are in observer when the map changes, they won’t autojoin a team.
- Fixed crash relating to double kills while on maps where you spawn with weapons (often seen on bigarenaball).
- Fixed skin check -- at some point I made it impossible to change skins.
- Deathmatch winner determined by kills then deaths (not just the first player with the most kills).
- “viewgib” command now displays a proper death message.

Small Tweaks
- Negative skill makes bots not shoot.
- Dropped item reduction (dead players only drop what other players NEED) -- reduces lag.
- smoke fades out slowly.  Transitions to/from smoke also smoothed out.  Intensity of smoke increased somewhat.
- "ver" / "gameversion" command extended to show server executable version.
- When the last person on a team leaves, rather than instantly ending the map, it has a timer to give people a chance to resume the game.
- Intermission time now controllable by "intermissiontime" cvar.
- Got rid of the 12g CO2 on HUD while dead / observer.
- “tossgren” now takes parameters: timed and impact.  Default depends on gren_explodeonimpact setting.
- “g_writestats” cvar dumps the statistics of each player (shots fired, hits, time alive, etc) to the server console.  Very primitive right now.  Eventually I want to expand that to upload statistics to a global database.
- "cvar_get" command.
- "cvar_set" updated to have all necessary cvars.
- if you try to use the same name as someone else, you get (1) tagged on the end (or (2), or (3)...).


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2004, 01:21:46 AM »
"  I think as a general rule, you're required to be an power-tripping, abusive prick in order to be given admin rights to the graf servers. At least, I've yet to encounter a graf admin that didn't fit that description"   sharon ....and if you say not i say she was spoofed ,you have no proof and that is the trooth  :) for you understand the complexity of changing your name daily and the horror that can bring to others.  point made on other thread`

 Admin abuse haha thats funny about that  you cant satisfy every one what one calls abuse or just being an excretory opening another might call  evening of odds , payback, kicking someone who might be cheating .

It is there server the will gib players when they want  "i will change my name when i want"
===sound familier picklehead ......oh now its not fair for a admin to act anyway they but with a player its ok to do what you want to do becuase its yours
 now that is hipocritical adn silly .

As far as the  gibbing is it done during matches ?

Here is the quagmire that i have been so adament about ...check out this math eq
with out players=no game / with out admins money=no game / with out game writers=no game

we are equal parts of a whole ...jits thankyou for your hard dedication and patients / graf thanks your hard earn money / loial thanks for owning every one at one point  with yoiur skill ;)

i  know nuthing about no irc anything dear jits ..but if what muts says is true ...that is really PHAWQING sad this is a community (nuf said)

mut lay the hell off of apex just like graf they have hard earned money invested ...dont knock it . You dont like it when people talk trash about graf just dont go there . Some good people run apex and deserve a little bit more respect from you ,considering your valid points about money . But knowing you good friend I doubt you will bow and apologize however true it was .
 You can always tell a freaking okie but cant tell them much .

go suck it


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2004, 03:26:25 AM »
The problem here is more than just outdated versions, however, (not so sure what's such a big deal about spending ten seconds to unzip and restart the servers).  The admin abuse is more often than "on ocassion" as you suggest.  It was getting to the point where I'd hear complaints every single day -- often from up to 5 different poeple -- about being kicked for beating somebody, getting viewgibbed just before capping, or some kind of 'hack' that would allow an admin to kill everyone instantaneously, etc.  That doesn't even take into account the new players who were viewgibbed or kicked for things as simple as "getting in the way" and got completely fed up with the game and will never return.  I've even seen demos of you, PiCaSSo, kicking people for playing better than you.  At some point I just had to say, "Enough is enough."  Yes, I appreciate you spending your hard-earned money on servers, however just because you're paying for them doesn't give you the right to abuse the admin powers.  In a bushel this small, one bad apple quickly spoils the whole bunch.  What am I to do?

On a side note, I'm curious -- how much do you spend a month for the server, PiCaSSo?

And FWIW, apex is less laggy than graffiti for me ('bout a 30% lower ping, too). :)


  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2004, 08:17:42 AM »
All I have to say is jitowned.

Servers are laggier for different people, it depends on your location.

MuT gets good ping because he lives near the graf servers, so apex would seem laggier. And vise-versa..

God you tech newbs  ;D


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2004, 09:47:49 AM »
The only person I have been kicking is Bob whom I'm fed up with, not because you think he might be better than me.  That doesn't make a difference to me because I play many that are better than him...  Again, because you are seldom actually with us in the games you are unable to see Bob running at the mouth like he does EVERYTIME he comes into a game...  The person recording obviously doesn't record much prior to the kick.

Check the "bad apples" on your side of the tree before assuming that the ones on my side of the tree are bad.

I've seen admin abuse just as it was on past servers and again don't condone it however your passing judgement based on IRC chat alone rather than actually seeing it for your own eyes.  I'm not talking about selective demos either.  Your not seeing both sides of the story.

You listen to the few in IRC but forget there are many that don't even have IRC.

Apex is less laggy for you thats great Jit.  There is nothing wrong with having choices of what server to go to but when you start playing sides without all the facts and talking people's servers down your not helping any situation. 

I have always appreciated your hard work and admire your talent in creating the Q2 mod and the standalone which I've enjoyed over the years but it's not smart to play sides without complete facts or really at all.

You want EVERYONE to like and want to play the game, NOT just the few select.  The gaming world will NEVER be perfect and there will always be "bad apples" in ALL games.

Crap... Got to go to work!

Oh and it's none of anyone's business what I spend on anything.

Good Day

PiCaSSo :)

P.S. True points made Loial and Xile...  It's too early to drink Loiallypoo and your JD hack can't touch my JB Blackhack :P


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2004, 02:25:22 PM »
" I'm a hack, I cheat, and now I'm selfish?  I've heard it ALL over the years..." <-- funny, you seem to not condone this type of behavior, yet my clan and I hear it from you almost everytime we play with you.

The other day i joined a graffiti server because it was playing midnight which is an EXTREMELY rare occasion and i didnt want to miss it. The score was something like 5-40 and I was playing against multi and a few others. By the time my team and i had brought the score to something like 45-49 i had been accused of hacking multiple times by multi. In what would become the last round of the game, i was bringing the opposing teams flag back to cap to clench our victory, but while on the bridge multil8tor viewgibbed me so his team won. This is the kind of behavior that happens frequently on graffiti servers. Although this is irrelevent to the story, afterwards, Cy told me he had been on graffiti's ventrilo server and had listened to multi ranting about how much of a hacker i was. Although this is off topic, i use build13 and to my knowledge there aren't any hacks for it. BoB, the person you abuse the most, uses alpha9 which is equally un-incriminating.

I think the best way to settle any disputes would be a nice rant-free match.

Dirty Dozen Doc Holliday

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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2004, 02:47:53 PM »
basically this will be a never ending dispute, jitspoe works hard to give us a free mod to play and frankly for people to be ungreatful for the hard work he puts into it for us to make his creating more elegant, but more user friendly. further more comparing the er33t servers to the gt servers is rediculous, never in the time of er33t had people been banned for playing. as it is not out of the ordinary to accuse someone of hacking, as it is a regular occurence by the 2 inchers that are disatisfied with their size and feel the need to take it out on players that are merely better then them. as far as cliques are concerned, cliques happen in real life, so why not a game, people get along with certain people on this game better, it might not be the fact that were all in one clique, its just you have decided to place yourself away from everyone else having your very own one man 2 incher club for older men. thank you very much have a nice day come back anytime soon, and thanks mom, dad 2 inch wiener