Author Topic: GRaFFiTi Admin Abuse  (Read 28541 times)


  • Autococker
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #100 on: January 11, 2005, 03:16:52 AM »
"Actually there's a couple of people out there that have all the respect I could possibly give to another player"

ok hoboto i wish that you would consider me one of those players . I dont lie , i dont cheat  i love fighting bots :) like you

Prior to me getting kicked did I complain ?

So now you have completed your test can you please convince others to use fonts like yours ,

i am pro ? ,    only on  public and u consider me one ty an honor hobo .

  When was the last time you saw me clan hop from my q2(WOD) clan , no matter the game or mod , never.
  When was the last time you saw me match , never .
  When was the last time i was seen on irc, never

My point being i have isolated my self from this community and others for the past 4 years on  porpuse just like you claim to have done only becuase of some bad experenices on e3rrt server and ganja . The only reason I opened an account here was because i got banned from gt , check my post .
  When was the last time i made fun of a newb for doing or asking something newbish?  As matter of fact i will drop my gun more often then any one in dp just to be fair with the newbs or idles .   

Hobo I consider you a friend on the public servers for the past 3 years now . I assumed you were (kind and objective) and dam fun to shoot at and being killed by . I only hope we can both  eat these words  someday dear friend and killl each other in a blissful fit once again  , and that you in no way take this personally as a friend of mine , for i dont give a S H I T who you think is your friend and who is not ,  I AM TRY ME


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #101 on: January 25, 2005, 10:58:51 AM »
I know this topic is dead, but i figured i'd say that yesterday the player "dew" kicked me for accidently blocking the bd jump in castle1. I thought this was worthy of a post due to its lack of a good reason for kicking.

Also it seems, now that dew has the login to GT servers, that would put him in three clans. The clan he was originally in and is still in, namely, krew; descendants, who he matched with against cP, and GT given that GT only gives the login to members. I thought that one should note this fact when reading about his quick-to-kick syndrome.


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #102 on: January 25, 2005, 09:23:23 PM »
hmmmm gt anythign to say ? blocking bd to castle is not kewl btw , why would you want to do that ?


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #103 on: January 26, 2005, 07:22:03 PM »
JUs so u know that dew does not hav login to GT servers n in fact he is only in one clan and that is krew.... not all members hav login in GT servers.... Me, (Dye32), Boomer, Damien, PartyPooper does not hav the login for kickin ppl  nor map changing... we dont really need the login unless we really wanted it....


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #104 on: January 26, 2005, 11:32:15 PM »
Yeah dew is cleared thanks dye , what about his kick. Was he warned ,

 granted if it would have been my server . no warnings to vets that know better
if they want to they can come back adn play by my rules , alas i am no admin :(   

again patriot you are hardly new why do such a thing.


  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #105 on: January 27, 2005, 10:46:34 PM »
  Who are you?  Judge and jury?
  You SHOULD start up a server... 


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #106 on: January 27, 2005, 11:32:03 PM »
this is all there is to talk about?? :(


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #107 on: January 27, 2005, 11:44:55 PM »
If you dont like our intercoursein servers then dont play on them and if u were banned then there was a reason u were prolly bein a lame ass ppl are most definetly not banned for no reason on the gt servers special consideration is takin in order not to piss any1 off when ppl r kicked because of idleing. so take into consideration wut u say because ur not paying for the servers ur just playing on them


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #108 on: January 28, 2005, 06:24:34 PM »
Good questions Hobot.

I am the god of fairness and logic.

My own server .
I have asked the President of Marketing for SBC to start hosting free and premium game hosting. He said once all fiber has been deployed they will start hosting games .     


  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #109 on: February 21, 2005, 12:21:56 AM »
Well Snipen... I guess owning you deserves a kick... half the ping and you still need to viewgib and kick people... Tell me why you kicked me for doing exactly the same thing you do... guess things will just never change....


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #110 on: February 21, 2005, 12:22:23 AM »
  I knew you'd be right here...


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #111 on: February 21, 2005, 03:25:43 AM »
PartyPopper has no login? Shut up Dye! And Snipen is the biggest excretory opening in Pball with his viewgib.What an excretory opening.pfft.Snipen kicks every person who is better! Thats bullexcrement!


  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #112 on: February 21, 2005, 09:02:45 AM »
GT admin abuse has definetely not have stopped... I DO NOT, want to make things worse then they are.. which this post probably will. Sadly.

So I was playing on the GT servers for once in a lifetime after reading these posts that the abuse has stopped, and thought to myself.. ok.. maybe it will actually be fun.. so whatever... so i go on the server as me. Xile.. and we are playing shazam after a short match to antioch.. A few rounds pass ok, casso is in there, hes all cool.. were playing having fun.. and snipen comes in. Whatever ok.. So i keep playing a few rounds, get a kill on him like twice in a row, whatever, nothing happens ok... So the next round, kills happen w/e, im the last guy on the team with someone else.. we both grab flags.. So we meet in the middle, and i kill the guy, and not even a millisecond after i get viewgibbed. Obviously he was trying to prevent me from killing him. So i go ugh, whatever.. I remember Casso always saying they do it for poops and giggles, so im like w/e, so i say "Not soon enough there snipen :D" jokingy.. then a few seconds after he kicks me.. So i get pissed off ugh.. So i flap my mouth in a buddies channel about them being lame and over 40 and act like 14 in frustration.. So.. someone passes this on to them, and mut pms me alll boogerin and whining about me being a lowlife and crap, and that im starting stuff with them. He also points out that they kick me because im "crap".. This all was actually pretty darn funny..

Obviously, kicking someone because they are "crap" is an acceptable excuse in any given situation. Id just like to point out that, I was very frustrated and angry that it happened liked usual, with me, not really doing anything wrong. I just "jokingly" joking with them, as I thought they were with me also. Obviously, the statement that they do it for "poop" and giggles is is not true, And the comments i made were mainly directed torwards snipen, and snipen alone.. I was pretty much just stating that sharon and mut were over 40 also because someone didnt beleive me. I have huge amounts of respect for Sharon, she has almost been the intercoursing coolest to everyone and stayed neutral while anything was going down. And for MuT, now, I really dont know. I was acting out of frustration just in turn, as does Snipen when he doesnt get his way. So really, I didnt act to the situation any better then he did mine.

I would like to seriously apologize to everyone in GT, for the comments I made towards them. And I will take your advice, and never join another Graffiti server again. And as for apex being crap, some people ping better there, and some ping better on GRaffiti, its about location. Where the user is to the server and vise versa. I ping better on apex, and lag on Graffiti. So I usually play there. Exactly why you never see me playing MuT. And thats where I will play, from now on.

too long....
« Last Edit: February 21, 2005, 09:07:29 AM by Xile »


  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #113 on: February 21, 2005, 09:03:40 AM »
.. continued

Now, Id like to take everyone's SERIOUS attention away from world war III and make everyone who reads this aware of Internet Bullying. We all have been victims and attackers of it. I for one, have been both at one point. If you stop reading now. You should really get your head checked. There have been a few instances in a few games where Internet Bullying has occured in their "Cirlce" of online buddies where the people have took it to extremes as of trying, and successfully killing theirselves. Not only is Internet Bullying getting more and more rampant, but It is getting out of hand. And I, have seen this firsthand with someone I know, and im not going to disclose who they are, because a few players in dp know me in real life. But when kicking, viewgibbing and name calling goes on, on any server, Im not just pointing this at graffiti because its not the only place it ever happens. Just way more frequently. A few ppl have lost ops to apex for doing so. IT IS a form of internet bullying. As much as a poop and giggle anyone gets out of it, It can still hurt someone emotionally, and cause damage. Yeah, you may think, so what, its a game.. But some people might take it to heart, and im not just talking about being mad about it. Im talking emotionally making an impact on them that could lead to depression. This is the main reason i get pretty mad when stuff like this happens. No, it doesnt bother me really, i just get mad, but it could eventually impact someone to a state of depression. And for all you guys or gals out there reading this, and thinking, OMG, what a loser. You're probably a bully. And I think it would be greatly sad that you would feel that way with such a serious topic.

Id just like everyone to think about this when they are playing, and admins to any server definetely think about this also.
If you have kids, think of your kids being bullied at school,  how do you think they feel? If you were bullied at school, think of how you felt. And if you were a bully, think of how they felt.

Id like everyone to check out a few links ->

And to read Sharons last post on page 2..
Shes the only one here who gets it. Props to her.

Instead of always fighting with eachother, lets try and make dp a community that can stand out, and be an example of how games should be. Were not that big, it shouldnt be that hard. As far fetched as this sounds, It CAN be done. If you see bullying going on, say something. Hey man, thats not right. If they start to flame you, contact an admin and it should be properly taking care of. If it is an admin, contact someone with higher authority, if all else fails, go somewhere else. If everyone partipates like someone with a heart. We can make a change, for the better...

« Last Edit: February 21, 2005, 09:24:20 AM by Xile »


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #114 on: February 21, 2005, 11:29:10 AM »
Yeah xile, snipen did the same with me ! Paintball is a fungame but with  snipen .........


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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #115 on: February 21, 2005, 03:47:57 PM »
Did yall forget again?

Jitspoe please change the name of thread to

 "Snipen the meanest admin ever" or "Snipen the bigest bullie of dp, besides er33t"

Seems as though GT is not being blamed persay

He has ever viewgibbed and tossed players for fun, to make a point or (the best) just to be an icehole.

Internet bullies, hmm interesting link , is this treatable?
« Last Edit: February 21, 2005, 04:06:39 PM by loial21 »


  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #116 on: February 21, 2005, 08:08:23 PM »
man this is pretty sad


  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #117 on: February 21, 2005, 10:45:02 PM »
  Nice post Xile... I agree about the bullies. (I'll try to take it easy on ya...)
  Serirously, it is just a game but even a game has real life effects.  Again nice post.


  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #118 on: February 21, 2005, 10:46:19 PM »
  Is is mandatory for lioal to reply to every post?  Like a unwritten rule or something?


  • VM-68
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Re: GT are teh lame asses
« Reply #119 on: February 21, 2005, 10:59:23 PM »
Of course, he's loial.