Sure, to begin:
1. Save 'cmp.txt' (attached in the first post) to your scripts folder in the pball directory. (this allows for alpha blending)
2. In your models folder, create a new folder call 'cmp', this is short for community model pack
3. (from the zip file attached above) put tree2.skp (skeletal pose file), tree2.skm (mesh), and (texture) and treeskin.tga in to the newly created cmp folder.
Now in a map, create a func_model, set the Key to "model" and the value to "models/cmp/tree2.skm" (no quotes .. or else it crashes)
Post problems back here.
This reminds me, thanks to jitspoe for some last minute PM exchanges about alpha blending.
I've attached a tire, this works the same way as the tree, EXCEPT create a folder called tire INSIDE of cmp and dump the contents of the zip in it. (cmp/tire/*)
Pics: tire & 2 trees
ViciouZ pointed out there are few branches, this is correct, outside of a proof, I'd use add two times as many branches at least; unless framerates won't allow it.
I think if I photosource some textures, and triple the branches... we could easily have trees that look like they are from HL2.
edit again: 3rd pic = lots of trees, running on 7600GT (just one) @ 63 celsius 1280x1024, all option at high, roughly 300fps