Author Topic: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest  (Read 23415 times)


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Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« on: June 06, 2005, 06:13:53 PM »
Greetings  and  welcome to the world of lag free gaming brought to you by Loial.

  Several rules:

1: No visual abnormalities
2: No FPS hacks
3. No rat/z or other happy bots allowed (bob)
4. No flooding server(oversizing packets)with happyness
5. No exploits (by my definition) at all.
6. No leet geeking we are all equal.
7. No Abusive behavior toward anyone.
8. No settings that harm others will be allowed.
9. No spoofing names
10. If you are lagging in server you will be asked to reconnect.
11. If you are asked to stop spamming chat by anyone you will comply and do your best.
*new rule
12. Do not recruit, do not challenge or pester players on chat.

     You will be warned once for any of these offenses after which you will be kicked.  To be reinstated you must petition to me or Jitspoe on this topic.

I will be keeping a log of known offensives and offenders among other details of your visits.

Please have fun and Respect each others authority to own.

***edit server is open for matches
Read and understand
« Last Edit: April 20, 2006, 12:07:51 AM by loial21 »


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Re: Build 014 Feedback
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2005, 09:40:34 PM »
Which tools do I need? 

1. Like loading maps onto server remotely via your gui then adding then to maplist. Not user friendly

2. The option to perm/temp ban (from mac address) or just kick

3. The ability to slide adjust gravity

4. The ability to slide adjust ball flight (speed)

5. The ability to slide adjust what some call fade decals ( ball paint does not fade )

6. The ability to drop files in to a remote admin folder for server customization,  or a complete remote server interface via your gui .

and some others but alas my point...

RCON what good is it for if the average user cant access an user friendly menu.

Most of these I believe you know should be done for the person who is interested in hosting remotely and is not a programmer :)

***edit*** I could be wrong,  i am and i need help from someone who is not above from helping someone.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2005, 01:49:44 AM by loial21 »


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« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2005, 02:19:49 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:17:29 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2005, 02:47:25 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 25, 2010, 11:31:47 PM by IronFist »


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2005, 04:34:42 PM »
3. No rat/z or other happy bots allowed (bob) <--- lmfao

WHAT???  ;)  Bob does not cheat.

so in effect rule about bob does not apply  WICKED!!!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2005, 08:45:00 PM by loial21 »


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Re: Build 014 Feedback
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2005, 10:40:47 PM »
1.  There's a GUI interface for managing rotation, though it's probably easier just to type, "rotation add <mapname>" at the console.
2.  There is an option to kick players under "manage players" I think in the admin menu.  I haven't done any banning stuff because that's a little more complicated.
3 & 4.  These types of settings really shouldn't be modified like that as they drastically impact gameplay.  They're customizeable, as is practically everything else in the game, but they're not really something that should be messed around with, and as such, I have no intentions of putting a GUI interface to them (and even if I did, it'd be so low on the priority list that it probably wouldn't get done for 3 or 4 years anyway ;)).
5.  Not a server side setting, but ok... Actually, I'm planning on redoing the splats completely (to make them true, surface-clipped decals.  Right now they're just a single-polygon model that sits above the surface and looks kind of crappy).
6.  This is beyond the scope of the game, really.  I'll have to come up with some sort of way for you guys to manage your own servers, but that's getting off topic.

I do want to make the remote admin stuff more user-friendly, but it's kind of low priority because it only affects a couple people.  I need to focus on the stuff that affects everyone.


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Re: Build 014 Feedback
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2005, 01:12:16 AM »
Thank you for your time and attention.

1   I cant load maps via remote admin tool. More than 1/2 of the maps u have available on our/my rotation i can not load.

Some maps (no comment please) are blitz, ice, indune etc...  I wish to have access to change to any map i wish. Period.

 As stated before our ideas of "popular" maps differ sadly because i have not a map biased. Which sadly must say form a gamers standpoint is a deficienty

Please allow custom loading of new maps for the Newb or manual load them at cost to me in regards to my server.

2  I  Completely understand however if your so adamant about eliminating cheating (z/rat bots or any other lame q2 tweaks) why not make it easier for the admin to kick or ban (temp/perm) these cheats? This should be priority until the split.

3@4 No problem its very minor slide toggle

5 Good to see

6  This is a next gen idea, most user(s) wish for this and get shot down.

Summation to Jitspoe thank you, but I need specific help loading maps remotely either via rcon or orhter methods.

Lastly I assume to much,  my sincere apology.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2005, 01:51:20 AM by loial21 »


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Re: Build 014 Feedback
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2005, 11:53:31 AM »
Argh, loial, you're stressing me out here.  I'm sorry, but I have to comment.  I'm trying to completely eliminate godawful maps like blitz, and here you are wanting to put it on your server.  It's more than just a difference in opinion.  From a purely subjective and technical standpoint, blitz is just bad, period.  I mean, it's just a box.  There's no detail on the walls whatsoever -- just a flat box.  There's not a single aligned texture in the whole map.  There are floating boxes with a freaking flag banner texture on them and walls with a barrel texture.  It's ridiculous.  While you might be completely blind to the atrocity of maps like that, other people are not, and it's turning new players away.  I'll get responses like,
Your game blows. ... Then when I finally got it, the map was awful...
And I can't really blame him.  I mean, if I checked out a new game and played something like blitz, I'd probably never play again.  It's still really frustrating when people blow off the whole game because of bad maps.  We could fix that, though, by eliminating bad maps.  I hope you'll be with me on this.  It means a lot to me.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2005, 05:58:57 PM »
any chance of helping me get maps loaded onto server?
Just give me a list.  At the moment there's no way to upload files to the server.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2005, 06:44:59 PM »
thank you
I will comply with your opinions of bad  maps 


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temp, maps
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2005, 07:21:51 PM »
I'm with ye, however think on this.

  Players that have no mapping experience enter a new map they don't see what your seeing, its your instinct of quality mapping that takes over. Sadly allot of low quality, fun maps are effected. and it is a matter of opinion, one from a mapper, developer and one from purely player standpoint. Lets try to balance the two. When i finshed playing the map my final thoughts are was that fun? A pure and simple question.

Most new players are going to see the game from a player perspective only . Sadly not from people who know what a poorly made map is. For example my friends at work and even the developers of q2WOD (hhr/wod) johny/cygnus or (hhr/wod)shedevil) love playing blitz, its challenging to the highly skilled FPS but we would never want to play it night and day it does get old. 

However this does mean a lot to ye and I have and will continue the money for the servers no matter what.

** way of topic sorry,

      Most people that blow off any game is because of cheaters not bad maps. Period.  Any rebuts?  ???

Thank you for your time, expertise, patience and a willingness to make your game better.

(Craig and Sumer)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 12:50:14 AM by loial21 »


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2005, 09:59:25 AM »
Looks like those rules would have IronFist banned from the start.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2005, 05:05:41 PM »
Thank you for inputting some things I by stupidity alone can not articulate.
In fact, when big maps come on people leave

Notice I left out why they leave, because it does not matter, they leave period.

This is Jitspoe's child and my gift to him more or less so he has final say in regards to maps will be allowed on my server.

For now please add airtime420, nitefactor, antioch, spalt- mesa, spelunker, hillside3, KOTH. Thank you Jitspoe. I was upset not at having no access to blitz others but because they were on the Maplist but not on the server, and besides I could only load 6 maps. :(

However I would like to make a plea to you Jitspoe. You mentioned that I was a good dancer last night in pickup. I can guarantee you that I only got that good by playing in a small enclosed enviorments. Unless your looking to have a huge gap in the quality of players. You might want to consider blitz a "training map" just like the jump maps are for. ITS ANY UGLY MAP, but like the gentlemen mention allot of this community play maps that your not very fond of.

I propose this tier maps in to categories.
 Newbie, Intermediate, advanced.  Now is that not simple.   

I can all ready see the gleam in your eyes, the newbies will be picked on. True but hopefully with more willing honest  admins willing to help (pay) out (its only 60 freaking bucks gents and ladies cough it up) they can get a better grasp on who is picking on who.

   Also one other helpful tool until you can phase out q2 , wod servers have done this with great success is kill/death ratio boot. For instance I was playing with maybe one or 2 newbies on a wod server and was flying around railing the crap out of them over a 30 min period, I was then booted by a script for using a zbot (which a abhorred to me since did not even know (at the time) what zbot even was) so, after getting so many kills in a fixed amount of time with time in game as a factor i was booted. This was a script Pinchbird wrote to combat cheaters (BoB) and it works great. This would prevent master pber's and cheats from chasing off newbs despite the map.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 06:15:45 PM by loial21 »


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2005, 07:02:46 PM »
You don't have to be a mapper to see that a map looks like absolute crap.  The first thing a new player sees is exactly that -- what they see.  If what they see looks terrible, that bad first impression is already made.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying blitz is bad because it's small.  I'm saying it's bad because it's horribly constructed.  Compare it to something like the new warehouse map, which is about the same size, but so much better.  Or, if you must have the same gameplay style, jakesmistake is practically the same thing, but looks significantly better.

While there are some people who like the crappy maps, hell, maybe even the majority at this point, it's not billions - probably not even hundreds.  It's just a small handful.  Most people who used to play the game for its strategic elements have up and left, or just idle on IRC and talk about the "good 'ol days."  The problem we have here is that servers are constantly running 5-minute-attention-span maps for all the kids with ADD, and everybody else has gotten tired of the repetitive gameplay and moved onto another game.

I mean, face it.  When was the last time you refreshed the server list and didn't see blitz or pbcup on?  Usually they're on 3 or 4 servers.  The same 3 or 4 maps are always up on at least 50% of the servers, and they're bad maps.  New players are pretty much guaranteed to see a poorly constructed map the first time they play.  It may not bother some, but will drive others away, and the ones it drives away are often the ones we want to keep.

Anyway, I'm ranting.

loial: the reason maps show up on the list for rotation management is because they are created from the list you have on your hard drive.  At the moment, there is no way for the GUI to tell what the server has on its hard drive (and it wouldn't be very secure if it did).  I do need to work out a way to do that, though, so you can see which maps are in the rotation and which maps are on the server that can be added.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying on that last paragraph.  Are you suggesting we kick players who are doing well?  It doesn't sound like it works great if it kicks non-cheaters. :)

Oh, and I'll get those maps uploaded when I get home.

Edit: maps uploaded.  I put up spelunker2 instead -- I'm pretty sure it's the same thing except for the lighting (original spelunker has some really dark areas on it making it unfair to people with darker monitors).
« Last Edit: June 09, 2005, 07:37:29 PM by jitspoe »


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2005, 09:49:01 PM »
God Damm,
Im missing the best parts of DP.
Pissing me off that computer not running good enough, GRRRRRARRRRRRR



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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2005, 10:20:37 PM »
A 7/1 ratio is not realistic after a full game (not round) and if it is your playing against newbies which is not fair to the NEWBIES, the offending players or the game thus all parties are effective there should be some kind of Newbie protection in place, since you profess  keeping newer players rather than Bob. :) he he

Adult Attention Deficit Disorder is not funny, its real, I have to be constantly stimulated.

Thanks, more map requests to come.

Again, the last thing I look at is the"look" of it, my question is was it worth my time play (most of the maps you do not like are) Is it fun?

I don't know any better, your instincs as a good mapper is clouding your vision.
 jk ur a horrible mapper :)
   I was struck by lighting for lying your a god of mapping only becuase s8n sez so and I concure

   Please forgive me the Spurs just won I got a little suace in me and I feel giddy.

  That would include you 2 you freakin genious.

   If I know you know how to cheat your now suspect.  :D 

Only snipen is allowed to treat me like stuff and cheat if he wants to..


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2005, 08:35:35 AM »
Jitspoe...just so you case you haven't checked them out, or have and tossed them to the side...

I built airtime & nitefactor. Actually, I built nitefactor off fluidX's original design upon request.
Both those maps, although not "pretty" maps, are well built, well lit, and are rspeed friendly.

Airtime, it turns out, is a very nice strategic map. You can have people coming at you from multiple direction. You have to always be on guard. Someone grabbing a flag while you're on the other side of the map doesn't automatically mean they're going to get a cap. There are plenty of intercept opportunities. The weapon balance, although people have female doged for me to make all autocockers, is fair. Getting an autococker makes you put yourself in a vulnerable position. The map begs for you to flat out rush, but that is certain suicide with a good opponent.
Yes the map is small & fast. And in most public games the map is played with little regard to strategic positioning, but those elements are there, and used successfully by the better players. Give it a go mate.

nitefactor is a copy of speedfactor. I basically took the design and cleaned it up bringing down the rspeeds dramatically. With some added features like the back tunnel, and some extra ledges, the map isn't about the "speed factor" through the middle any more.

Both of those maps, however small and unprettyfied, are rspeed friendly, offer multiple paths, and are fun to play.


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2005, 05:16:53 PM »
Wee s8n maps weee!!!!!


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« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2005, 05:53:20 PM »
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 01:17:21 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: Loial's SpraynPray/Run-n-Gun Camp fest
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2005, 06:17:23 PM »
Most of my post are done at work so....

Yes taco I have a hard time articulating so I do go back and correct often and mix in some random thoughts, no you dont offend but you do smell  so wash your taco some time  :)  kisses

IT does not matter the original intention of the map maker its how the game evolved, live with it, I do. I cant believe one freaking map (which is ugly and plays like crap but is fun) is such a cause for concern. If I were a game software writer like yourself would be more concerned over people cheating than playing on bad maps. Its not like your forced to play it, unlike somethings are being forced you have a choice to play or not besides the round or over in 5 min. :) time enough to smoke a bowl or pour a refill.

I have something worthwhile . I am honored young man, praytell what are they?