I get an error and it starts saying writing C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\bsp\elite\quake2\elite\mapfiles\<what ever I try to export>.prt
C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\bsp\elite\quake2\elite\mapfiles\<what ever I try to export>.bsp
3 seconds elapsed
C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\bsp\elite\quake2\elite\mapfiles>call compliers\runmap <whatever I try to export>
A subdirectory C:\Documents already exists
Error occured while processing: C:\Documents.
A subdirectory or file C:\Documentns already exists.
A subdirectory and already exists
A subdirectory or file and already exists
Error occured while processing: and.
Then it repeats this over and over again as different words where there is a space.
C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\bsp\elite\quake2\elite\mapfiles>copy <whatever I try to export>.bsp
C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\Crimson Elite\elite\maps\inprogress
the syntax of the command is incorrect.
C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\bsp\elite\quake2\elite\mapfiles>c:
C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\Crimson Elite>cd\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\Crimson Elite
C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\Crimson Elite>pause
press any key to continue...
then when I press a key
C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\Crimson Elite>Crimson Elite +map inprogress <whatever I try to export>.bsp
'Crimson Elite' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
C:\Documents and Settings\CINJO\My Documents\Crimson Elite>pause
press any key to continue...
then when I press a key it closes.
I don't know about you but it seems pretty repetitiuve and doesn't make much sense to me.