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Messages - Steve Jobs

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Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 14, 2016, 11:13:27 PM »

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 14, 2016, 10:57:37 PM »
He is from Edmonton.
Bingo. Where M i from?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 14, 2016, 08:41:33 PM »
FYI - if anyone actually cares about who the author of the post is, whether or not I'm correct about Toxiic - it's a North American player who lives in an area that is central time.

Considering the size of the community, and that he "knows enough to know average people in the matching scene" , should be pretty easy to find who this salty man is.

Answer the question. Which part of Canada is toxiic from?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 14, 2016, 04:54:55 PM »
where does toxic live in Canada?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 13, 2016, 08:00:03 PM »
look you immature fools. the statements made by steve jobs are constructive and demonstrate his caring for the game that many others fail to show(as seen in most of these useless posts).  however, I'd like to point out that one of this game's issues is not the game itself, but the people who play it, run it, and use these forums. First of all, most of the current players are people whho've played in past years. just as the number of people playing the game has significantly decreased, the amount of trash talk has increased these two things have occured because the amount of boredom has increased. with boredom, players have nothing better to do other than trash talk others. for example, poor mr. steve jobs written a 1 page document describing this games faults, and the members of this ignorant community pinpoint the one sentence detailing their skill level, and spend 3 pages ignoring the post's facts arguing over how much skill they have. a topic is made for the well being of the game and all the community cares about is the talent, and the popularity associated with themselves, further increasing the amount of trash talk and killing the game more, even in a topic created to fix the game. the above example shows the results of boredom. However, the causes of boredom are what matter most. steve jobs' post explains all the causes of boredom. almost all of the causes for the boredom are  a result of the people who run it. first of all, the guy who made it seems to be inactive and into other games more than the one he created himself. as a result, nothing beneficiary is being done for the game. he needs to realize that others can help with the development/advertisement of the game, and trust them to help do what needs to be done.  there are hundreds of maps that have been created, there are about 35servers and at most 30 people playing the game at one time. Across all public servers, there are very few played intotal. a player gets nothin but bored as a result, so they start trash talkin or quit the game. also, players talk about what the committee does, etc.  what should be talked about is what the committee doesnt do. none of the committee even plays the game, so they dont even know the issues of the game. well i could go on and on with pages and pages explaining why dp is dead, but ik u fools cant comprehend and will create more pages of trash talk instead
Best post so far in the whole thread. The rest of you should all learn from this guy on how to make a constructive and progressive comment, and still be on topic. Thank you for your words Mr.Dooci. Its valid statement, with valid explainations. Its consistent and comprehensive. Know if only majority of dp community where like this.

Individual skill does count. Yeah it is about it, but mostly about teamwork, communication, preparation, etc. For example when I matched prozajik last time on his best map rome: It was pretty even, score like 45 to 45. You can predict moves, and show your individual skill and confidence. But in 2s/3s it is a lot harder to beat them. Last tournament I played, I saw great teamwork from cm8t I have to say. They played against old i6 and prozajik timed (flag restore) and grabbed flag under one second after flag got restored. I also saw support tactics and grabbing setup positions, changing tactics and a lot of teamwork stuff that managed them to win the games.

You are talking about FPS games, the same applies to CS:GO (example). Teamwork, tactics, smokes, rushes, ways, opening frags, the way how they beat sides A/B and how they defend it. Yeah sometimes one person can shine (that's why I said individual skill is important too), but it is MOSTLY about teamwork and setups.

EDIT: Flusha from Fnatic in CSGO was known as the best player in the game for some time. His mindset was amazing, but they were not winning games. His individual skill was great but teamwork was really bad. So he sacrificed his main position and took "supporting and lurking" one to allow his team to do better. And that happend. Fnatic was and still is the best team after changing of positions and improving teamwork in that game.

+ to that cyberbully... No, nothing can hurt me thru the internet. If I don't know person personally and that person is trahtalking about me or making fun of my weakness I just don't care. It's simple. Then it will become really funny for me and I will be even more confident to play against this person.
Like I said before you have valid points, I cant argue with your opinion. Its valid. But I have my opinion about FPS games. As I stated before, I think teamwork is a factor to winning, it certianly addes more chance to winning a match. But I believe that teamwork in FPS games is not the major factor that allows a team to win. Unlike other teambased games, where teamwork is the key to winning, but individual skill level helps with the chances of winning games.

As for toxic and cyberbulling, everyone is affected. Either you or someone will get affected. You have learned to deal with it. Not everyone has. Everyone has different level of effect. You think it doesnt, but it still does effect you. Its just that you have learned to deal with it. Cyberbullying is a real thing. Google it and do some research.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 13, 2016, 05:21:46 PM »
Btw. You don't want trashtalk and similar stuff to that, but you just did it now. What is the point of that?

How can you say on couple of these players that they are unskilled? Example after match: Shk's KD: 20/5, MyeRz's KD: 5/11, CheMiCal's KD: 6/14, these numbers doesn't mean anything. Just because one player of team has great KD, grab/cap ratio doesn't mean that he is the best. Of course it is about individual skill, but how you will "shine" infront of others depends on your team. If Shk is "carry" of the team it can be because of the team precise recon and predictions of movement of enemies reconed, also dead person in team can think for you a lot better than you by yourself and he can "shot-call" or give you tips what to do, because he doesn't have to focus on his own gameplay. To this example, the captain of team can have even bigger impact on the game than the carry of the team, in this case MyeRz. Tactic, positions, rushes, defending positions, timing, shot-calling, and a lot of other stuff depends mostly on him.

How can you say about Jeongwa that he is unskilled player, pls. In my opinion he is probably one of the best players, if not the best, due to his mindset ingame and his outplaying mechanics. I really like his playstyle and focus + sportsmanship. All named players are great, no doubt so that you said that they are unskilled doesn't make sense.

Maybe some of these players trashtalk ingame, but it's just game god darn. How can something what is wrote/said online ingame by person who you doesn't even know can hurt you? This is internet, not real life.
First off, good job sqz, you have made some valid points, but your last statement is ignorance,  and I thank you, unlike your friend. What you say is somewhat true, but here is the deal. You speak about teams. If a team in a FPS games with influence from maps( so basicly depending on maps) has the best individual players in the game, they will win. Espeically in Digital Paintball 2. Since this game gets an highest of 3v3 matches, team syngery or team machanics are not the factoring reason for a win. Yes plays can be made. But its not that plays are made, its that the individual players capability to performin the game. FPS games mostly known for individual skills, unlike other games. Its not like the you have a book/list of plays you can make in FPS games, unlike other esports or sports in general. Once again it doesnt prove anything. KDR and caps/points per round matter. I would believe you if myers still won after that kdr. But guess what? They obviously mean something signficant, and thats why they lost. Now aside from that, you have heard of toxic or cyberbullying? Well guess you need to do some research. Beacause its real. Like Newtons law states: ever action has a reaction. It also applies to well everything. You do anything, it has consquenses. You say to someone something weather it be on the net or in real life, it has effects. Thats not me saying this, its research stating this. Its a fact.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 13, 2016, 08:57:47 AM »
Oh really? Well, when I joined this game back in 2008 some guys told me this game is going to die...when some raging guys talked to me in 2011 they said this game is going to die, when I was raging back in 2013/2014 I said this game is going to that I'm banned for a bit over 1 year and check the forums the first post I see is "Reasons why Paintball is going to die", funny isnt it?
This game is worse than your ex I can tell you is NOT going to die dude! :P
Not sure if this is a troll post or not.

If you're serious, you should consider editing your post and deleting everything. Come back to this thread once you have a proper constructive argument. Here is an proper and constructive reply to your brain damaging statement: from 2008-2011 there has been an consistent decrease in game size. From 2011-2015 game size has been significantly less game activity when comparing to 2008-2011. That said, this game, like every single thing in this universe, has a time period, and generaly speaking has been dying/downhill since its climax. Now coupe this or leave.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 12, 2016, 09:18:26 AM »

I'm talking non-sense and trying to look smart ? But just look at these sentences and you got these 2 points all in one.

Once again, I have stated nothing wrong. Those two statements dont contradict. Both are completely correct. Ill explain this in a analogy: I stated the dieases, I didnt state the cures. I understand that sometimes stating whats wrong is some what like stating the solution, since all you have to do is "reverse" these problems. But you need to comprehend that its not exactly the same. Thats why I stated, all/most major [the] problems, with the game thats killing it. I didnt give the solution on how one should fix it. Thats why i said that I leave it to you(the Digital Lazerball 2 community) to find ways to fixing these problems. Have I made myself clear? Oh and also didint I say make a compelling and contructive comment? Good day.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 11, 2016, 07:54:46 PM »
Im absolutely disguested by this argument. Possibly the worst statement made in internet history. Sorry I take that back. There is probably a more worse statement. It makes zero sense. Its almost as if you didnt even read, saw your name, and posted just to bash me, without realizing that your intent to make yourself look smart and considerate; you're actualy making yourself look like a complete and absolute fool. Please dont type unless you read it all. As I stated before, Im not here for basied and/or predijuice. Im here for facts. The facts in the original post are indeed and will be compelling and constructive.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 11, 2016, 07:04:21 PM »
Most of my intellectual arguments have been placed on the reason on basis. Those basis include studies done on different games. For example, League of Legends does not approve of toxic behaviour. Im sure Myers, you know that very well since you play League Of Legends. Talking trash promotes an toxic environment for the game and others who are in it. It promotes hatered. It promotes personal confliction. It ruins games and most importantly it ruins lifes. It can be on the same board as cyberbullying, which 99% of toxic activity is.

My questionable example of the committe is like an analogy: The committe are like lawyers, who pick out proof(Could be based, could not be) and submit it to the judge, who in this case is the 'artificial owner' of the game. But its not perfectly like the analogy since they vote for ban times. They have the capability to do justice or injustice.

As for my statement about unskilled players, I really did mean it. They are not the best. The do get carried. When was the last time they matched with "nonames" and won matchs? When was the last time they were positive in the match? Probably not often. As per the recent tournament, where Shockwave was carrying The game. I must give him credit that he is indeed above average, but he certainly not the best. Unless Shockwaves thinks MyeRs is better than him and cares to explain why so. Which I doubt he will say.

As for the activity of the committee members, you are right it doesnt matter at this point, but if this game was 10x active it would.

Understanding that this game is indeed going to die, I applaude for you. Since it was the first requirenment for understanding.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« on: January 10, 2016, 08:26:51 PM »
The reason why this game is dying is because this game is dying. Everything dies off in this realm that we call and know as the phyiscal universe. No such human creation can be callled "immortal". Even most creatures that exist in the known universe do indeed die at some point. Its called the Circle of Life. Life and death. The ying and yang. The truth and lies. The past and future.

It indeed is a hard reality to grasp for most people in this game, and to come forth. It is certiantly a difficult concept to understand. We humans can only do so much as to our abilites and capacity. All we can do is Prolong and/or gain time. One must expect this truth for success. This game has deep roots and history. It has great sarafices, and certianly mountainous amounts of blood and time put into. This game is older then some peoples moms. Even some people themselfs.

You must all be wondering what this post is about? Some must be wondering who I m. We all know what this is about and who I m. But that question still cimes to your minds. This is a perfect example of hard realities. Acceptance is the key for the success. Moving on, this thread is to inform people of this monsterous and bueatiful game why this game is dying. Its up to YOU to save it after I inform you all. This information is completely true and completely unfalsifiable. Its for you all to know. So please, make sure, with the most unbaised and non-predijuiced opinon when reading this.

Lets begin:

1)Slow death: The game is dying because everything in this world has a life point. A climax. A downfall. A death.  Then it all begins again. I remember this as Circle of Life. Kind of like sex. You can never go for ever, only prolong it.

2)Unconditional Controll: This game is a totalirism controll. Undesirable. Unconditional. Most succesfull games have an more open controll system, something like a publicly shared profit of game. Where more than a several people make descion for the game. It also allows room for more ideas and more development to run through. No one likes a unconditional controll.

3)Lack of Active Developers: If you made this game, and you truly love it, then you should be developing the game. Most of the, wait sratch most, practicaly all the developers in this game dont care and have left the game, while still thinking that they are the most fit for control over this game, when we all knowthos game is dying. Not the best developers. Not active. Not good desicion makers. And certiantly not in the best position for authority.

4)Ban Hammar: Most of the players who play, or use to play, were banned/are banned. Most of them who are unbanned have left this game. After not being treated correctly. Some stayed. Some have moved on. A recent studies done for League Of Legends disagree with the Digital Paintball 2 ban system. League of Legends had something similar, which was removed. They dont believe in the punishnment system; they believe in the reforming system.

5)Clan Scene: Every games life is determined by its clan scene. The more active the clane/competitive scene, the more active the game. And of course the more PROLONGED life of the game

6)New Developers: Adding new developers and new people into an "open controlled" game allows for new creative and more interesting ideads to come forth. Obviously leads to more activity and PROLONGS players to stay, due to new patches/builds. Note: this game is not an open controlled game but an unconditional controll. An single enity believes he owns the game to his full right.

7)Copyright Issues: Most games dont have this issues. This game does. Copyright infringment.

8)Reality: The reality of this game is that its in poor hands. Its been abused. Its underestimated by its developers.

9)Game Bugs: Most games get it fixed. This game takes years to fix and implement.

10)Lack of players: The game has more Bots then users. Not enough Koreans or asians.

11)Lack of Information: Not enough easy accessiable information

12)Poor security: Game has poor security system

13)Sefless Committee: Baised. Predijuice. Unactive. Practically non exisitent.

14)Lack of Activity: Game has no events or activity

15)Unjustified bans: No information on to why or when someone did something. Why they are banned. Or the baised and predijuiced times of the bans. Note: connects to bans systems in a way

16)Unskilled players: Alot of unskilled players+ More trash talk=Less hype. Examples: Jeo. Shock. Jigz. Whaley. Chemical. Tony Montana. Myers. These players always get carried. Talk trash as if they were the garbageman. Driving a garbage truck doesnt help the game, nor does the garbage machanics in the game going to help you be the best.

17)Outdated Graphics: Self explanatory.

18)Outdated System: Out dated system that doesnt allow for better graphics

19)Development: Lacking. Barely. Non existent. Those are the words choosen for this area of work. The game barely gets new itens/stuff. Or anything in particular. When was the last time this game got something new? And im not talking aboht fixing bugs or anything along that. Note: Dont confuse this with Developers or New developers. This is soley on the quailty of development. The last time I remember anything new was PCDP mod or HR4 textutes.


Thank you. This is not a guide on HOW to fixing the game; its a guide on the Problems with this game. Its for educational purposes so you can know what to do to fix the game.

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왜이 게임은 죽어가 고 이유 때문에이 게임은 죽어. 모든 우리가 호출 하 고 phyiscal 우주로 알고이 영역에서 죽는다. 이러한 인간의 창조 callled '불멸' 일 수 있다. 대부분 생물 알려진된 우주에 있는 실제로 어떤 시점에서 죽을 할. 그것의 생활의 원형 이라고. 생활 고 죽음입니다. 잉 고 양입니다. 진리와 거짓입니다. 과거 그리고 미래입니다.  그것은 실제로이 게임에 있는 대부분의 사람들이 파악 하 고 앞에 서 어려운 현실입니다. Certiantly 이해 하기 어려운 개념입니다. 우리 인간만 우리의 abilites 및 용량 많은 것을 할 수 있다. 우리가 할 수 있는 그리고/또한 시간 [/b] 연장. 하나는 성공에 대 한이 진리를 기대 해야 합니다. 이 게임은 깊은 뿌리와 역사 있다. 그것은 훌륭한 sarafices와 certianly 산악 양의 혈액과 시간에 넣어. 이 게임은 일부 사람들이 엄마 다음 이전 이다. 자신 조차 어떤 사람들입니다.   당신은 모든 궁금 합니다이 게시물에 대 한 무엇입니까? 일부 누가 궁금 합니다 내가 m. 우리 모두 알고이 대 한 누가 나

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