Well, Zorch, if I might be so bold as to call you that, I believe you have seen one of my friend's map (Vague312). I started trying to make maps and realized that they were pretty lame, but Vague312 has maps that actually look pretty professional. I don't mind the shaz maps. I like Eclisse, Forgotten Statues, UB Cliff, Midnight, Discovery (isn't that bad) neither is UB Abbey. Bankrobbery is cool and I like Kung Fu.There are about another 5 maps or so that I do like (the names escape me at the moment). The spawn points on the maps need to be better, make it harder to spawn kill. Spawn killing and camping are the two things that drive me nuts. Oh, not to mention people who use hacks. As a person who plays/played real paintball nothing drives me insane as a person who doesn't move up. I think people need to look at the textures out there and put some thought into it. I've been watching how Vague does his maps and would like to be able to make a good map, but I doubt I will.