That’s the one, I used to do that but it never paid off so I don't do that anymore.
On my next beta there’s probable going to be a lot of changes, I started to take the water fall part out (useless), I will be removing some barrels, taking out that pillar, putting strips of this texture around the areas that where two textures change like the grass to the marble, I also started to enlarge the shortcut some to where two people should be able to pass side-by-side and rising the top where you can just some but not much, and I think that’s all I can think of at the moment so if there is something I forgot to say let me know and ill add it to a notepad doc that I will be creating my list from.
Here is an update of the textures you might need for my map. Beta 6 should be coming out soon, there is some new places and some different textures, some you will not have so please download the texture pack/zip file.