- google players map
Not sure what this is. Explain?
- screens gallery
Are you talking about updated, better-looking screenshots, or some kind of system where users can upload screenshots (xfire has a system in place for that).
- redesign this web 'template' (i mean all dp sites without forum)
I could use some tweaks to help direct first time users, but I like the overall color scheme.
- localstats gallery (small file in your pball/profiles/)
Not sure what you mean here.
- new offic map pack, textures, models, sounds packs
Really need to get some better maps made... I have some ideas on a system for submitting, play testing, approving maps, but that's another topic.
- demo gallery (already exists)
... so... it already exists...
- new server banners(server status) - for clans/players webs
- new players banners(connect to dplogin.com - his info + server status, if he's online) - for clans/players webs
Not sure what you mean by banners.
- online server browser (it was in thisrealm.xxxx - no more active)
Don't see the point when there's a standalone server browser. That's easier than opening a web page.
- multilanguage web? (english,germany,czech,poland..)
Too much work.
- recruit redactors - more news, reportage, interview
Might not be a bad idea.
- more adverts? (google?)
I'm not much one to hold grudges, but I hate google adsense. Apparently I can't use them anymore now even if I want to because somebody was clicking on ads repeatedly.
- social sites connect (facebook,twitter,etc)
I don't use any of these sites.
- offic t-shirts?
I've had t-shirts for a while, but almost nobody bought them.
The 1st feature vote on list was suggested on January 06, 2008.. If this improvement will get implemented until this year's end, then the making would take 3 years.
Is there even reason to try to suggest something when the implementing time is 2+ years at best?
So why don't you implement it? It's open sourced.
Things do get implemented (
http://dplogin.com/dplogin/featurevote/index.php?type%5B%5D=0&type%5B%5D=1&type%5B%5D=2&status%5B%5D=2&status%5B%5D=3&category%5B%5D=5&category%5B%5D=4&category%5B%5D=7&category%5B%5D=1&category%5B%5D=10&category%5B%5D=2&category%5B%5D=9&category%5B%5D=6&category%5B%5D=8&category%5B%5D=3&summary=), but I tend to focus my time on things only I can do. I don't think most people have any idea how much time just the maintenance on these systems takes.