Author Topic: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?  (Read 43785 times)


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2012, 08:23:22 PM »


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2012, 08:33:42 PM »


  • VM-68
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2012, 08:38:44 PM »
-what those guys said ^^ - only have complete,approved maps available for online play.

-clear the ban list or let ppl who are still around and want to be unbanned contact you to get unbanned and tell them if they hack again they get a perma ban or something

-dont be afraid to look at other popular FPS games (besides cod) and see why people enjoy them so much.

-for me: i check vent and ts3 a few times a day to see if any1 is matching but there is rarely anything going on. so its just the activity i guess...


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2012, 08:40:30 PM »
Foxhound, the point is that with say 10 maps in this game, it allows for new players to learn the game. Jitspoe get's enough downloads per day that the game SHOULD be active. Tutorial map was step 1 in retaining players, better textures and models is another, but for the long run limiting the maps is likely to be a simple fix to actually help the game.

It does multiple things:

- Makes mappers have to put far more effort in maps, as something like 1 map per build (roughly every 4-5months) would be released. It would be like a competition for them, and with only 10 maps in a game it's far more impressive to have your name on a map. More effort in maps, better maps made for the future of the game. Instead of idiots releasing their first maps, and getting them on servers.

- Lowers the skill gap between players. A player right now will be playing Italy/Shock all day, then come on IRC to try and match, and end up playing Pbcup_renoir - They have no chance, and they don't even know the map. With 10ish maps, they have seen all these maps, and likely have played these maps 20+ times, knowing them inside out. If players enter the matching scene already knowing the maps + some/most jumps on them, the skill gap isn't as big - learning from other players is far easier too - training is also easier.

- Lowers the skill gap in the competitive scene. -- Matches will be far more interesting if you have a small choice in matchmaps. You can no longer pick a 'random' map to win 1 map, you also likely wouldn't be able to depend on 1 player carrying with individual skill. By having less maps, you'd know how each player will play each map, and teamwork will become a larger part of the game. Or at least, the difference between teams will likely be one of teamwork. (Assuming the 10 maps are balanced maps). --- PROOF OF THIS: Matches on propaint1 are always closer than Pbcup_renoir, and people don't even match on pp1 that often anymore.

- It improves the visual aspect of the game to new players - we would have a small number of well made maps, instead of seeing dhemap in pubs. (next step would be HR4 on download + model upgrade + rework the mapping).

- Would give Jitspoe far more credit from the community - since each build would also feature a map made by the community - so even if this build has just bug fixes, the community will probably be more interested in it as they get to match on a new map.

I mean, it's just my opinion. I'm sorry Jitspoe for kinda taking this off-topic ish. My first post was on it, now I'm just trying to explain my point as to what I believe would make myself and others potentially play more.


  • VM-68
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2012, 08:43:44 PM »
and when ur doing these committee votes for issues like the ban list.. stop. they don't even play. just have forum polls so that the people who actually play (or everyone) can choose what they want.

+Riddick stop calling specific clans/people out. maybe for once one of these threads can not turn into a flame war.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2012, 09:42:56 PM »
There are plenty of feature votes out there that I think would make the game a lot more interesting. If I could figure out how to get the source code working with Visual Studio, I wouldn't mind trying to see if I could implement them.


  • Autococker
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2012, 10:28:42 PM »
I'd rather stop playing the game than let hackers back and only play with hackers all the time...

I only play matches.
-I have no interest in pubbing with players that have no urgency in proper gameplay.
-I have no interest in competitions and leagues. I only want to play when I'm available and want to play.
-I have no interest in what map I play, as long as it has some thought in it...
-I have no interest in my kdr, or what my stats are.

The only reason I play is because of the strategy of matches... The enjoyment of the game is only from the people who want to match. And let's face it, barely anyone who matches nowaday knows anything about gameplay strategy at all. Usually for matches all I do is goof off and run around to keep creating different random situations to cause different gameplay... Having no strategy or just camping on flags is whats killing the fun in this game, and it never works either... My team tries all the time to angst other teams to think about how they play, and maybe at some point they'll realize that it requires strategy, but what can you do when people don't think? And hacking kills the need for thinking, why let hackers back?

Some kind of solution? Don't know, maybe teach gameplay strategies and tutorials for matches? I don't really see any of the other current suggestions bringing fun gameplay back to the matching scene though. But that's what keeps me around...


  • Autococker
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2012, 11:29:15 PM »
noobs  dislike 2 things myers, respawn time, and hard to play maps. You can't put on renoir and expect them to play, they will just leave, likewise you cant make all servers run renoir and not expect them to uninstall. Moot point.

And to say that they will learn to get better is optomistic, they play the pubs because its interesting and fun for them, they don't know anything about the clan scene nor will they probably every try to get involved. "must have mic/ irc" doesn't work. they just want to spawn camp and get lots of kills.

Here's a feature on the list that if implemented would PROBABLY make the clan scene better... Integrated buddy list/server browser that shows who is in the server playing. Also a search tab for people, or prefixes of clans. Since they don't go on irc, they can at least be with each other when they log on very easily.


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2012, 08:27:16 AM »
Foxhound I don't think you're really understanding mine/rick's idea. The 10 maps would be balanced maps for both matching/pubbing, not super complicated maps. And I don't feel the need to repeat everything I said, cause you're just not understanding the main points, and I'm unsure how to make it more clear.


  • Map Committee
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2012, 10:51:30 AM »
I think the "10 maps" idea should only be discussed here:

Otherwise we have a discussion about one thing and the opinion from different players to jitspoes questions in one thread. That won't work well.

Edit: I post my things later.

Edit2: Here are my reasons and suggestions:
I have to say, that i played more in the last two month as in the whole six month before. Maybe i missed something, maybe there was more activity in the forum (and development), so that i was more focused to paintball. Don't know it exactly. Another thing is our server. If there are some players on it, i join the game more often. Mostly i don't like the maps on other server. I want run, play and be able to get all flags easily, not glide on ice, jump all the time or fly through the whole map. Also, the server admins start a big server with more than 16 players, but don't care about the maps and their settings. On such a server, they need to create ent files with full player equipment and add more spawns on different places in the map. But on the most full server atm, you start like on a normal server, without equipment or in a line with other players. So it is no wonder, that there are a lot of spawnkillers. A spawn protection (you can not be eliminated for x seconds after a spawn) would eliminate that problem, but (until we have a spawn protection) it could be minimized if the mappers and server admins would be interested to solve that problem from the beginning. It's also not bad if the mappers and server admins would do it when we have a spawn protection.
Some other server settings, that support the liners/spawnkillers are guntemp (which most servers have turned off, but should be on) and slowballsbounce (on by default, should be off). Maybe elim is a problem too. Would it work to limit the lowest value on dedicated servers to 10 seconds or would it make problems with other gamemodes (has each gamemode an own setting or only a few)?

Especially soccer was very funny in the last weeks. So i would like to play more often maps with other gamemodes like pong, tdm or koth.

If there are good or bad players on a server is no problem for me. I play with both sorts. If a player would get exp/points for playing on a server, we could make a limit to join a server. Server for new and old players that have easy maps and server for more experienced players (1000 exp/points or more). I wouldn't limit the easy map servers only to new players (until 1000 exp/points). Each player should be able to see his own exp/points, but i wouldn't make the exp/points visible for all players on the page or in a ranking list (if the player don't want it = default).

A big problem is the performance of the game. There are a lot of players with lags and other players overflow on almost each mapchange. That should never happen. My computer (Intel Q6600, GeForce GTX 280) shouldn't have any problems with the game. I have high fps and a low ping, but the gameplay doesn't feel smooth for the last builds (don't know when it started). I have often (not every time) some very small (but big enough to notice them) lags. They come and go for a few minutes. Thats annoying.

Another thing (maybe just me): Like i said above with the maps, the server admins don't care about their server. There are server that use build 21, 32 or 35 (build 36 is new, so build 35 is ok for a month). Update it !

Like MyeRs said: hr4 on download would be good. It wouldn't be bad, if the game downloads the new hr4 textures automatically from the server. But we need a check for it, that it won't download or overwrite a file, if a server admin uploads unofficial hr4 textures.

Something community related should also be integrated. I would like to see a friend list like on the feature vote that shows who is online and on which server. Maybe some kind of global chat, but not implement irc. It should be language specific and work on a lan server without internet connection too. Don't ask how that should be possible :P
To give the players the possibility to add a country at the dplogin account and show a flag of that country in front of the player name ingame (+ option to disable it) could help to find players with the own language, talk with them and maybe create a new clan.

What do you think about split the chat and the game messages?

What do you think about a "win back email"? Send players that haven't played for half a year an email with a special offer some informations about the last build and a "why not played"-survey link (like the uninstall survey).

Please do not unban everyone.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 06:16:01 PM by T3RR0R15T »


  • Autococker
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2012, 09:29:46 PM »
You're not understanding that the players don't want your 10 maps; they want mindless killing in the spawn of ub_rooftop.

Propaint1 kills any server, to prove it, try to populate any of the servers idling 0 people with propaint1.bsp on. Just because you think it's a fair match map, doesn't mean players want to play on it. Stupid idea. This is also borderline dictatorship where you are controlling or at least trying to control the population. Also stupid idea. It's a free game, stop trying to limit excrement to your benefit, if the game dies, it dies.

Also, Don't have to give an attitude, cuz ill give it right back. (don't deny it INB4)

adding to terrorist, i think an HLXStats type deal would increase popularity (Foxhound gains 3 points [1403] for killing newbie1234 -1 [999])


  • VM-68
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2012, 09:38:15 PM »
You're not understanding that the players don't want your 10 maps; they want mindless killing in the spawn of ub_rooftop.

Propaint1 kills any server. Just because you think it's a fair match map, doesn't mean players want to play on it. Stupid idea. This is also borderline dictatorship where you are controlling or at least trying to control the population. Also stupid idea. It's a free game, stop trying to limit excrement to your benefit, if the game dies, it dies.

Also, Don't have to give an attitude, cuz ill give it right back. (don't deny it INB4)

adding to terrorist, i think an HLXStats type deal would increase popularity (Foxhound gains 3 points [1403] for killing newbie1234 -1 [999])

It's not about the maps he chose... Myers wouldn't be choosing the maps for the everyone to play lol. We're just saying a common thing in popular fps games is the small, official map pool that gets updated when the game is updated.

I like all of terrorist's ideas and foxhound's.(any type of ranking/stats system that would give people a reason to play. ranking systems always use to attract me to games for some reason.)


  • Autococker
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2012, 09:41:13 PM »
Ill move my opinions about the maps to the map thread they have created, since i don;t want this to go off topic.


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2012, 03:18:26 AM »
No clans.
No matches.

aT, rP, OTB, MeMi, DaRk, kuc, BaZ, CZS, few small clans.

Now we have just DB or sth like that


  • Autococker
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2012, 03:34:05 AM »

A big problem is the performance of the game. There are a lot of players with lags and other players overflow on almost each mapchange. That should never happen. My computer (Intel Q6600, GeForce GTX 280) shouldn't have any problems with the game. I have high fps and a low ping, but the gameplay doesn't feel smooth for the last builds (don't know when it started). I have often (not every time) some very small (but big enough to notice them) lags. They come and go for a few minutes. Thats annoying.

Well i went to my friends house on their computer and i could get it to work on a poor laptop with a fps about 30 with a ping of 200+ and it didnt even have a graphics card and only 1gb of ram and a poor processor then its either them downloading or running too many things at once. Or their computer is completly intercoursed


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 244
Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #35 on: September 30, 2012, 05:27:02 PM »
Why haven't YOU played much recently?

There are other games to play.

What would make you play more?

More competitive scene. More PUGS. More Prizes.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 211
Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #36 on: September 30, 2012, 05:34:11 PM »
i miss those little tournaments we used to do on random nights. a bunch of ppl we thought quit would always show up to play lol


  • VM-68
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2012, 05:57:13 PM »
i miss those little tournaments we used to do on random nights. a bunch of ppl we thought quit would always show up to play lol

Then start them up Chalk...


  • Stingray
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2012, 12:30:11 AM »
Other games to play, work, sleeping, etc etc

I play when I have some free time to kill, usually not that often.
this game is good for quick bursts and real easy to jump into quickly, either 5 minutes or an hour, its fast and still fun for me.

Its tough to get new players interested in this game for sure... its old, and compared to all the new games out nowadays, its graphics aren't very appealing to most modern gamers. This game really is an acquired taste, you have to take time to get into it. Most likely the easiest way to get new players into it is having friends who already play it or will join with them.
 teaching them the basics may help get some to stay (tutorial). implement goals/achievements, something for players to strive for and earn while getting better. Obvious target for Ads would be FPS players that want something quick and simple, although i'm not a huge FPS player myself and i ended up getting into it after a while.


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2012, 09:37:57 AM »
The pub scene is complete trash.