Author Topic: This game is dying... What can we do to help?  (Read 32117 times)


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 52
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #60 on: January 21, 2016, 08:43:54 AM »
How about we get into contact with server hosts and every holiday we could have set maps that are festively remade like a "snowy wobluda" with christmas decorations etc..


  • PGP
  • Posts: 45
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #61 on: January 21, 2016, 11:27:08 PM »
How about we get into contact with server hosts and every holiday we could have set maps that are festively remade like a "snowy wobluda" with christmas decorations etc..


  • Autococker
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Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #62 on: January 22, 2016, 06:08:47 AM »


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Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #63 on: January 22, 2016, 09:46:24 AM »
Interesting that this thread is still as relevant as it was two years ago. Lots of good ideas in it, too.

I would say that one part of the problem is that the people in the community, like myself, who have some amount of development ability may feel like if they choose some aspect of DP to work on, that it would amount to them de facto adopting that thing, and becoming almost totally responsible for it -- when most of us have day jobs and can't spend all of our time tending to something that is just a hobby that doesn't bring in anything but enjoyment.

For example, at one time I decided to undertake the job of theming DokuWiki to match this site's design, so that it could be seamlessly integrated into it. I got fairly far along, but other life concerns ended up crowding it out, so I became unable to work on it anymore and ViciouZ supposedly took it over (but I'm not sure if he's been able to do much with it yet either).

I could be wrong, but I feel like we need to try something that hasn't really been done much around here – developers should band together and form committees on their own to work on certain projects. That way no one developer feels like they have to be totally responsible for anything. (Aside from jitspoe, of course!)

That being said, I know we do have officially sanctioned groups like the Map Committee, as well as "the" Committee, but the problem there is keeping members involved. I'm not sure offhand what the solution is for that problem, because sometimes things in life truly do interfere, but other than that...
I think it could help to structure committees a bit more. What I mean is, it's true that some issues require involvement and maybe voting from the committee at large, but if there are any issues that can be delegated to individual members, they could be assigned out so that members could take a sense of ownership over the specific things they're assigned to do. Think of it like a work order/ticketing system, or a software bug tracking system. Some types of things, for example, could be taken care of on Github by a group of developers, as Github has great collaboration features.

Anyway, I'm just rattling off my thoughts at this point; anyone have any comments on them?

I guess what I'm saying is, in a nutshell, that we need more committees for the various aspects of the game that can be developed by someone other than Jitspoe, and we all need to put out a serious call for hobbyist developers to come and hack on our crap. Lol.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 128
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #64 on: August 15, 2016, 11:13:36 AM »
Very interesting forum! A lot of great ideas! This may help attract and retain more players and even bring some of them back.

I believe we need to promote more, word of mouth and social media.
I think the main reason DP is so dead is because most of us who have been playing over the years have grown older and like webhead said, "when most of us have day jobs and can't spend all of our time tending to something that is just a hobby".

I started playing DP when I was a freshman in high-school in 2007, someone in my computer class had learned about it and we would secretly play on a local server when the teacher wasn't paying attention. Playing maps that came with the game like "midnight" and "arenaball". and adding in some acebots. I started out on build 16 or 18 and I had a blast! I downloaded it at home and got my best friend to play with me soon after. Most of the people I played with were my age at the time.

My point is that if we want to see the game alive again, we need to some how make it aware to a younger generation that has time to play for hours on end. The game isn't perfect and no game is, but we had a lot less when it was at it's peak than we do now with all of the advancements we have made.

So my question to you is, how do we spread awareness and promote the game?
Through youtube? facebook? instgram? other social media platforms?

and who do you know that you could introduce the game too?
hopefully, they will continue to play.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #65 on: August 15, 2016, 11:31:46 AM »
just gonna put a reminder here that JMR's weekly tournaments have been running 3 weeks in a row- i.e. this game isnt dead but its your fault if you are reading this and didn't play. Not a single american player has turned up yet. Other clans like og, oxz, cm8t, nostalgic, ukn, where are you? Lets be havin you! please refer to
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 10:46:58 PM by Mission »


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 208
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #66 on: August 15, 2016, 12:40:47 PM »
just gonna put a reminder here that JMR's weekly tournaments have been running 3 weeks in a row- i.e. this game isnt dead but its your fault if you are reading this and didn't play. Not a single american player has turned up yet. Other clans like og, oxz, cm8t, nostalgic, ukn, where are you? Where are all of you? please refer to
i think most of the teams you named are out of the video-game age


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 253
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #67 on: August 18, 2016, 04:27:48 AM »
I will say what would discourage me from this game if I would be new...

1) Stupid maplist on most servers... Jitspoe once wrote that: "Paintball2 is not a jump mod.  It never was intended to be a jump mod.  I don't know why people are trying to turn it into one."

2) Global login

3) Autoforce (on pub servers)

4) Tutorial

Just let the players play, give them freedom... And take care about maplist... and maybe do some advertisement on web pages with software and games :) Thats how I learned about PB...

Maps like Wobluda, Pforest, Daylight, Tatras and many others are nice maps, I like them playing for fun, but this crazy jumping and flying has nothing to do with paintball and if I saw them in my beginnings I wouldnt stay there.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 208
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #68 on: August 18, 2016, 10:07:26 AM »
2) Global login
hows that a problem? on most servers you dont even have to be registered


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 349
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #69 on: September 12, 2016, 09:43:56 AM »
Can this be played on a Mac? I haven't played in about 10 years.. would be fun to fire it up again.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 45
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #70 on: September 13, 2016, 09:11:14 AM » make sure you don't only read the first post.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 952
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #71 on: September 16, 2016, 08:00:12 AM »
I've done the windows installation using bootcamp. It's far from perfect. I suggest buying a poopy laptop. Could probably even get a windows tablet and run this POS.


  • Autococker
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Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #72 on: September 20, 2016, 07:34:05 PM »
just gonna put a reminder here that JMR's weekly tournaments have been running 3 weeks in a row- i.e. this game isnt dead but its your fault if you are reading this and didn't play. Not a single american player has turned up yet. Other clans like og, oxz, cm8t, nostalgic, ukn, where are you? Lets be havin you! please refer to

Can't stand posts like this...

You've quit for a period of time as well - so the activity dropping during that period was your fault?

Like no. Just no. You can't put the blame that teams like oxz/cm8t or American teams aren't playing - why would they? Most of them have played 5-10 years, some even longer. They've grown up. Finished schooling, have careers, relationships, bills, etc.. And it may be a fun game - sure - but even if those few teams come back, we end up with what we had a few years back - a 8-15 team game, with a pub scene of 2 pubs and jump servers, and the activity relying on those same players who have played for years to play actively.

The game needs new players - you can't blame old players for quitting after 5+ years. That's just stupid. If this game wants to be active, it needs to try to grow - not just live off current activity. Although once the learning curve is done, it's a great game - there's a large learning curve, and minor details that make getting there unenjoyable. Other free games are just in better spots right now, and DP2 relying on 1 developer will never allow it to compete with those games.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 39
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #73 on: September 21, 2016, 12:49:46 AM »
ty, MyeRes, more advertise for this "great game". Not like some Players only hating and saying how bad this game is. More saying to other People how good this game is, not like many Players: i think only i like this game with bad gaphics.....
i try to make a wiki for new Players to learn thats the way for the new Players. to become new Players it Needs social media, this exist now again with care for too.:

 fb site:
 fb Group
twitter englisch:
twitter deutsch:
more subscribers and so on more Chance for new Players, ez rule :)

For all old Players we have now, more Server and mapvarety with more interesting and different things some serverhosters they care for them.

ty for all they do something work in this Forum and somewhere else. :)

ps. if somebody have Information about wiki or ideas or something tell me please.

Ja danke MyeRs  , du hast völlig Recht, neue Spieler braucht das Spiel auch wenn ab und an alte wiederkommen.
Mehr Werbung machen für das "grosartige Spiel"
Nicht ständig sagen das dass Spiel so schlecht ist oder wie einige die das Spiel leiden officiel leiden können sowas wie das hier sagen: Ist bestimmt nur mein Geschmack und hat auch ne sehr schlechte Grafik.....
Ich versuche für neue Spieler eine Dokumentation zu machen und um neue Spieler zu bekommen braucht es social media, das jetzt auch wieder da ist, mit jemandem der es auch pflegt.
 fb Seite:
 fb Gruppe
twitter englisch:
twitter deutsch:

Mehr Abbonennten und so weiter desto grösser die Wahrscheinlichkeit für neue Spieler.

Und für alle neuen Spieler gibt es jetzt mehr Abwechslung bei den Servern und deren maps und Leute die sich auch laufend drum kümmern.
Danke an alle die sich im Forum aber auch woanders einbringen :)

ps. falls jemand Infos oder Ideen für die Doukumentation hat oder so Sachen, bitte schreiben,.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2017, 01:57:54 AM by ulappen »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #74 on: September 21, 2016, 04:50:35 PM »
@Myers stop arguing the toss, I was just advertising JMR's tournaments that's all.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 406
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #75 on: September 22, 2016, 07:36:05 AM »
Can't stand posts like this...

You've quit for a period of time as well - so the activity dropping during that period was your fault?

Like no. Just no. You can't put the blame that teams like oxz/cm8t or American teams aren't playing - why would they? Most of them have played 5-10 years, some even longer. They've grown up. Finished schooling, have careers, relationships, bills, etc.. And it may be a fun game - sure - but even if those few teams come back, we end up with what we had a few years back - a 8-15 team game, with a pub scene of 2 pubs and jump servers, and the activity relying on those same players who have played for years to play actively.

The game needs new players - you can't blame old players for quitting after 5+ years. That's just stupid. If this game wants to be active, it needs to try to grow - not just live off current activity. Although once the learning curve is done, it's a great game - there's a large learning curve, and minor details that make getting there unenjoyable. Other free games are just in better spots right now, and DP2 relying on 1 developer will never allow it to compete with those games.

Hi Steven, Bestie <3333333333333333


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 404
Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #76 on: September 22, 2016, 07:58:29 PM »
It's too late to help now... The funeral was yesterday. #GoodbyeDP#Dead


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Re: This game is dying... What can we do to help?
« Reply #77 on: April 10, 2017, 01:59:28 PM »
do some advertisement on web pages with software and games :) Thats how I learned about PB...

I'm curious, where did you see the advertisement for this game?