For server in windows, can we have a command like newmap because map doesnt accept dm or ctf or ...
I'm not sure, but it may be possible to use the newmap command with the sv command, for example, "sv newmap midnight 1flag". If not, I can add that in there. Currently you have to set the "ctfmode" variable to select the gamemode you want. If you're starting a listen server, you can simply select this from the menu. If you're doing it at the console and the sv newmap command doesn't work, here are the ctfmode settings:
set ctfmode -1 // standard elimination
set ctfmode 0 // deathmatch
set ctfmode 1 // whiteflag/centerflag/1-flag ctf
set ctfmode 2 // standard ctf (one or more flags/bases per team)
set ctfmode 3 // Siege mode.
set ctfmode 4 // KOTH (king of the hill) mode.
default: 2