I am going to finish pp3, but I am having trouble finding the right way to go about it.
Let me explain: Propaint3 was created pretty much exactly based on old original pp3 layouts given to me. The low, mid, and base were all constructed by me, but their layouts were completely devised by Crash first and foremost, Clipz with his fixes, and Bix with his other ideas.
I have been told many times that I screwed up pp3, or that it has horrible game play, nothing like pp1, too much like pp1, or a combination of them all. I have also been told that I should have just kept the original base and lighting, and just finish that map. Two main reasons I could not just use the old pp3 base:
1. Its base took up too much space in BSP, and for those that don't understand mapping, maps can only be so big.
2. The lighting was cool looking, but not practical for an actual dp map. You would not have been able to see any other play in the base, meaning anyone could just hide, camp, and line both flags.
So when I first went about creating the base, I took pp1's textures and lighting, and applied it to the core pp3 base layout, and as far as I am concerned, the pp3 base is far superior to the pp1 and pp2 bases.
Now about the low creation:The low is exactly as the original maps had it. Giant and connecting the lows of each individual base.
High mid:Exactly as I was told that the pp3 mid was to be created.
Giant Catwalks:I have been told quite a few times that my Cats are way too large, or too many in number. The original pp3 had cats 2-3 times as large and wide, as well as more actual catwalks. (3 or 4 cant really remember)
So my dilemma:propaint3_beta3 is almost exactly as crash envisioned it, and from all indications, much prettier
However, most people are not pleased with the layout, the flow, and just disappointed, from what I can tell, that it does not have the exact same jumps as pp1.
Another point: This is not my mapping style at all, but my attempt at reconstructing, in Crash's style, propaint3. My style is far more DT-esque, and if I ever get around to finishing some of my other maps, you will see that I create terrain in such a matter. (none of these have ever been released, the only one with semi-decent terrain I ever released was Deathtrap, which is going to be its own little surprise
I am attempting to figure out how to increase game flow, decrease map speed, change the low, and change hi mid, without changing the propaint3 layout. This is, after all, truly Crash's map, and not my map.
Just so that you all know, I have created approximately 8 different beta 4 versions, and finally have a high mid I find acceptable. On the other hand, I am at a loss for how to change low, and how to decrease the map speed.
From a completely mapping standpoint, propaint3 defeats propaint1 on all levels: team strategy, layout, mechanically solid, and actually has far more jumps. (only a few have been discovered)
This ends my propaint3 map discussion/rant. I will post beta4 when I can fix as many issues as possible, while still retaining Crash's vision.
I would appreciate any suggestions that people have, mappers and players alike, on solving any of the pointed out problems.