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Messages - tyromaniac

Pages: [1] 2
Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Request: Man Hunt/ Hide and Seek
« on: October 15, 2009, 02:39:36 PM »
If anything, it should be somewhat easy to make as a programmer.

All that is needed is: a) set defensive team without guns or at least ammo
b) set time limit
c) configure it to a point system where running into an area when on defense gives your team a point.(maybe the flag area is the score area, therefore an automatic point when touched)
d) the point system could be developed somehow

and yes, I have seen this posted but I still think it would be fun to see it implemented. If anything, I am voting for that idea.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: We have speedball.....
« on: November 15, 2006, 05:50:25 PM »
I meant fast as in the speed of the paintball,and if the paintballs shot move faster, then the time between shots should be greater, thus creating more of a "sniper"

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: We have speedball.....
« on: November 15, 2006, 04:41:47 PM »
That's not exactly that fast though, considering that people jump at speeds of over 50km/hr! And that's only average. And usually you'd have to go looking around for that on any given map....but then again....we'd then have to put the sniper into its map again.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / We have speedball.....
« on: November 15, 2006, 04:26:06 PM »
....but we don't have the opposite: snipers

If you ask me, it would be a good idea to implement snipers into the game because the game would then vary into two different groups: snipers and speed ballers (change the names if you'd like, they aren't really important). This way, if you aren't that good with say as a "speed baller", you could try and see how good you could be as a sniper, and vice versa.
Snipers are more typical in real paintball than say a paint bazooka  ::) , so the line of real paintball would not be crossed. Even better, the only thing that we'd have to alter would be the accuracy, speed, and reload time of the sniper (at least 2 seconds) (a bind function with zoom could be used as a scope if needed). This could be helpful  when playing in wide fields where speed ballers are at a disadvantage. The same could be said when snipers are in a smaller, more covered area than the speed ballers. Also, what's better than hearing "headshot" over and over again? It's music to your ears.

Mapping / Re: Change of gameplay possible?
« on: October 30, 2006, 03:43:29 PM »
The problem with gameplay modes like that is that people get too confused, and if you don't have enough people who actually know what's going on, it isn't very fun.  Seeing how the concept of "don't let the enemy capture your flag" is so foreign to some people on public servers, I think having hunters, hunted, shield entities, etc. would probably make their head explode.

It seems lots of clever ideas come and go, but it's always the straightforward, simple gameplay (and maps) that prevail.

Sorry for the double post....

If this is true, then why is it that many other games in the world are able to have their players learn the most complex rules as well as performing complex tasks? maybe a simple .dm2 of the gameplay could be placed in a future release or when the map is released. For many people, complexity is what challenges them to use fast and long term thinking skills to find a way to their goal. Games like Risk, Tetris, War, and Chess all are fun not because they're easy to learn, but becoming good at them takes practice and a better understanding of the gameplay.

Mapping / Re: Change of gameplay possible?
« on: October 30, 2006, 03:36:50 PM »
Hmmm, maybe a trigger function could be used when someone captures the flag and scores with it. Like if base = 1 (score......or +1 depending upon values), set score to 0 or -1 from original (as to allow the same event to occur next time) and make a trigger function basing off this action to make the doors move back to "target one" using the func_train or func_plat.  When the trigger is activated, (for this to work, the shield would not be destroyed,) the shield would disappear or go through the ground..... Maybe this would achieve this?

Mapping / Re: Change of gameplay possible?
« on: October 29, 2006, 08:17:09 PM »
Well, it would be weird as people would constantly be changing well as altering some of the configurations.....

I also had another idea that is more likely possible without modifying the game itself.

A red and blue base would have shields (transparent or solid, depending upon author) that only the team could pass through. Using a trigger entity or by directly hitting the shield which will have a set health, if you destroy a switch or the shield, you may now get into the enemy's base and take the flag. Defending the shield would be just as important as taking out the enemies shield. If the shield has health and only "opens" (like a door) only for the specified team, I think it could be very possible.

(shoot me for saying all this, but I'm just trying to see if it is possible to change the game play without changing the game, as well as a deviation from what is normally played daily.)

Mapping / Re: Change of gameplay possible?
« on: October 29, 2006, 05:13:07 PM »
Very interesting concept, but how would everyone know who the hunter and hunted is? Would they have there names somewhere on your screen? or would they be lit up when you are within seeing distance? This may require alot of work, as well as a lot of thinking.

Mapping / Re: Change of gameplay possible?
« on: October 29, 2006, 11:05:27 AM »
If you ask me, I think everyone should have the same chance at having a good gun, so you don't constantly have the juggernaut the same person the entire game, as well as ending the game with him/her as the juggernaut. Also, I'm assuming once you kill the juggernaut you have to pick up the autococker to become the juggernaut? Well, sometimes the auto cocker might fly into an area that no one can get to......but very unlikely.

Mapping / Re: Change of gameplay possible?
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:22:58 PM »
Sorry to revive a rather dead topic, but I also have a suggestion of a "kill the man with the ball" style theme, or for those of you who play games like Halo; Juggernaut. For those of you who are unfamiliar with either of these two, one person is designated as the "target" in which everyone works together or not together to eliminates the target. Whoever eliminates the target, becomes the target. You want to be the target, and eliminate people while you are the target to earn points. Another way of earning points could be "who is the juggernaut the longest" (somewhat oddball). This may also be possible with simple modding of the flag entity......or maybe another possible game mode. I understand that Jitspoe gets a lot of people who constantly tell him to do a butt load of stuff, and he's only one person, nonetheless the one who should decide what goes into his game. So I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this annoyingly long post.  ;)

Mapping / Re: Anyone willing to...?
« on: October 25, 2006, 07:31:45 PM »
mine didn't work?

Mapping / Re: Change of gameplay possible?
« on: October 25, 2006, 03:05:14 PM »
True....but at the same, there could be a set time where the player would not be affected by in many games when they flash rapidly when they collide with a bad guy...but I definitely see your point...

Mapping / Re: Problem Exporting
« on: October 24, 2006, 04:59:59 PM »
Actually, just put a copy of PB directly in C:, I had the same problem and this seemed to solve it (it may also have been that I put the PB folder directly in C too)

Mapping / Re: Change of gameplay possible?
« on: October 24, 2006, 03:17:01 PM »
that alien game? I used to...for like three days XD

But couldn't you configure it to automatically select the farthest spawn point? Say if "point1=capture, point2=no capture, and point3=capture, select point 3?

 We could easily have a huge game day, like the pickup game every 8 days.....

Also, spraying wouldn't be a problem because, people do it in pretty much every other game like that. None the less, with machine guns! So paintballs would probably have less total spawn kill effect.

Mapping / Change of gameplay possible?
« on: October 24, 2006, 02:29:23 PM »
I was fooling around the other day trying to make a map, when it hit me that maybe it could was possible to add yet another game mode to Paintball, using very little tweaking.
If you've ever played battlefield, then you'll know about the conquest mode (a mode in which you take over enemy bases and may then respawn there as you wish).  There are probably a bunch of others with the same style, but this is just an example. So i saw that the entities for world spawning and such had keys which you could program to do certain things. One in particular was the "time" or "wait" function. If used correctly, I think we may be able to tie the world spawn entity to a flag or other strategic object, and whoever gains control via the wait/time key, Will be able to spawn there ( a key for switching between what team had possesion would also be included). The wait key will also decide when the enemy will have taken over the base  if they decide to try and take it back, using the set amount of time. I wonder if this makes sense to anyone, and if it is possible. It seems logical to me. Any suggestions?

Mapping / Re: ?
« on: October 21, 2006, 01:06:52 PM »
That isn't an error....all you have to do is press enter or "any key", and if it says that "paintball 2" could not be located or something along those lines, you must make sure that the paintball.exe is directly in C:

General Development / Re: Zoom function?
« on: October 17, 2006, 08:20:29 PM »
Yeah, and maybe a list of a bunch of commands for the cosole as well, maybe within the zipped game file

General Development / Re: Zoom function?
« on: October 16, 2006, 07:26:03 PM »

General Development / Zoom function?
« on: October 16, 2006, 05:22:29 PM »
would a Simple zoom function possible? maybe with right mouse click? Just a thought...

General Development / Re: PB player skins?
« on: October 16, 2006, 02:39:29 PM »
Oh, then in that case, I didn't say anything XD ;D

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