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Messages - MuTiL8ToR

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Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« on: October 11, 2004, 11:56:11 AM »
LOL I hear ya Combat :)  I can sometimes see where you might see it that way.  That's why it is always your FREE choice to use other servers or wait until the person whom you think is abusing ADMIN privileges is not on the server.  Most of us who have ADMIN pay our hard earned dollar to bring the servers to you for your gaming pleasure.  Have you donated to the cause?  Anyway, happy painting :)


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A DP Hacker Caught Red Handed: A True Story
« on: October 10, 2004, 10:13:44 PM »
You make no sense at all...  "We've known these people before, but never caught one of them... All of these are blatant if not yet confirmed hackers."

Grow up!

I'm still trying to learn to appreciate the childish rantings of people like you.  As many years as I have been playing this game I certainly don't have to prove my skill at this game to crybabies like you who think your so good that noone else can ever play this game as well as or better than you.  You scream "Hacker!" everytime someone beats you.  

Stop your whining because there will always be someone that can beat you in this game just like there will always be some stupid donkey that will try to hack or cheat at this game.

I've almost learned how to accept being called a hacker as a compliment.

MuTi aka PiCaSSo

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 29, 2004, 01:15:20 PM »
I Love Q2 beacuse i've been playing it for years...  I also love the new standalone that Jit is working on..  Alpha 8 is very nice with the exception of the funname alteration... It is ugly, does NOT work correctly, and is of NO Comparison to the more colorful and easy to use previous funname maker...  The older version looks much nicer and is feeindly with all versions of Q2 and the standalone until 7 and 8 were created.  changing it makes no sense to me at all as it inconvienances EVERYONE who has been using color binds and colored funnames for the many years that we have.

I respect your desire to try new things but PLEASE change it back to the old way... Take a vote on it if you have to but please!!

Lastly could you guys PLEASE start a NEW THREAD for this subject as it has nothing at all to do with my wonderful hacking ability.

Hugs n Paint Splats to you ALL!! :P

MuTiL8ToR :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 24, 2004, 05:36:28 PM »
I was using the Alpha 6 which is an awsome peice of work.  I would play it and quake 2 pretty much equally.

The Alpha 7 and 8 name stuff is extremely annoying when people are trying to join to the point I was wishing there was a way to ban it from our servers. Spamming the names one letter at a time until the full name is there makes no sense to me.  I run my game in a resolution made for a blind man... as big as it gets and its like a mass flood of text when someone joins.   It also sucks because the names ONLY look good to those on the standalone.  Many people still choose to use Quake 2 and the name thing should be as it always has been... User Friendly - meaning we've been using the old names for years and now you can't without them looking like jibberish.  Do you plan to fix that?

BTW can you send me a copy of the full 6 please?

And thanks for all your hard work on the Alpha's


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 24, 2004, 03:58:15 PM »
This will be my last post to this rediculous accusation of yours as well.  Come down off your fence post and lay it to rest.  I have never used a wallhack and don;t know why the hell I'm wasting my time defending myself to the likes of you.  In the time you've wasted trying to make me out to be a wallhack with your wallhacks you could have drove here and found that.

A. I can be an excretory opening
B. I female dog alot
C. Cheating is something this 41 year old man will NOT do.

And while we're counting...

1.  I follow SOUND and the crosshair you used is not nothing like mine. I use a MUCH smaller cross, NOT a giant arrow.  With yours it seemed suspiciously close indeed but even yours was not on the player or players.

2.  The demo plainly demonstrates that I aimed for the box, shot and missed that player, then sprayed and ran like crazy to get away from 4th who I knew was after me.  The demo cannot show anyone my camera view while I'm dead for 45 seconds.  How many times did I die?

3.  I faced the box so that I could see spray to the left or right of me.  As you will also notice in your wallhacked demo I never looked at the player who was down to the left mainly because I CANT see through the box because I don;t have a WALLHACK like you do!

ACID it's amazing you've played DP as long as you have and have nothing better to do than harrass me.  It's further amazing that you forget the basic game strategies of OlLD SCHOOL maps.  I've played the maps you've attempted to implicate me with 1000's of times over a 6+ YEAR period.

Just for you I've even started using that annoying NoCheat program but I doubt that will convince you either.  

You called me to the carpet in an attempt to prove I was wallhacking and you have failed.  If your that desperate to have me be a wallhack then just call me a wallhack as many of us in DP have done over the years and move on.  If it still bothers you that much then I'll give you my address and you can come watch me play as well.  Don't be mad if I don't share my Jim Beam hack with you because right now I don't like you.

At least I can admit my faults and I have apologized for those to the DP community.  Maybe you might just be wrong this time and should apologize to the DP community for all the bandwidth you've wasted in this obsessive endeavor of yours.



Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 24, 2004, 02:12:54 PM »
Hahahah Okay Xile ... Truce :)

I don't know how everyone else plays in their own home but sound is half the game to me and has saved my ass countless times in OLD SCHOOL Maps like Arctic.

The shot I was attempting and even missed was at the player on the box who nailed me.. I sprayed right and got lucky to kill the guy in the corner.

Listen to your demo and you hear the humph humphs from the beginning of that whole round. With 2 players you can almost tell where they're at from the begin.  You get in the middle and listen to the double humphs of one player. That tells me he's goin to the box like most players do, I back up from the barrels to attempt to get one of those speed slides going on the ice, missed my first shot and got lucky with spray on the second. And jumped like a wildcat on hot coals to avoid the wrath of FourthX once again.

Hard to see how that would look like a hack until you use the tools ACID used to make the video...  What's funny about him doing it the way he did, ANY demo could make a person look like he's hacking..  It paints an ugly message wether the person is hacking or not.   Look how crappy I played on that whole demo.

Anyway, I am a hot head and some even know me as a hick lol  I know I act like a stupid donkey kid on this game...  It brings out the worst in me and I've known Donkerz since before I ever came to DP.  He hit home base when he told me he left DP because of me.  I have a lot of freinds in DP and am NOT out to specifically hurt anyone...  I simply get carried away in the games.  God forbid if I acted like that in Real Life!

For that I'm sorry and really will attempt to act a little better.

Sorry for being a excrement to you too Xile  I aint kissin ya but I can learn ta love ya again... Er maybe pimp you out or somthin like that :)

Oh and anyone living close enough to me is welcome to come watch me play...  I might even share my Jim Beam Hack with them.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 24, 2004, 03:43:45 AM »
Oh and I forgot to than Xile for putting and actual demo up WITH SOUNDS.  Strap on your headsets and watch the spray along the wall on the right while I'm in the middle.  Also notice 4th is owning my ass most of this demp and out of ALL your efforts the only thing that would have looked suspicious to me would be the Video ACID made with clear walls...  It has one hell of a convincing nice effect when you DON't include sounds.

I'll accept that I've been an excretory opening.. maybe even a moron with my attitude but I have NEVER used a WALLHACK.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 23, 2004, 06:09:50 PM »
Wow do I have a pack of people pissed off at me here or what..

So I've been called out on the carpet here.  I merely play the same dam games, talk crap, female dog, and whine about people hacking ect that many many others have done over the years and still do...  Why I chose this stupid game as a place to vent all my frustrations and act a fool is beyond me.  Your right... Ive been very immature and acted like an ass many many times over the years.  I suppose I deserve this one.  I'm 41 so please don't add anymore years.

Not that it makes any difference to any of you but I would like to end this thread with a public apology.

I never had any idea you felt that way Donk but I'd like to thank you for opening my eyes.

I'm sorry I've annoyed the DP community with everything over the years and will change my ways from here out.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 23, 2004, 08:47:38 AM »
Your an impressive, almost convincing little fool ACID...

There are a whole lot of neat programs for creating and editing videos on that radgames tools website you used to make this video.

I'm not sure how you did it but I especially like the 2 perfectly placed splats before I make it around the barrels.  You do that with textures?

Is there actually a hack that can autoaim through objects and if so why would it shoot before a person is around the object?  

You seem to have exstensive knowledge of Wallhacking, where to find them, and how to use them.  "I recorded that demo with a wallhack on that i got that night" Now that's laughable ACID.

With your talent and resorcefulness one would think you have better things to do than harrass old men playing Internet Games.

Now to put everyone at ease I'm going to start useing the NoCheat program again in an effort to eliminate any doubts of wether I hack or not.

I'm going to pluck the 4 leaf clovers out of my A-S-S and in the meantime you can go POOP that Dirty Taco you have crammed so far up yours.

Good Game Ya little ugly Wallhack! lol

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 23, 2004, 07:02:58 AM »
Nice try again... You idiots using clear walls to make it look like I'm hacking might convince some people... I only hope it let's them know who really does the hacking in DP.

What the hell are you doing with clear walls anyway??  Wallhacking I presume?

You must be dumber than you both look.  

It's as simple as LISTENING with a good headset and spraying the most common camping spots of the map.

Your added effect of clear walls almost convinced ME I was a hack.  Good Show!!

MuTiL8ToR (The oldest living Digital Paintball hack on the planet)  

I'm honored :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 22, 2004, 11:53:14 PM »
Jesus Jit your cuss catcher thinguhmuhbobber made my reply to to Xile look dumber than it already was!!  This is funny because now I have to contradict myself and in reference to my reply to Xile say that "black person" = N-I-G-G-E-R again NOT Racially implied!! hehehe

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 22, 2004, 11:39:03 PM »
Dirty Taco I would just like to see what part of that demo shows anything that even looks like a wallhack.

What does rarely playing these maps in matches have to do with anything?

You of all people know that we've been playing these maps for years.  Midnight2 seemed like an odd choice to me for a match just as Jump seemed odd to you.  I picked Jump because it is one of my favorites and yes I have "extensive knowledge of how most people play in every situation on both maps"  I also had my "headphones on earsplitting loud to" which allowed for pinpoint accuracy along with dam good recon, and my 30 or below ping.

No we did not win because I quit the match before it finished.  We sure ruffled your feathers though huh :P

MuT :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 22, 2004, 11:23:17 PM »
Yeah Xile I've been doing that for years.. I do it ONLY because it annoys and pisses people like you off and sometimes to the point they start making mistakes in their game. Most have figured out that I'm bullexcrementting when I call people hacks.  Most of us say it just to be silly.  It's a shame you try so hard to read BAD into everything.

And don't put words in my mouth fool.

Calling somone a black person, which is not what I said that night anyway, is NOT racist.

If I would call a black person a member of a socially disadvantaged class that would be racist.  If I call someone I'm pissed off at a member of a socially disadvantaged class then I'm refering to them as a low class skum bucket regardless of their race.  If I say black person please I'm simply cutting up with a bud... again Not directing anything I say towards anyone of the black race or anyone specifically because of their race.  It would seem to me that because you are so set on associating the word member of a socially disadvantaged class to the Black Race that maybe your a tad bit racist.

And you do care what I have to say because your ass will be back just to see what my response was ya dirty hacker :P

All in good fun Xile :)

MuT - The Annoying One d:{Þ

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 22, 2004, 09:18:28 PM »
Hahahaha Meat!!  And I thought it was those new crackling ground textures Jit put in the last version.

You used to hand me my ass on a regular basis.  I do have a bit of a ping advantage on Graffiti servers now.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 22, 2004, 07:39:16 PM »
Then tell me what to look for and I will wait to see what everyone else has to say about your stupid donkey ranting.  If you have "tested me so many times" then your stupid ass should have recorded a demo that would incriminate me rather than make a stupid donkey out of you. I welcome another demo anytime and don't mind matching you anywhere anytime wether I lose or not.

And FYI I left the game because I was pissed off at Snipen... Nothing to do with the game.

All your doing is making yourself look like a true NOOB with this but that's okay by me.

Good Day :)


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: wallhack caught on tape
« on: February 22, 2004, 07:15:00 PM »
Wow I'm honored CID!! Sad thing is I never had anything bad to say about you until now...  I'm too old too hack and all you've done with this demo is prove how much of an idiot you are...  I encourage everyone here to download this demo and honestly explain to me where in the demo it looked like a hack was used.  Keep in mind I was pinged at 25 and I use a headset cranked up loud to hear steps of the enemy.  

If any of you think I hack after watching this foolishness then A "HaCK" I'll be...  I'll continue playing this game regardless but please provide me with better proof than this if your going to accuse me of being a hack in open forum like a ranting lil stupid donkey child...  I've played enough years that I can say Im GOOD (No where near the best) and deserve a little more repsect than this...


P.S.  I hope your man enough to admit you might have made a mistake with this ACID then we can continue playing good DP as we have for years.  Otherwise please stay on your side of the fence.

Server Discussion / Re: sP
« on: May 04, 2003, 08:27:12 AM »
I agree with you but would like to see it stay "No Elim"

I have 300+ DP maps and would like ta see um all done...  Can't you quit your day job and get on this?? heh

I would like to see ONLY the maps that have been edited played on the "No Elim" server.  Doesn't do much good to run one that hasn't.  Re- Spawning on a No Elim server to be greeted by no ammo and no weapons plain sux


Server Discussion / Re: sP
« on: April 13, 2003, 03:27:27 PM »
I like the way you had the server where you didn't have to wait for weapons, ammo and such.  If your going to run a NO ELIM server then it only seems logical that we shouldn't have to wait for weapons and ammo.  

I like Option 2 but if your going to make it where we have to wait for weapons and ammo then screw it and make it Option 1. ;D


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