Author Topic: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.  (Read 33078 times)


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2012, 12:34:09 AM »
 Glad that you realize that.

My response to myers:

1- Totally ridiculous. He got his 1024 day ban already. Started on the 'howtousegooglevideos', then got forum banned. And then he felt that he wasn't wanted? Makes his whole youtube attempt smell rotten, if you ask me.

2- Probably, not going to argue here. But there is a one common thing for all of you. You got fed up with the game. And decided to hack. As far as I know most of you are adults, or around 18, with some exceptions maybe. This brings me to a thought that hey, these guys might have a brain already. Which makes me ask: " Hey, will they do the same next time they get sick of this game?". Can you answer that, Myers? For all of your group?

3- Everytime someone hacks in dp I drop a tear. I have always been against hacking and always will be. Your case makes me interested enough to post, because it is so retarded. You are all hypocrits, you are all dead to me.

4- Not interested. You think going through all this excrement you have created in forums doesn't take time? And besides, normal players like doesn't give a phenix about your ban. Why should us suffer (from the lack of jitspoes developing time)?

5- Riddick and chemical were talking about it. The conclusion we got to is that all hacks make you play worse and they should all be legal (well, since they are useless).

6- LMAO. Biggest laugh yet. "Yes, we did go to Jitspoe to show the cheat." LMAO. Let me try to explain again. I read my earlier post again, and it could have been confusing for you. What I meant: You hacked, you DID NOT introduce the cheat to jitspoe, you CREATED a thread saying that cheat detection sucks, and then you presumably contacted jitspoe. Doesn't look like a normal chain of thought for me when stumbling upon a cheat.

I love you too Riddick.

My response to chemical: Bro. I love when people do something for the community. I really don't think ANYBODY will EVER be thankful to you for making 5 videos on how to use google and install a program.

I don't have personal issues with any of you people... I pretty much got a long very friendly with myers... Wouldn't you say? I had my ups and downs with reaver, so we weren't the best friends. I liked idias. I probably had never spoken with chemical before, so why would I give a intercourse?


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2012, 01:42:45 AM »
doesnt matter. spewing out crap like you should stay banned forever because in your personal opinion im lying is a joke. and even if i am lying in your opinion since when is that a bannable offense? making up rules for me now too?


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #62 on: January 06, 2012, 02:06:15 AM »
6- Yes, we did go to Jitspoe to show the cheat. I gave in all the information the same day I got banned. I'm pretty sure Chalk and Idias did the same. We weren't trying to hide anything. Reaver is probably one of the one ones who hasn't given anything in, yet.

I don't see how those of you that were banned can pretend like you did "the right thing".  You didn't "turn yourselves in", you went and stirred up a big crapfest up on the forums.  "Hey, look at us!  We cheated!  Jitspoe's cheat detection sucks!  Let's all go play some other game!"  Of the 10-20 people that were using that cheat not a single one of them came forward to me directly and provided the cheat and info about how it was distributed (until they were forced to later if they wanted a chance to be unbanned, even then, some of them still haven't contacted me).



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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #63 on: January 06, 2012, 04:31:47 AM »
doesnt matter. spewing out crap like you should stay banned forever because in your personal opinion im lying is a joke. and even if i am lying in your opinion since when is that a bannable offense? making up rules for me now too?

Note before reading: when I'm speaking of "you", I mean the entire group, not the individuals.

As far as I understand Blaa's post correctly, he's not making up any rules for anyone. He's just pointing out his opinion on this entire matter, questioning your behavior around the time of your alleged hacking. If you would read his posts more precisely, you would notice he's bringing up sufficient arguments to support his opinion (whether you agree with them or not is not my business). With all these arguments, I do understand him when he questions the idea of unbanning you, as your past behavior could make one question whether you are indeed the addition for this game some of you claim to be.

As for the lying part, I think it's pretty simple. Nobody of us have seen what you wrote to Jitspoe (not even committee). Therefore it's word again word for everyone who's not directly involved. As Jitspoe is clearly saying none of you followed the correct ways (f.e. Foxhound's quote above my post), it makes it very hard to believe that you're speaking the truth. Sorry to say, but I think Jitspoe is being considered a little more credential when it comes down to matters like this.

No matter whether you did indeed hack or lie about anything, I've heard several people saying you spammed links to hacks in at least one Irc channel. Lying might not be bannable, but distributing is.


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #64 on: January 06, 2012, 11:27:56 AM »
Glad that you realize that.

My response to myers:

1- Totally ridiculous. He got his 1024 day ban already. Started on the 'howtousegooglevideos', then got forum banned. And then he felt that he wasn't wanted? Makes his whole youtube attempt smell rotten, if you ask me.

2- Probably, not going to argue here. But there is a one common thing for all of you. You got fed up with the game. And decided to hack. As far as I know most of you are adults, or around 18, with some exceptions maybe. This brings me to a thought that hey, these guys might have a brain already. Which makes me ask: " Hey, will they do the same next time they get sick of this game?". Can you answer that, Myers? For all of your group?

3- Everytime someone hacks in dp I drop a tear. I have always been against hacking and always will be. Your case makes me interested enough to post, because it is so retarded. You are all hypocrits, you are all dead to me.

4- Not interested. You think going through all this excrement you have created in forums doesn't take time? And besides, normal players like doesn't give a phenix about your ban. Why should us suffer (from the lack of jitspoes developing time)?

5- Riddick and chemical were talking about it. The conclusion we got to is that all hacks make you play worse and they should all be legal (well, since they are useless).

6- LMAO. Biggest laugh yet. "Yes, we did go to Jitspoe to show the cheat." LMAO. Let me try to explain again. I read my earlier post again, and it could have been confusing for you. What I meant: You hacked, you DID NOT introduce the cheat to jitspoe, you CREATED a thread saying that cheat detection sucks, and then you presumably contacted jitspoe. Doesn't look like a normal chain of thought for me when stumbling upon a cheat.

I love you too Riddick.

My response to chemical: Bro. I love when people do something for the community. I really don't think ANYBODY will EVER be thankful to you for making 5 videos on how to use google and install a program.

I don't have personal issues with any of you people... I pretty much got a long very friendly with myers... Wouldn't you say? I had my ups and downs with reaver, so we weren't the best friends. I liked idias. I probably had never spoken with chemical before, so why would I give a intercourse?

1- You'd be surprised what stuff players have problems with. You see the questions asked in #paintball - to us they seem retardedly simple, to them it's useful. That being said, it may not be the most useful thing ever, but it's still better than nothing. I'm not suggesting this should have any affect in his ban review - but players should ignore his ban and support when he tries to help the community.

2- We skipped the: "YOU HACKED MY COMPUTER! I DIDNT CHEAT" stage (besides Reaver) - and went to the "This game blows! 'x' game is soo much better!" -- It happens in EVERY ban... we just skipped some steps, and mocked a little more. That warrants a 64day ban to be 1024? Okay. Also, specific to Reaver -- Everyone read Foxhound's ban thread, he made a bigger deal than Reaver, so why does Reaver get a really high ban, yet Foxhound had a normal one? hmmm... consistency please.

Also - No I cannot answer that for the entire group, or even myself. But is that a reason to not let players back? I can say "We'll never cheat again!" but it's solely speculation, or assumption. I don't plan on it, can't speak for anyone else - they'll say they don't plan on it, but eh, so did Homingbullet every time. But why did players such as Homingbullet get 4-5 chances? Yet, you're against our group getting their 1st, or 2nd chances? hmmm... consistency please.

3- Fair enough. Kinda ironic Sata and I can't remember who else, got banned while being in [q] - hey look Sata is still in. Must hate those hackers. hmmm... consistency please.

4- I told Jitspoe not to worry about unbanning people until he has the time, and to put developing the game first. He has his priority list, and will get to it in time. So this reviewing doesn't affect his time working on DP.

5- Riddick and Chemical are idiots. nuff sed. But don't generalize an entire group for two people.

6- We cheated, reported ourselves (in a mocking way) - then after getting banned turned it in. It would've been a better idea to send it just to Jitspoe, sure, but regardless he got the cheats and explanations the same day we reported ourselves. It was just done in a.. stupid way. Guess that warrants an extra 960 days?

Blaa, I didn't see you caring when distributors in this community got unbanned... guess they're cool? Also, my question back: Given the normal ban times, was what we did deserving of 960 more days than normal? (We've served 160+ so far) -- or do you feel more that you'd just rather Jitspoe not have to waste time? (Even though he set it up like this so he wouldn't waste time later if he made a mistake).

Foxhound: We turned in the cheats and info after actually getting banned. I suppose he meant something like we didn't turn ourselves in when we found the undetectable cheat, which we did know was undetectable as Cyntex was using it since June.


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #65 on: January 06, 2012, 11:33:29 AM »
I was told by GWB to try to get some info about Jitspoe's cheat detection system, basically whether or not it would scan files in a folder or if it was rendering in game, we successfully found that it was rendering. So i came up with a lie that it was in my css folder and his detection system must have scanned my computer and that it was illegal etc. All a hoax.

I basically badgered him for no reason. you are right.

The main difference between me and Riddick is, I will admit to hacking.

And stop talking about my ban thread, you're obsessed. And you still haven't found a post of me using big law terms other than in my ban thread Mr. Knowitall

"5- Riddick and Chemical are idiots. nuff sed. But don't generalize an entire group for two people."

You know your bipolar ass doesn't think chemical is an idiot, you two will be butt loving after 3 years when you're unbanned again. Kinda like your love hate relations with shk.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #66 on: January 06, 2012, 01:35:59 PM »
pvtjimmy as an individual in that group and if you read blaa's post correctly he doesnt say anyone except me is lying. and that he thinks i should be banned forever for lying.


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #67 on: January 06, 2012, 01:59:23 PM »
pvtjimmy as an individual in that group and if you read blaa's post correctly he doesnt say anyone except me is lying. and that he thinks i should be banned forever for lying.

Be glad Blaa doesn't have to say anything about your potential "ban for lying". Also, read the second part of my post (again) and you'll probably better understand why people would like to see you banned except for your alleged lying.

When reading the threads about your ban(s) to better understand why people accuse you of lying, I noticed this is not the first time you rage over your ban. Rage hard. In the past it's been proven that you lied to at least Jitspoe, so why should people trust you this time? I am not claiming you're lying this time (I do not have enough information to judge this), but due to the past I can imagine you have a rather dubious reputation.

Now would you stop caring about random community thoughts (sorry blaa) so much, please? If you have any stuff about your ban, don't try to win some hearts on the forum. Man the intercourse up and speak to Jitspoe in private, just as the major part of all other banned people do. You can reach him over forum PM or writing an e-mail to Jitspoe (at) yahoo (dot) com. Be a little patient though, this man has more to do than caring about banned community members.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #68 on: January 06, 2012, 04:10:15 PM »
how am i trying to win any hearts... i was simply stating to blaa that lying isnt a bannable offense and it never will be. and it wasnt proven that i lied in the past. i had a new computer(it was actually rebuilt and that was where the misunderstanding occured) and a new internet just as i said.

also i really havent said much myself about my ban other then the ban time not having a precedent. i just respond to people like blaa's moronic posts. if you dont want responses then dont have threads or a forum. kthx


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #69 on: January 06, 2012, 04:29:20 PM »
As a member of this community I can not JOKE with people? I'm sorry if you believe as a forum mod I am not allowed to lightly JOKE with someone, especially if it isn't foul in any way. Every single one of the "group" of banned players asked for the forum bans and game bans to be lifted. We are working towards doing YOU a FAVOR. Please.... Keep it up and give me a reason to just mute you again. Since trying to be polite and helpful doesn't seem to work I'll just continue to be a horrible moderator. Please give me a reason. Your group has made it clear that you believe I am some broke redneck old fart that has nothing to live for in life except for this forum. Give me a reason to prove you right by sitting here every day and ban every account you make. Enough is enough. This community is divided on this topic of the "group" but if you start your crap again I will ban you from this forum once again. The only person who will lift it will be Jitspoe.


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #70 on: January 06, 2012, 04:49:14 PM »
^ I'm sorry for not seeing the joke in it, didn't mean for a huge thing to come out of it. I didn't ask for my forum ban to be lifted, though I felt there wasn't valid reason for the length (You told me on IRC that it was to prevent any potential distribution, which is understandable).

Please don't generalize Chemical, and whoever else for the entire group. I've never said anything about: "Your group has made it clear that you believe I am some broke redneck old fart that has nothing to live for in life except for this forum" -- Might've called you old before, but that's about it. Not much of an insult... you can call me young if you want?

I'm curious (not trying to start stuff) as to what "crap" we're starting? I'm having a conversation with blaa - there's been no flaming, no personal attacks, it's just been a back-and-forth conversation about the bans. Isn't that what the forums is for? I've already spoken with Jitspoe a few times, and know how things are going to work.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 251
Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #71 on: January 06, 2012, 04:52:15 PM »
i hope you arent including me in that group. i havent said anything about you -_-. i was also never forum banned which leads me to believe that you arent talking about me.

on a side note you should start playing again, imo the reason people didnt like knack and seem to be hating on you is because you give your input on everything when you arent a part of the playing community. (im not agreeing with it thats just my take on it)


  • VM-68
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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #72 on: January 06, 2012, 05:24:08 PM »
To Myers
If life was fair, a cop would get way bigger punishments than ordinary citizens do for breaking the law. The group with 1000+ day bans wasn't a group of ignorant kids who were simply downloading hacks to be better, they were people who had enough experience to know all the implications and outcomes of hacking. They knew full well why it is wrong, yet they did it anyway. Especially you and idias. You've been defending hackers for all your life, you've seen every nook and corner, there is nothing you shouldn't know (the fact that you aren't an idiot makes it even worse). Idias was even in the committee, he knew even more of what's going on, except that he's quite young so he is more clueless in that way. But still, seeing you two hack shows how bad you currently are as people.

Aside from that,
Bans are there for 3 reasons:
-To prevent the crime from being done.
-To punish the person who broke the law in order to satisfy the people who didn't break the law.
-To get rid of bad people.

Temporary bans are there for 3 additional reasons, but I'll only say one, which is to give ignorant people who weren't really thinking a chance to realise what they've done.

If you plan ahead and take a ban because you know you can take it, the ban should be made higher than what you were expecting it to be. Otherwise it does not serve as a punishment. The first reason for temporary bans becomes nullified as well.

And another point. You didn't break the law outside on the streets where you're allowed to be. You broke the law on someone else's property. The property owner doesn't have to think about consistency one bit like a cop would because he has every right to kick you out from his lawn. In Texas they're even allowed to shoot you. Why the hell are you complaining about consistency where it isn't required? He's being abnormally kind as it is. The size of the impact you have does matter. If you were to, lets say, make jitspoe depressed and plan on suicide, I would have nothing against seeing you guys get permanent bans. Yet I'm sure you'd still complain about how it isn't consistent at all and that you should be getting 32/64 days. Are you really that narrow minded?

Please try to understand my point of view at least.


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #73 on: January 06, 2012, 05:34:24 PM »
If life was fair, everyone would be treated equally, in every system, it wouldn't matter on race, sexuality, color, religion. etc... Everyone would be treated equally

i dont know why this topic is still even alive... cant u all w8. Man, jits working his ass for this game [came online at 1:08 am, and jitspoe was online till 3 somthing am maybe even longer beause i went offline] Jitspoe cant just give up his time for all of us, soo why dont you guys stop posting and start thinking. Like flip said " jitspoe is working on our bans" soo please, give him time.

flip, not everyone hates you. Its beacuse most of the fourms people just think you banned them for "no reason".  and as for my response to your comment on my quote, you are not the one to decide who "diserves to be banned or punished" because you dont know if their going to change or not, so the best option is giving a secound chance..... by the way i never said "life is fair"
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 06:01:09 PM by Toxiic »


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #74 on: January 06, 2012, 05:48:20 PM »
They hate me because I am not blind to their nonsense and can not be persuaded to listen to the lies. I believe just the opposite. I believe it is because of my beliefs AND the fact I have been such an active member of this community is the reason for the hatred. Then there are the hangers on. Take haze for an example. I looked up to him when I first joined the game because he took the time to show me a thing or two when I was new. I have always talked highly of him and have never been rude or anything to the guy. Then here he is posting nonsense, asking for pics of my wife (which yeah some of the pics aren't so great when she's preganant but I can gar'un'tee given his age if I post any pictures of how she looked at HIS age she would be something he could only dream about), and insulting me. All because of this "group". Do I still think highly of him? nope. Then there are people like shk. I stood by him during the hacusations, stood up for him in threads quite a few times, and never had any bad dealings with him. Even when I started to believe he hacked the two of us were able to discuss things without it becoming personal. Then there is you. You were banned from these forums. It was not me who banned you but I AM the person you came to when you asked for help. Why is that? Let us look at Myers. He used to write me all the time on irc. Did I believe everything that came out of his mouth? Nope. Did I believe some of it? Yup. Ask Myers if he ever came to me for help. Even when he went so far to insult me in these forums, falsley accused me of being his leak, and quite a bit of other things I never once got rude or hateful to him. Guess my age REALLY does show here huh? lol.

If you doubt my "activeness" in this game feel free to just look up InT. How many people came through there that Myself and others worked with and introduced them to the community? Feel free to search for the threads and read all the ridicule we got from the people here. We still managed to make it for a long time. I still talk to a lot of people from those days because we made such good friendships. Then came the committee. The people on the committee do spend a lot of their own free time to help make decisions and provide input. They do NOT get paid in any shape form or fashion to provide these services. Look at Jimmy. He works harder than most and doesn't complain as much as he should. But then I volunteer for the moderator slot to help out. So yeah. I am active here. I am actually productive in a GOOD way. I don't interfere with the committee work. I do NOT manipulate people for my own personal gain, I do NOT cheat, and I enjoy video games. I would say I am a positive person here.

It is amazing at how many pm's and emails I received telling me the "group" was aliasing on the forums. Even some of their "supporters" must not like them too much. lol. All of this doesn't really matter too much to me anymore. I proved my point when the "group" got their bans. I proved my point by being me and always sticking up for what I think is right. I proved my point by continously being my polite, respectful self. Maybe I'll reinstall the game sometime when MW3 gets old. I just don't have that much time since I play that and it's snowboarding season. Who knows....


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #75 on: January 06, 2012, 05:49:16 PM »
If life was fair, everyone would be treated equally, in every system, it wouldn't matter on race, sexuality, color, religion. etc... Everyone would be treated equally

Why should everyone be treated equally? Not everyone deserves it.


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #76 on: January 06, 2012, 05:55:18 PM »
^ I'm sorry for not seeing the joke in it, didn't mean for a huge thing to come out of it. I didn't ask for my forum ban to be lifted, though I felt there wasn't valid reason for the length (You told me on IRC that it was to prevent any potential distribution, which is understandable).

Please don't generalize Chemical, and whoever else for the entire group. I've never said anything about: "Your group has made it clear that you believe I am some broke redneck old fart that has nothing to live for in life except for this forum" -- Might've called you old before, but that's about it. Not much of an insult... you can call me young if you want?

I'm curious (not trying to start stuff) as to what "crap" we're starting? I'm having a conversation with blaa - there's been no flaming, no personal attacks, it's just been a back-and-forth conversation about the bans. Isn't that what the forums is for? I've already spoken with Jitspoe a few times, and know how things are going to work.

"Nope, had to be ignorant. Couldn't resist? Even as a moderator? Can't put your personal issues with players away? You went offtopic, thanks for showing us what types of posts are deemed "okay" now!"

Calling someone ignorant isn't personal? Insinuating I was being a horrible moderator? Claiming that I am being "personal".  I went off-topic? He stated he got friends to join. I replied to his statement. That is off-topic? Isn't your post about me off-topic? You couldn't say what you have to say in a pm? l

You ARE making it personal. You're "group" is making it personal. Me banning you wasn't personal. You getting banned by jitspoe wasn't me being personal. If someone hacks they deserve to be punished. Deal with the truth. Ask your buddy in the committee who the first person to agree with jits on unbanning the "group" was. If it was PERSONAL why are you posting here? Oh wait... I UNBANNED you just like I did everyone else. It's cool though... I see how you are trying to imply it is ME being personal.


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #77 on: January 06, 2012, 06:25:36 PM »
It's called a modify button for a reason.............................

but shet dugguh, you're taking it way further then it was ever meant to be.

Ignorance is a way of acting, and I felt your post showed ignorance, thus you were being ignorant. I didn't say you were an ignorant person. Disagreeing with your methods of moderating, doesn't mean I think you're a horrible moderator. Dugguh u b takin diz ish outta context, yadig?

Your first post could've been cut up into multiple paragraphs, I did not enjoy reading it and I don't know what to reply to it... basically, nobody is questioning your moderating skills, or activeness. You disapeared for a while, sure, but it's a break from a game.

K, don't know what else to say to you... I'm not trying to make anything personal... but yeah.... uhm k.



Okay, Uhm... real life and digital life can't be compared, but sure if that analogy works for you...

I knew the consequences going in, and was like: sheeet mayun, imma get like 64 days, nbd. And boom, got blindsided with 3 years. So yeah, I knew better, I deserved a longer ban. And it's Jitspoe's game, he can do what he wants. I'm not arguing any of that.

I've argued inconsistencies (which I can easily point out MANY) , where other players, who played longer than me, had normal times etc.. - and that everyone says "this game sucks!!!" when they get banned. Why is our case 960days worse? To be honest, I'm all for perma bans, but I'd like to see consistency. I'm arguing for it, because all games that survive are consistent. It removes the "favourites" aspect, since distributors have been unbanned in this game, after like 100-200 days (some even while being known to evade, so they didn't serve any ban time).

I'm also not arguing to get unbanned, I've asked for them to be reviewed. If Jitspoe feels that I'm some kind of cancer to the community, and leaves my ban, than so be it.

But yeah, Joonas, I'm not trying to argue my ban or anything. I cheated - got a ban time. I'm not trying to get unbanned. I'm asking for my ban to be reviewed, since what people fail to see is that these weren't the set ban times. There was a lot of assumed distribution going on, in Jitspoe's eyes, so he gave these bans until he could get to the bottom of it. He only found chalk to be innocent so far - which is why he got unbanned after 32days. Now he's planning on continuing to review these bans after he finishes the current build. It's not like we're coming back to complain about the length, we're asking when it will be reviewed.

Regardless, I understand what you're saying.

PS - fl1p go on irc plzzzzzzzzz


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #78 on: January 06, 2012, 06:51:44 PM »
I used to win long winded debates like this on the forums... Then I thought, why...?


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Re: DP Committee should do something... seriously part 2.
« Reply #79 on: January 06, 2012, 07:31:55 PM »
+1 for flip