Author Topic: Who's Playing for Who anyway?  (Read 18143 times)


  • VM-68
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #40 on: June 10, 2006, 07:14:54 PM »
It's all about the context.  ;)


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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #41 on: June 10, 2006, 07:25:51 PM »
but i garuntee there are many other clans that use other members but won't say anything.
Then call them out Boomer! Also its not really a clan match if you are not using your own roster, right? Its more of a pick up game, with that in mind I hope these matches are not being counted as a "clan win". *Shakes head.

Just read smokey's post
Congradulations, this is the first helpful post from your in a long time. GJ.
Smoke my point was that his opinion of me goes beond his actual knowledge of me. Obtuse can also be defined as "Lacking in insight or discernment". Sigh. I am sure you know this.


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« Reply #42 on: June 10, 2006, 11:31:24 PM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:39:17 AM by Dirty_Taco »


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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #43 on: June 10, 2006, 11:36:33 PM »
rofl @ quotes.


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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #44 on: June 10, 2006, 11:57:49 PM »
IF you choose to ignore my points, which you are choosing to do, dear taco, by proxy of your first statement.  'I'  Loial have clearly asked several direct questions via the forum. Not one question have you answered but ridiculed. Being a coward by using more than one name. What rebut do you or anyone have for doing this?

Lastly on this what makes you think I don’t know "anything" not "nothing" about the a regular clanning scene whither its this game or that? What proof do you have?

If you can not answer these with out proof then don’t try to discredit my questions by virtue of a unfounded statement. Explain my absurdity if you can. Since you know everything about me. I dare you.

The only examples you have as of yet, has absolutely nothing to do with me or my problem with cowards hiding their name and or clan activity.

Again you discredit something you have no proof of (zoo / Uni) and my main point is don’t be a coward and please use one name, simple enough as I am sure we can all agree. Should be a standard for clan matching.

Well, loial, the only reason I would double clan is because 90% of the time clans (including yours) refuse to match eR33t
Again you berate and call us out becuase we have lifes to live? Any clan leader in any game will agree with me on this, family and personal life responsibilities are more important than anything we do. Here.

Not once did was my name mentioned in those quotes. 


Don’t bring bravado in to this. That is a cowards way out. Please, talk to me and don’t just do what others said and many others here are sick of. Please avoid discounting people, out of personal ignorance and self-assumptions of someone.

*edit catch me on vent or my ts at you leisure if this is the best way to talk this out. Thanks.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2006, 02:49:58 AM by loial21 »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2006, 11:38:51 AM »
You say this:
Well, the only reason I would double clan is because 90% of the time clans (including yours) refuse to match eR33t, while the other 10% of the time they only match us if we're the last clan on with enough members. That is if any other clans are on that will accept their match, they wont match us. What this ammounts to is very few matches for eR33t.
90% refuse to match you and 10% would prefer to match anyone else than you. ---> none would want to match you because theyre AFRAID of you....

Okay, I see you arent getting it. So those things ill mention now HAVE ALREADY BEEN SAID ONCE. Thats not really a positive point for you guys since its telling that you have left those arguments out of a thoroughly discussion.
Just a few quotes by "better" known players:
-those clans are just fed up with the lack of maturity within er33t - VERY good possibility.

-Don't blame us for the declining number of matches that er33t has been able to participate in ( as digi put it ), because you fellas did this to yourselves with the lack of respect and above all else, lack of maturity in game.
- by merl:

Digi the reason why xb wont match you isnt the fact that we dont want to lose to you, its the fact that you guys, basically you and bob act like complete jackasses during the match as seen by the demo that pierce recorded during our map of hellsurvivors. Maybe if you guys grew up and didnt act like complete asses towards people and dont call us newbies when you guys lose, cause I know for a fact that I have been playing longer than you. We would match you, but whats the point of matching when you are just going to piss and moan and say LOL or ROFL everytime we kill you.
If you guys treated everyone the same way you would want to be treated, I know that is like a kindergarden saying, but its true, im sure that more clans including us will match you.
- by oddjob:

...and here a qoute by myself in this topic on which hasnt been spoken about:
The only reason i'd ever play for a clan like insane is because the multitude of times things like this have happened:

<Lunatic> well digi asked me like 10 minutes ago <PBCup^J0E> well we have a chance against xb
....and: * You were kicked from #team_er33t by *d* (*d*) = kickban
Then later i sent a !scrim 3on3 and ruddy asked me if we wanna match them....
Add all arguments. Still having the same opinion about "very few matches for eR33t" now? I guess not. SO that means you´re not having any right of double-clanning due to that "fact" you brought up.
PS: Dont take it to personally as its not mainly about you.


  • PGP
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #46 on: June 11, 2006, 12:13:40 PM »
s8n I pitty you

Explain yourself? What in my post has warranted such a comment from you? I would almost consider that a personal attack that should warrant banning. Of course we know that won't happen.
My comment, "LOL you guys are funny and pathetic at the same time." was my oppinion support afterwards by my thoughts that demonstrate how most of you fail to see the big picture in this matter, and how as DP attempts to run thier "clean" organization they are essentially doing what we fight in the US government and companies like Microsoft. You people fight for regulation to make your world a perfect place. That will make this place such a limiting and controlled environment. Exactly what alot dislike. Net Neutraliy on a smaller scale. Beyond the bare minimum to play I don't care for DP "forcing" me to do anything. But, some of you do, and voice your opinions loudly. I find that pathetic because your loud voices are being heard, whereas our quiet voices are not. You would think, Jitspoe, of all people would see what he his doing, but I guess not.

In general, is clan hopping frowned upon, as deemed by the norm of years of gaming, sure. Is it illegal, absolutely not.

Dictatorship comment:
If i'm going to be forced to register my name that's fine. If i'm going to be forced to swear an allegence to clan globally, that's wrong. Track me all you want. Make sure I am who I say I am when I play. But associating players with clans is not the job of a global login, it's the job of leagues and tournaments. The global login should simply offer the league/tournament a GUID or something to use in clan association.

I've type a whole bunch of crap.
None of you are even worth it.
I hate all of you.
I'd just kill every one of you if I could.
I'm just that much of a piece of excrement...hate me you intercourse wads.

Ban me all you want you meddling losers


  • VM-68
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #47 on: June 11, 2006, 12:54:20 PM »
Comparing dp to the US government and even microsoft is still overly dramatic.

dp isn't a microcosm of these situations that you mention, because you seem to forget that no money is made from this game. Jitspoe serves little gain by controling us whereas microsoft can use its monopoly to make more money for themselves.

No need to start a sort of revolution against a system that doesn't even exist right now...


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #48 on: June 11, 2006, 09:56:01 PM »
hahaha I think I've figured it all out, You see the only people who say double clanning is OK are the people being accued here (er33t and insane). 

eR33t - Clans dont match you because you're all arrogant, in and out of servers, it just takes the fun out of the game when some someone says "lmao" and "rofl" everytime they die. You guys are trying to make it seem as if you're being forced to double clan, when really you arent...honestly try being nice and have a friendly attitude to people and you'll get your matches.  Insane lets you guys play with then for 2 reasons 1) They all want to be in er33t so bad that they think by sucking up to you guys they will have a shot.  2) If boomer isnt around they have you guys play with them because he's their whole team.

s8n - consider it a personal attack all you want, i really dont care


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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2006, 04:34:04 AM »
j0e, sorry we didnt lose to m&mk. :( :(


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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2006, 07:22:02 AM »
s8n - consider it a personal attack all you want, i really dont care

There ya go Jitspoe.
Where's his ban for personal attack?

Funny to see these little kids, like Joe, trying to play all grown up with the big boys.
I guess the internet is the place to try to be a big shot when you can't manage in real life society, huh Joe?
You'll find yourself fat and lonely in an apartment somewhere living just to sit on your virtual thrown while real life goes on around you. Then you'll get sick one day and the crane will come. They'll have to remove the entire wall of your apartment so they can lift you out to take you to the hospital. But you'll bring your laptop with you, and your virtual life won't even flutter a hint of change until the day you die and your existance simply vanishes.

So prentend to be almighty because you think you are. The ones you think almighty, that fuel you into being the little puppy in a big dog's world, are, themselves, little puppies. You are a fool that runs with are nothing more, and will never be.

Oh...nothing personal, btw.


  • PGP
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2006, 11:59:46 AM »

"Oh you bastard your making a personal attack" then you go take the piss out of Joe. Points for detail though. Mind you thrown in that case is really spelt throne.

To be honest you lost me after you talked about the US Government fighting for justice, which is a load of BULLexcrement. Come up with a sensible argument and I might begin to care.


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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2006, 01:18:42 PM »
I think this all started when digi approached me with some big sob story about how he hated public play, and nobody would ever match eR33t anymore, so he simply couldn't play the game, wah wah, was it OK if he played for insane in general matches and eR33t for PBcup?  I told him I would not encourage it, but couldn't really stop it, either.  Somehow he translated that to mean, "Well, jitspoe says it's OK to double clan."  I should have flat out said "No," in retrospect.  Quite frankly, several members of eR33t deserve not to play.  They have a total lack of respect for what seems to be the vast majority of players, and, as demonstrated recently, the game in general.  Then they go and act like it's everybody's fault but their own.

Honestly, guys, think about it.  Are you that dense to think that the only reason people won't play you is because you're more skilled?  Sure, it probably plays a role, but if you were respectable and fun to play with, I'm sure plenty of clans would be willing to match you.

As for this whole playing for other clans business, I don't see why somebody needs to be active in the matching scene to comment on it.  Clans are a very basic concept.  Anybody with common sense should be able to understand them.  A clan plays another clan in a match.  If there are people playing that aren't members of one of those clans, then it's simply not a clan match.  If you want to mix and match, there's a style of game play tailored to that: the pickup game.  Clans have a roster -- a list of players belonging to that clan -- and a record.  The record implies that players from the roster participated in the matches to build up the record, otherwise what's the point?  Why have clans at all?  Why have records at all?  They're meaningless if any old player can jump in and play for a clan.

You know this.  Just admit you're wrong already.  Anybody with a weiner can make up lame excuses for his actions or blame other people, but it takes a real man to stand up and admit his fault.  I'm especially disappointed in you, DirtyTaco.  You used to be pretty cool back when we were in Prozak together.  You're also a PBCup representative.  You should be setting a better example.


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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2006, 02:28:03 PM »
I WAS WRONG *sobs*


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2006, 02:38:12 PM »
Yeah Dirtytaco, you meddling female dog.

Nobody likes losing, that's the only reason people don't want to match us. Don't know if that's being arogant or not, but it's true.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2006, 02:44:49 PM »
All fear you. Why are they trying to make it so difficult when its so simple.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2006, 05:14:03 PM »

It's no real big deal to me though, I'll let the others in the clan argue it out. You guys can continue to match people who suck and never improve. Then, when you think you guys have got it, you can come get wrecked by us again.


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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #57 on: June 12, 2006, 06:09:46 PM »
Ok, er33t is the best clan via record? Sure, no doubt. When it comes to sportsmanshop are they the best clan. General consences is no. Are they upset that they cant get matches, sure? Will they realize that thier behavior towards any who can not beat them in a FPS might have something to do with this? No. As s8n said and I quote
You are a fool that runs with are nothing more, and will never be.
Please replace fools with with 'poor sportsmans' and we got our selfs a winner and one of the main reasons people dont like matching you in public or out, with alisas or with out. No one likes playing with a poor sport, agreed?

The reality of this is that your clan is a bunch of poor sports. So but it is true. Your actions on and off line prove this. Do you care, no. This also adds to the fact of you NOT getting more matches. It is not becuase you win so often, but how you act before during and after a win.

Sometime (most of the time) you guys tend to over complicate matters to your advantage, so that you wont ever really have to apologize for actling like child who's parents never taught them to think beond his or her own needs. We dont need to see the 'whole picture' to see and ass act like and ass.

You are no better or worse than anyone else when it comes to being a Human. Thats reality. Anyone can pick up a gun and fire it and hit something. Thats reality. Does it take a critical hit to kill a man, no. Why am I talking about killing am man with one shot or more, becuase that is what your sportsmanship is doing to this game. It does not matter that you scored a critical hit, its that you picked up the gun and fired with the intention of harming someone. Same thing goes with your mouth and what comes out of it. Grow up a little. Be a little more friendly.  Then perhaps you will see the influx of matches your souls crave.


« Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 07:23:58 PM by loial21 »


  • VM-68
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Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« Reply #58 on: June 12, 2006, 09:01:40 PM »
Okay so just to point it out. Skater and I both admitted we used DirtyTaco so you can stop saying just admit it already cause we did a while back. I'm disspointed in the clan myself so whatever, that's all i am going to say on thsi subject anymore.


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« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2006, 02:41:36 AM »
Post removed
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 12:39:13 AM by Dirty_Taco »