Login System - it needs to be more throughly implemented, or removed completely, no inbetween.
could you emphasis please? I know you were busy.
As for advertisment; I believe Facebook and other forms of social media is by far thee best way to promote this game. With facebook, you can target people who this advertisment will go to, for example; you can target people who play Q2 or other fast paced gaming, and that advertisment will only go towards them. Facebook will also allow the adverstiser to be able to moniter how many click and views people have done. Also, its extremely cheap, the adverstiment only takes money out of what you deposited by clicks. Not by how may people have "seen" that advertise. I believe that's how it works, just make sure to double check everything.
I think these types of servers are good. This is a better way to organize servers, and an easier way for newer players to join servers, because they'll most likely join the beginners servers where they can play with people at their skill level.
It may kind of stink for more experienced players, but I think it's good for new players to play with other new players.
I agree, but this system should not be permanent solution. Its a good temporally solution, but only till we get a experience/level system implemented.
EDIT: ToXiiC - Paintball 2 on Facebook
I already know about this, its a facebook page; not what I'm talking about. Their is a difference between a facebook
page and facebook
Payl, you seem to be confused on what superman is trying to say, please reread or wait till he responds back.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will first start by congratulating JMR, because of what he has done, you have gotten some nice players to know about DP. If there was a rep system I'd create over 9000 accounts and rep you. Secondly, let's start with what jitspoe has; which is the survey. The most voted thing on the survey is single playermode, I know there is some contraversal issues on this, but let's suppose that its true. Furthermore, let's assume that single playermode is a "need" for this game, that said, this game will need more advanced bots; the old bots would just be pathetic if they were used for the single player mode, just imagine how bad it would look for this game; I rather go play club penguin, they can't maneuver or be a good form of bots in anyway to be used for single player, it'd be like saying "O this game needs single player mode?? Just start a server and do "addbots"---bam solution. E-Z BRAH #YOLO#SWAG#QQ". I could keep writing how bad the old bots are. Anyways, so singleplayer mode would definitely need some tweaking in bots, so that's what jitspoe is doing. Let's advance on this, like superman said, this would help players strafe, aim shoot, and jump; I know its not going help players to be at the same level as a person who has been playing for 3 years online--- this same concept is applied to COD, someone who plays single player before going to multiplayer will have more grasp on the concept of COD mechanics then some person who goes directly into multiplayer; you will see the difference in between the players who played single player and someone who didn't. But of course the player who's been playing online will be better, that's why you can't compare these players to someone new to multiplayer. Let's take this idea one step further and visualize this: it will allow new players to be able to stay and play this game more longer. Why? Because new players will have a more understanding about the game, that's why, like superman said, single player and tutorial should be
one entity. Same theory applies to COD; they explain how to do what, when you start your first single player mission. Same theory applies to LoL, a tutorial and beginners guide, with a meaning, a story behind the champions etc... Furthermore, this idea will allow the birth of "beginners pub"/"advance leveled beginners pub" if stats are re created and implemented properly; you know what this sounds like? The Global experince and level system!!! Yeaaa!!!(Hopefuly we all realize the importance of this, because I don't want to state it). This will allow players who are new to join only those servers, and allow players to compete with there same level of "noobieness" friends'. Did I just say friends? Oh that means a friends list will be needed as well! Umm also, an offical maplist, will also be needed to ensure that players become more experinced on those maps, and don't see something new and freakout. It will help balance players skills. See how all these things are interconnected? It's interconnected as intercourse
In conclusion, the advance bots are needed for singleplayer mode, its a "need", its connected to much more things; it will help players to stick to this game longer than right now, if implemented right, it could(hopefully) keep them long enough that they fully understand the concept of this fast faced game and that they will all be hynoptised and addticted to paintball, like all of us.
I feel like I'm missing someother things, buts that's whats cumming in my mind right now
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Someother things to consider which I have said already stated:what this game needs is the following:
1)good tut(forced) and properly done, the one that exist isn't the best:/
2)in-game chat with friends list this is most likely the best way to keep players in contact with each other. use player id-common name used to identifiy players
3)better/fixed amount of maps, this will help new players because new players will know the maps better due to repetittion and this will enhance gameplay for everyone because now the new player knows how to play that map, and not have to learn a new map every round, includes the matching scene( Offical Maplist)
4)auto/better stat system, although i started a thread about it, it turned into a flame thread( currently the xp and rank system )
5)better graphics, this game does need better graphics, because better graphics=looking more new gen therefore attracting new generations players
6)ADVERTISING!!! Use social media, much more effective, and much cheaper ( Best way eva? )
7)distribution of power, this game only consist of one man who has almost absolute power, which maybe a good thing depending on situations but usually not the best way. Jitspoe has to give other individuals power, doesn't mean show all the secrets of the game and ban system that he's so paranoid about, heck you don't even need to show the ban system to anyone. I know there is a thing called committee but nowadays it almost doesn't exist maybe a new and more active committe would help.
8)I am going to say this but I know people are going to say " oh he said that so he can get unbanned" it really does not matter to me, if I want to play this game, trust me I can, plus I pretty sure none of these will come into place. Anyway so #8: better ban system as in a better "ban hammer", the current ban hammer is driving players away rather then punishing, a ban does not mean "GTFO" for people who are under this delusion , the reality is that is wrong definition of a ban. The ban hammer should be doing the following-consistent, no bais, and keep the player in the game and not drive them off. If these are followed then the game shall prosper, if someone gets a ban for 1000+ days and someone else who did the same thing gets the ban for 200+ days, really does more harm then good(consistency is MUCH better which ATM it lacks in the current ban hammer). No bais is once again a better thing, because there have been cases were emotions were taking over then the rules and that did not turn out well, so please keep emotions out of banning process. LoL bans players Acc, which is more valuable to the players and it punishes the players due to the acc's valubility, and it also does not drive the players away/out of the game, sure the player might be pissed of but what if they want to comeback, then they start of fresh and work there way up. ( Corresponsends with #7 and maybe #4 )
9)re-design the website, needs more colour(shinny ), ATM it looks bad:/
Also I would like state some more ideas that should be implemented:
The single player is kind of contraversal, and I have half feelings for both sides; like payl pointed out, that single player is placed on the top of the list, which does affect the out come of true "votes". This is a basis of marketing; for example when you go to shops, you usually get people buying more of the things that are right in front of them( first ) then the things that are more offside or in the back. Now aside from that I still believe jitspoe should finish the project he started, because it will do more good then harm. The single player/BOTS concept is not truly horrid, it will be good for the future.
Also would like to agree with the person who stated out "to many servers" it is the cause of players to divide and set fourth into different servers rather than stay in 1 or 2. I'm not saying completely oblivreate the servers into 1 or 2 servers, what I'm saying is take out the "trash/junk" servers, because there always has been more servers then there needs to be.
Furthermore, this game needs to get a better start up design, the current menus look way to old fashioned, and needs to get a more sexier look, so once a new player looks at it, he would be impressed(presentation). Some to a lot of things can be done by players in this community, for example, I have, and still am, promoting this game, on other websites I know, to my friends, or sometimes to some q2 player and to LoL players. These things are extremely small stuff, but can make a huge impact on this game. If you can code, then code to help dp, if you can create maps and menus then create those, simple things like those can helpout.
^litterly. Everything. Needed. Just wanted to reiterate this.
Well that's my two cents, geez, my fingers are tired, wrote this on my phone, so please excuse my grammer and spelling mistakes. Thanks!
EDIT: Solo'd all your post here.