24: faster in-game downloading - jitspoe, Smokey, Tinman, Gremlin, P!nk, eiii, atte, b00nlander, SkateR, Playah, ViciouZ, nightryder, oli887, toM|vendettA, Gold_Leader, l1g, Clipz, Sharp, Waggot, Zorchenhimer, basilo, Sandwraith, kNoC, y00tz
12: More high-res textures - Gremlin, bitmate, b00nlander, SkateR, oli887, Gold_Leader, l1g, TinMan, MosheD, Spook, Sandwraith, spacepirate
11: Vwep (see what weapons people are carrying) - bitmate, KnacK, XtremeBain, SmackWaters, SkateR, ViciouZ, toM|vendettA, Gold_Leader, Waggot, basilo, eiii
8: New map format - P!nk, eiii, bitmate, b00nlander, Cobo, ViciouZ, Zorchenhimer, {appy Hamper
8: (Option to) disable colored text in chat - Anarchy, SkateR, Clipz, Waggot, basilo, KiLo, Spook, TinMan
7: Increase paintball visibility - S8NSSON, PiCaSSo, oli887, Dirty_Taco, nightryder, Playah, Spook
7: Central server for mapinfo files - jitspoe, DirtyTaco, T3RR0R15T, eiii, TinMan, nightryder, KiLo
6: (Option to) disable funnames - Spook, eiii, TinMan, Clipz, basilo, KiLo
6: Leaning - magalhaes, atte, bitmate, ViciouZ, Sandwraith, kNoC
6: Client-side demo auto-recording - Zorchenhimer, XtremeBain, magalhaes, Spook, {appy Hamper, TinMan
5: Don't require mouse to be over edit fields to type - oli887, jitspoe, Sharp, basilo, T3RR0R15T
5: New gun models (such as the Angel) - Gremlin, iEATnoobs, l1g, Clipz, Sandwraith
4: Kill cam (like in CoD) - nightryder, toM|vendettA, l1g, enozpp57
4: Female player model - T3RR0R15T, SmackWaters, Spook, magalhaes
4: Screenshot system for cheat detection - ch40s, Clipz, Sharp, SuperMAn
4: Client-side auto end-game scoreboard screenshot - XtremeBain, Spook, {appy Hamper, TinMan
4: Vote kick - SmackWaters, nightryder, Sharp, Sandwraith
3: Global-login based logins (ops) - XtremeBain, jitspoe, T3RR0R15T
3: Better bot AI - P!nk, jitspoe, ViciouZ
3: PK3's - Smokey, b00nlander, TinMan
3: Global-login based bans - XtremeBain, KiLo, T3RR0R15T
3: In-game voice communication (VoIP) - SkateR, Clipz, ch40s
3: Dashing - SkateR, Dirty_Taco, magalhaes
3: Map-specific chat logging (so we can get player feedback on the maps on the beta server). - jitspoe, magalhaes, ViciouZ
3: Wall jumping - SkateR, Dirty_Taco, Sandwraith
3: Round countdown timer for siege maps. - KnacK, magalhaes, Zorchenhimer
3: Wave animations - T3RR0R15T, Zorchenhimer, TinMan
3: New sounds - iEATnoobs, nightryder, TinMan
3: Variables in menu widgets (for map preview screenshots) - Zorchenhimer, l1g, {appy Hamper
3: Ability to use embedded quotes (so people can have spaces in their names when set from the menu) - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, {appy Hamper
3: Save console command history to a file so when you load the game up again, you can hit the up arrow to get the last typed command. - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T, TinMan
3: Option to set crosshair size - jitspoe, Spook, TinMan
3: Team autobalance - ch40s, TinMan, magalhaes
3: Mouse fix for vista - digi, SkateR, y00tz
2: New (selectable) player skins - bitmate, iEATnoobs
2: New menu format - Cobo
2: Grapple - loial21, ch40s
2: Sharp turns -SkateR, Dirty_Taco
2: Map pack. - oli887, Gold_Leader
2: Work on the player models - Clipz, Sharp
2: Weapon and item autoswitching - jitspoe, oli887
2: Customizable word filter - {appy Hamper, jitspoe
2: Allow angles to be used for func_rotating so s8n can finish his catapult map. - jitspoe, ViciouZ
2: Global-login STDLogs logging - XtremeBain, T3RR0R15T
2: Map notifications for standalone serverbrowser - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T
2: Ability to add clan tags to player models - Clipz, T3RR0R15T
2: Scroll bar in the console - oli887, T3RR0R15T
2: Optimize file checking to reduce load times and game hiccups/freezing - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T
2: Don't try to download textures if an rscript exists for that texture name. - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T
2: Download textures required by rscripts. - jitspoe, T3RR0R15T
2: Places to enter IP and password in the join game menu. - nightryder, Spook
2: Standardized matching rules - iEATnoobs, magalhaes
2: Server list filters - Anarchy, TinMan
2: Get rid of player model in first-person chase cam view. - nightryder, TinMan
2: Sort buttons on server list - oli887, TinMan
2: Ability to choose the other team's color - Clipz, TinMan
2: Use libcURL for people having issues downloading the serverlist and connecting to the login server - jitspoe, TinMan - using UDP instead
2: Option to set crosshair color - PiCaSSo, TinMan
2: Flashing flags on HUD - kNoC, TinMan
2: Cvar that stores the map name - KnacK, TinMan
2: Ability to select and copy text. - kNoC, TinMan
2: Make the loc file system use the closest visible loc, not just the closest - b00nlander, jitspoe
1: Bombing run game mode - T3RR0R15T
1: Menu links to download more maps - Gremlin
1: More cheat detection - Gremlin
1: Ugly Q3 name colors - TinMan
1: In-game clock (with alarm) - abrken
1: Enlarge lists (server lists, scoreboard, etc.) to display more characters - abrken
1: Indicator for password-protected servers - abrken, magalhaes
1: "Best of" page to display the most popular maps / best players - abrken
1: 2-layer textures (might require a new map format) - S8NSSON
1: Random texture selection - S8NSSON
1: Context dropdowns in scoreboard for ignoring, etc. - Playah
1: In-game chat (Connect to IRC server, perhaps?) - oli887
1: Allow all maps supporting 1-flag mode to be playable in PONG mode - jitspoe
1: Alphabetize map and demo names - nightryder
1: Setting to chasecam just enemy players - iEATnoobs
1: Add a column to the scoreboard that calculates skill or performance - Uncle
1: Option to disable "blocking" for jump maps - Clipz
1: Optimize water code for better framerates - Sharp
1: Change the main menu screen - Sharp
1: More DSM options for entities (so I can finish pbcup/arctic_dsm) - jitspoe
1: Option to set text color - PiCaSSo
1: Tie the wiki into the global login system to prevent abuse / spambots. - jitspoe
1: Add support for bulleted lists to the wiki. - jitspoe
1: Add image uploading functionality to the wiki. - jitspoe
1: Fix bug on wiki where 3rd level header sometimes gets merged in with the text instead of being put on a new line. - jitspoe
1: Laser entities - Clipz
1: Don't load all rscripts for every map -- just the ones that are applicable. - jitspoe
1: Akimbo (dual wield) feature - {appy Hamper
1: 64bit Linux support - Phenax
1: Client-side setting for "id" - basilo
1: Somehow make the loading image compatible with non-US keyboards. - basilo
1: Allow loading/saving configs anywhere on the filesystem. - basilo
1: Melee attack (barrel tag? paintbrush?) - enozpp57, TinMan
1: Support for regular expressions in menus. - Zorchenhimer
1: Get rid of the old-style scoreboard at the end of the game - XtremeBain
1: Add a button in the bind menu for fastforwarding demos? - Playah
1: Display topspeed on the scoreboard. - lekky
1: .skm shadows (used on the new player model) - kNoC
1: Self-reflection in the water - kNoC
1: Password reset option for global logins - jitspoe
1: Central repository for textures and other content - kNoC
1: Tie global login accounts to forum accounts - y00tz
1: Hardware bans - Anarchy
1: Increase limit for loc files - b00nlander
1: If the number of entities exceeds the maximum allowable, start removing paintballs instead of causing a fatal error. - jitspoe
1: If the server has a fatal error, try to load a map rather than leave the server down. - jitspoe
1: Make the server not hog all the CPU if there is a fatal error. - jitspoe
Uncle: As KiLo pointed out, there are already settings for this. There's also an ignore command that's useful if somebody is continuously spamming things.