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Messages - Shreds

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Pay for a secure global login and recorded ranks is kinda cool. But let everyone play on ranked servers. I've donated a few bucks in the past, and would do it again. But requiring in any way people to pay to play on certain servers is too much of a divider. Plus, whats the map rotation of these ranked servers?
Also, you mentioned paying for a clan tag. Do all members have to pay to use it? That would suck.
And, make the donation/payment requirement small and have the option of paying more. I probaly have more points to make on this, but I'm not reading the entire thread so maybe someone made them already.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: zoogooz vid...
« on: April 19, 2006, 03:39:29 PM »
Taco, whats points are you making here? I watched the video of accusing moments and didnt see anything that confirmed cheating. Was I supposed to say what jit said a few posts above mine?

As for demeaning you, well... If you would stop being a brat we wouldnt have to treat you like a child. My interest in the zoogooz thing was heightened when you called us.. what was it? pretty pathetic and that we played without honor. All this because you guys lost 1 round in pbcup when we played defensive. Maybe you should watch the demos again too because we didnt just camp the entire time as you think, but thats another story.

My only attack on you in relation to this topic was laughing and a analogy of WMDs, which may not have been good but other people got the joke.

I stated my opinion on this subject, that there is no proof zoogooz cheated.
I'll leave the s8n's texture edits dead as it should be.
I wish you would either stop calling zoogooz a cheater and dragging his name through the mud (doing worse to yours in the process)[though.. what do names matter in this game anyways. -->GAME<--]. If you dont stop, get fraps and make a demo that does prove him guilty beyond a doubt. zoogooz has more evidence in his favor then a black glove thats too small.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: zoogooz vid...
« on: April 18, 2006, 03:18:57 PM »
I vote NO. He was NOT cheating.

I watched the entire vid a few times. I dont see him cheating. With footsteps and jump sounds you can predict where a player is headed. There is no clear proof of him lining the easy shots the wallhack would have allowed him.
In the last clip, when he runs towards other base, note the time left. it seems like a reasonable play to grab before time runs out.
I just dont see a wallhack here except for whoeever made the vid  =P

taco, I think iraq has WMDs. lets make a fuss about it and invade before we know. Then when we're wrong we'll say we were just watching out for the community.

zoogooz, good playeing

PBCup / Re: Demo of the hottest round of the season...
« on: April 14, 2006, 05:55:33 AM »
I'm sad because this thread turning into a rule arguement.

I wanted more ohs and ahs about how awesome I am.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: BUG: 3+ team camera
« on: March 06, 2006, 05:20:31 PM »
I should have described this better. You can see the player model, just not the name of the person. The wording is replaced with "Your whole team has been eliminated"
This happens on the graffiti server. (I think thats what I was on...)

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / BUG: 3+ team camera
« on: March 06, 2006, 02:26:48 PM »
When you whole team is eliminated in 3+ team map, you can't see who you are following on camera. just says "Your whole team has been eliminated"

I can get it to happen a little in midnight on the hallway in the graffiti server. the other servers havent had maps with low enough cielings to test yet.

Yes, it happens when I'm alive.

I was on graffiti pub 1 server with the map 2fort5 on. in the spawn area, soon as you leave it, or in the low passages out, when you jump you go through the cieling and get hung up. I'm on build 16, dont know about server.
EDIT: This happens in any state. Alive, observer, or eliminated.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / REQUEST: Match mode
« on: February 26, 2006, 10:29:57 PM »
Are there any plans on making a match mode? aq2 had this, where each team had a captain that could talk in mm1, and each captain started the games and such.
I ask because maybe its time to enforce some rules on matches. Like giving each team a timeout or 2 for players that lag out or crash. It activates at the end of a round and lasts X amount of minutes. like 1 or 2. Also have it enforce the dead/obs blackout, and other features that you feel should be in matches.

Anyone else have ideas for this?

Map Graveyard / Re: fishtank castle map
« on: February 24, 2006, 08:34:15 PM »
I say this all the time.. yellow lights are ugly

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Desires for Build 17?
« on: February 24, 2006, 08:27:12 PM »
So it's now:

1 - Sound system improvements.
2 - Improved HUD.
2 - Global login. (assuming loial changed his vote)

I'm just taking people's #1 request right now.  I can only work on one thing at a time anyway.

Shreds: Forgot to ask you earlier - is Tribes2 anything like Tribes Vengeance?  I have TV, but haven't tried Tribes2.  I'll have to see if I can grab it.  It's probably pretty cheap by now.

I havent tried tribes vengeance, BUT! I'm pretty sure tribes 2 is free now.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Desires for Build 17?
« on: February 24, 2006, 06:31:22 PM »
Improved HUD needs minor things. I wish chat and kill messages could be seperated some how. I hit console way more then should ever be needed. The game time update isnt needed either since there is a game clock in lower right. just have it glow or something when there are 10 seconds left. neon green or some color that isnt used by a team. I like how newer games have x-hair customization in the game. changing styles, colors, and sizes. When using hand 2, there needs to be a gun icon or something. it could easily fit between the helmet and the player bars. The co2 bar could use a face life with instead of disapearing bars, have it a gradual bar (like the gun jam bar below it).

most important is the hand 2 gun icon, and the chat being jumbled into the other important info.

loial- we are saying what we feel is important. no need to say sorry. I never had much trouble seeing the pballs, and i usually go by splats on the ground. So my priorities are different. Improved models would just make it feel more natural to me, which is why thats on my list.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Desires for Build 17?
« on: February 24, 2006, 05:22:47 PM »
Imporant first:

-Improved HUD (seperate chat and other stuff so chat stays longer)
-Better sound, foot steps, the grunting jump noise, as mentioned, the pbcup bug
-New level system++ this will make the game look new and attract many new players.
-Improved player models
-view wep on player models...
-Dont know if this is possible, but when someone drops a gun or anything else, make it more instant. ditch the tossing the gun in the air effect, which appears 2 seconds late anyways.

less important:

-visable paintballs
-easier to ID teammates. even, No ID on enemies, and make teammate ID pop up quick.
-If you EVER improve the GUI, look at TRIBES2. It has one of the most impressive interfaces and is simple to use. Chat, email, Ignore, bio, rankings, etc...
-which also means user logins to play. I'm for this, but I suggest each login has 3 or 4 names they can play under, and searching in the super new GUI for that name will show all that players names.
-locked FOV (I know people would hate this.. but I find FOV changes sorta cheaty)
-make the guns stop shooting above the x-hair. it should never go above the x-hair...

Map Graveyard / Re: New Map = Field
« on: February 24, 2006, 07:20:54 AM »
yeah.. i really know the layout sucks.. for that reason i dont find it really worth making "perfect"

Jit isnt asking to make it perfect! Those are the minimal things EVERY mapper should do and be aware of.
Mapping takes time, lots of time. And early on, I would encourage experimenting with different things, such as resizing and rotating of textures to make them fire properly, understanding how water works with flow on angles, entities and spawn facings (too many maps have people facing wrong way at start. its in the entity properties to reface them). etc...
Also, experiement with lighting. Make some small test maps to compile and see how different lighting works. Good  light placement, avoiding big areas of too dark shadows, and overall other lighting tricks you learn as you go.

Remember, jit told you the MINIMUM of things that NEED to be done.

Map Graveyard / Re: --Dusk --- New Map--
« on: February 21, 2006, 05:18:38 PM »
before you get your cranky pants on and start doing the cranky dance at me, take a loot at your sshots you posted. I read you added a banner and a hallway and maybe you put some more boxes is.. but look at the layout. its a HUGE room connected by tiny hallways, correct? anywas, what i'm saying... maps are more then decorated rectangle hallways.

make the walls more interesting by adding nooks and juts (is juts the word i'm looking for?)

take a loot at a make like pbseige and notice how all the walls make you say "ohh, this map looks nice"

not all turns have to be 90degree sharp edges. rounded edges look and feel nice here and there.

dont forget to be inventive with bunkers and obsticles. Take your time and make a nice bunker here and there. Or a stupid tree that people climb.
a couple examples are the bunkers in pball_shreds1 made of coble stone. Or CanCan.bsp has the sexy spiral stairs.

Avoid things that have been done over and over. look at maps and see which maps have the same bunkers.
sandtrap has the same bunker as arctic. If you look, you will find them.

and most importantly, avoid long narrow empty hallways that a team MUST go down. imagine trying to get into the base in midnight if you could only go bottom. It makes for a bad matching map. kfields has 2 long empty hallways that meet, and even them its a camping spot for a team with leading points.

use my tips and use your cranky pants... mapping should take lots of time with lots of detail that looks good and is good on gameplay.

my examples are my first maps, tf.bsp which was WAY to big and open. I made it look somewhat good, but the game was too slow.
pball_shreds1 is pretty good, but a little jumpy.
pball_shreds2 is empty. it isnt new person friendly. It only looks okay. i made 1 good out of 4 (cant rememebr what the other one was even called). the best one is the one i put the most time into.

Map Graveyard / Re: --Dusk --- New Map--
« on: February 20, 2006, 10:49:25 AM »
here is an idea. dont release this till you make it good. a giant box connected to other giant rectangles isnt a map. have this be a practice map, expand on it. but dont release it till its quality

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: reflective water bugs
« on: February 15, 2006, 08:48:47 PM »
final with clear

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: reflective water bugs
« on: February 15, 2006, 08:48:27 PM »
okay, got the debug command from your helpful tab hint.
3 sshots, one which shows console reflecting in the water, 2 and 3 are gl_clear 0 and then gl_clear 1
you can see its reflecting from the cieling in that debug box.
also, i turned my res to 800x600.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: reflective water bugs
« on: February 15, 2006, 08:24:49 PM »
and 2 more

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