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Messages - S8NATHOME

Pages: [1] 2
Other Stuff / Re: I'm leaving jsut like everyone wanted
« on: November 10, 2006, 07:21:28 PM »
*Off topic
lol, the tears are rolling down my cheek as we speak.
I'm smashing my nuggets with a hammer to produce them, but that's besides the point.

Other Stuff / Re: Boycott auto spell check
« on: September 13, 2006, 08:09:20 PM »
My point is made:
* edit Posted expos facto Jitspost.

bet that passed the spellchecker, eh?

Eiii I am waiting for your help. Fluffster.

Yes eieio, jump in a help Loial. Two "I think i'm better than you" people are better than one.
What happens when all the low life bad speelers are gone?
Who sits on the throne? Or do you start working on homonyms and grammatical errors?
You might lose that one Loial.

Must be alot of room under there!

Other Stuff / Re: Boycott auto spell check
« on: September 13, 2006, 04:55:47 PM »
ah misreeded

Other Stuff / Re: GOD darn IT CHRISTIANITY
« on: September 11, 2006, 08:53:15 PM »
but I don't know that there's much feasibility in simulating a universe using the resources of only a minuscule portion of the existing universe.  It would be, however, possible to simulate something on a much smaller scale.  Perhaps that's what this universe is: a small simulation created by curious scientists of a greater universe.

Ahhhh you do realize that you have said this wouldn't be feasible for us, but said our universe may be simulated by scientists from a greater universe. Same thing isn't it? Wouldn't the scientists of that greater universe also be restricted in their knowledge of their universe in creating our universe?

My thinking in the simulation of the universe simply considers what we know (physics, elements, etc...) and use that to model the entire universe. This may not be accurate, but it may. It would work though, regardless. It may not accurately model our universe, but it would succeed in modeling a working universe from a singularity. Just add elements and rules.

The whole point of the story I was thinking of, though, is sort of an irony. This simulated universe was created and plugged into our information systems in order to better simulate our universe only to tell us that we, too, are a simulation. I have like lots of details with conflicts and resolutions and such in my head.

PBCup / Re: eR33t is dropping from PBCup
« on: July 29, 2006, 12:50:01 PM »
It's just as well DT.
Now the rest of the community can fight it out for 2nd best.

Other Stuff / Re: Wheel on an Angled Belt
« on: July 26, 2006, 09:18:33 PM »
THIS ONE won't take off!!!

I think it would have to continually accelerate.
maybe at half 9.8m/s² or womething ... hell i dunno, i can't remember this stuff.

Other Stuff / Re: Does it fly??
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:53:07 PM »
kiss my ass...stupid riddle

Other Stuff / Re: Does it fly??
« on: July 26, 2006, 08:40:42 PM »
the question was not "would the plane move" it was "would the plane take off"
the answer is no

if the answer is anything other than "no" prove it. I prove the "no".

Other Stuff / Re: Does it fly??
« on: July 26, 2006, 07:45:18 PM »
Airplanes fly by generating lift. Thier wings generate this lift.
Do we really need to get into the whole shape of the wing, air pressure differentials, and why the wings generate lift?

The plane will not fly on your conveyor...ever...well...unless a sustained headwind of around 160 knots all of a sudden arises. apears some morons might still not get
Air must move across the wing in order to generate the lift mentioned above. The shape of the wing causes air to move faster over the top of the wing than it does under the wing. This causes a lower pressur over the wing. As this lower pressure becomes enough to lift the plane, it flies.

The engines can counter the conveyor at the speed of light if it could and there would still be no airflow across the wing (besides any wind in the enviroment).

Read on...good stuff...

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: [GT]BeViS / [GT]ShyGuy
« on: July 21, 2006, 07:11:40 PM »
wow you all are so EMO

Other Stuff / Re: Video Card
« on: July 05, 2006, 06:58:15 PM »
smokey just get a motherboard

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« on: June 15, 2006, 06:22:45 PM »
I’m sure er33t will never admit that they are all a bunch of arrogant ____,

ME ME ME!!! maybe not for my DP skills, but in general i'm an arrogant ____!!!

and even though they’ll never admit it, they were scared to get beaten by us.

I'm sorry, but eR33t has never been "scared" to be beaten by anyone.

I think the problem is the community think eR33t should be all sportsman-like and honorable in there victories. Well, new is, some of us aren't.

Funny thing is i've heard clan after clan, during and before I was in eR33t, whine, booger, and moan while they get thier asses kicked and no one says a word. Some clan are notorious for it. So there's some rule that says you can only talk smack if you're on the losing end of the stick? Welp...not happening at the eR33t camp I guess.

Now, i'm not anyone that talks smack in matches. I don't have the skills to put behind any sort of words like that, and it's just not me. I will talk some smack in IRC and on these forums though. I do it just to get people pissed. I draw fancy pictures just to poke you in the side and watch you wiggle. And it works. I piss people off good. I never said I was a descent kind of guy. Some of the old-schoolers have met me. They know what i'm really like in person. You people let this internet smack just get to you way too much.

It's so refreshing to see an elite (or eR33t in this case) set of guys tear people to shreds and shove it in thier face. Screw sportsmanship and honor. Kick'em while thier down.

Peace to all my loving fans!!!

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« on: June 13, 2006, 05:55:22 AM »
This community has disrespected eR33t since day 1, i know because i used to be a part of that group doing the disrespect. Then when i joined i realized that they don't really hack, they really are just that much better than everyone else. On eR33t's behalf, I believe we simply have a lack of respect for people that have a lack of respect for us. Its entirely a mutual relationship. The (few) people that look up to us we have respect for and treat respectfully. We just seem like the 'bad ones' because so many people dislike us, and we just dislike them back.

Very nice...SO true...

So as cheat protection has improved, more and more people have come to the stark realization that eR33t does not hack. AND all the cross burnings are all of a sudden expected to be forgotten.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« on: June 11, 2006, 12:13:40 PM »
s8n I pitty you

Explain yourself? What in my post has warranted such a comment from you? I would almost consider that a personal attack that should warrant banning. Of course we know that won't happen.
My comment, "LOL you guys are funny and pathetic at the same time." was my oppinion support afterwards by my thoughts that demonstrate how most of you fail to see the big picture in this matter, and how as DP attempts to run thier "clean" organization they are essentially doing what we fight in the US government and companies like Microsoft. You people fight for regulation to make your world a perfect place. That will make this place such a limiting and controlled environment. Exactly what alot dislike. Net Neutraliy on a smaller scale. Beyond the bare minimum to play I don't care for DP "forcing" me to do anything. But, some of you do, and voice your opinions loudly. I find that pathetic because your loud voices are being heard, whereas our quiet voices are not. You would think, Jitspoe, of all people would see what he his doing, but I guess not.

In general, is clan hopping frowned upon, as deemed by the norm of years of gaming, sure. Is it illegal, absolutely not.

Dictatorship comment:
If i'm going to be forced to register my name that's fine. If i'm going to be forced to swear an allegence to clan globally, that's wrong. Track me all you want. Make sure I am who I say I am when I play. But associating players with clans is not the job of a global login, it's the job of leagues and tournaments. The global login should simply offer the league/tournament a GUID or something to use in clan association.

I've type a whole bunch of crap.
None of you are even worth it.
I hate all of you.
I'd just kill every one of you if I could.
I'm just that much of a piece of excrement...hate me you intercourse wads.

Ban me all you want you meddling losers

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Who's Playing for Who anyway?
« on: June 10, 2006, 12:27:29 PM »
LOL you guys are funny and pathetic at the same time.
You can't regulate unorganized match play.
A global login will do absolutely nothing to moderate unorganized match play.
Any global login system that attempts to do so would be a joke, and a hair short of a dictatorship.
In pbcup, leagues, tournaments, and anything else "organized," sure, the global login will work fine.
Not for simple pub and casual, "unorganized" match play.

Is it right to jump in with another clan for whatever reason? Absolutely. It's a away. You want to ensure you're playing with a set group of members play in an organized arena where players are checked. TWL has a great system for this.

Global login should ONLY ensure thatn the logged in person is who they claim to be. It should be up to the league/tournament/whoever to associate a player with a clan and make sure the right players are in sactioned matches.

Further more, the global login system should offer these leagues/tournament a unique GUID derived from various components of thier system that can be registered with the player, as part of a clan, on any league/tournament.

Pub is pub.
Unorganized matches are just what they sound like.

Quit crying because you are unknowingly being forced to play people that you run from on a daily basis.
Run to the mirror and discover yourself.

Other Stuff / Re: Crushed boomer, smokey, and skater.
« on: May 31, 2006, 04:28:21 PM »
I heard that he was a bad-ass kid who has no friends and has to play an online game to get friends. (Hahahaahahahaha)

Shouldn't Termi be banned for that statement then?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: About Your Mother
« on: May 31, 2006, 04:18:28 PM »
I'm sorry, but replacing sounds is modifying the game and a cheat according to the rules.
I don't make the rules, I just break them.

Why should modifying sounds be considered any different from modifying skins, or models, or code for that matter.

We have proof....ADMITTED PROOF!!!!!!!!!

Other Stuff / Re: Crushed boomer, smokey, and skater.
« on: May 31, 2006, 04:11:23 PM »
IronFist, yeah his fingers got muscle
from sitting at home doing the five knuckle shuffle
you hustle? please dog you a wrapper of gifts
down at the mall by the old lady lifts
tryin ta pickup on them old wrinkled ho's
cause he knows...
ain't no bittch bitin but he's still fishin
hopin one day with a little bit of wishin
that he might lose his teenage cherry
so the dogs hangin out'll stop callin him a fairy
but I doubt it...
cause in the ho catregory he ain't giftted
but i'll tell you what he is, Iron Fisted

Completed Maps / Re: pbcup_renoir
« on: May 22, 2006, 10:37:32 PM »
I get a very steady 100+fps @ 1024x768, but then again i'm not running a MX440 either.

Very playable for least by myself...but i'm used to playing with mind.

Good job DT.
I don't like the "special" jumps at all, but the second flag is so close to the first that I don't see it as an issue. The jump inside the base is so easy I wouldn't even call it a jump. Its is practically a ramp to the flag. I can barely do the jump in the backdoor hall, I can't even come close to doing the long jump, and not even close to the mid box jump. I think that's all of them, right? Four ways to the second flag?

Like I said...I don't really care for them fancy jumps only because I can't much do them. It's not for lack of trying either. There are jumps i've tried hundreds upon hundreds of times and just can't do them.

I think the map will be a great match map. Would be a great pub map too if these people would get a PC built in the last decade.

Completed Maps / Re: pbcup_renoir
« on: May 19, 2006, 10:18:11 PM »
i would have to agree with jits.

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