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Messages - Myles

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Demo Requests / Re: Demo Req. Whaley
« on: November 12, 2015, 10:02:01 AM »
darn most of us don't even consider Whaley decent. he's pretty much garbage and probably couldn't even figure out how to use hacks. This thread is terrible!

Guys, how was your first day of Earth's last year?

Got shot in my uterus. how was yours mr.dias?

If I could evade, wouldn't have made more sense for me to focus on getting my fellow butt penetrators unbanned ,rather than myself...

I'm not gonna lie: If I knew how evade, I would've took the blame for everything lol

You're acting like jitspoe just unbanned me because he felt like it,but I had to email him multiple times, which wouldn't make much sense to do if I was already playing.

By the way, Ryan started playing before I started emailing jitspoe again. He's the main reason why I wanted to play again...

Other Stuff / Re: Happy New Year!
« on: January 01, 2012, 02:31:15 PM »
just because the world ends on 12/21 doesn't mean we cant get stabbed/shot before! Happy new years!!!

what you fail to understand is just because it says 5:35 on forums doesnt mean its 5:35 where i live. i love the flamefest though. chalk prob asked all his friends to flame hoping people would forget the actual topic

You live in the same timezone as me idiot, so it was 6:35 where you live big whoop...

I didn't ask anyone to come on this thread, people just flame you because you post dumb excrement.

I'm actually an prick to most people on this game, because that's how I have fun :D


They don't understand what it's like to live as a poor, ashy, sometimes greasy, homosexual, ugly, overweight, black man who has swamp butt. It's not easy.

Yo son like wtf. why u puttin my business in the street.

and really Riddick what the hell were you doing last night that would allow you to get up at 5 a.m. and type that...

You gotta get up at 10 am n*gga. thats when u know u be goin hard like chalk

as for me evading why would i come on irc as Riddick. am i just some pub star evading? i doubt theres anyone like that pubbing it up right now. if i was evading i would have never come back on irc and attempted to get unbanned. Get Some Rick

I came on irc and was emailing jitspoe to get unbanned while my "multi" was around...

is this what it's like to be shockwave?

and Riddick i wouldn't ever mention you if you didn't keep randomly showing up posting merry excrement whenever my name is involved...

I didn't spread rumors about you evading your ban. I was one of the ones who was told about it and I only ever mentioned it to you. (If I had spread any rumors about you evading, someone probably would've reported you)

Thanks for the compliment, but unfortunately I don't know how to change my hardware id...

Also, if I was merryed by the committee and they banned me for evading, why would I get 1054 days instead of serving 60 again?

If anyone should be banned for lying it should be you, for denying hacking in the first place and posting hacks in #paintball.

If I evaded, that would make a lot of sense for me to make a thread about my "multi" when no one had even confronted me about it.

Issues for Committee Review / Re: multiple accounts - not me btw
« on: December 31, 2011, 05:04:43 PM »

-He didn't stop playing when I got unbanned, we've played together multiple times.
-Yes, he was there when I was looking at the ban list and naturally wondered what the game was, so he made an account and played.
-I'm pretty sure he has played from his house before, but he didn't match much because his computer sucks. (He might've matched at his house too, most friends don't talk about that kind of stuff on a daily basis)
-You're the only one who said he gave the account to another banned player, which I don't believe.

If he started playing again, there's a good chance he moved with his dad and has a different computer.


like sh*t b*tch wtf

Issues for Committee Review / Re: multiple accounts - not me btw
« on: December 31, 2011, 10:33:04 AM »
Sorry we're black...

We don't have perfect tv show lives

Issues for Committee Review / Re: multiple accounts - not me btw
« on: December 31, 2011, 09:45:25 AM »
I don't know what theyre doing with their accounts. It would probably be a good idea to ask knjght since you can't trust me and all...

BTW: He's my friend not my brother , and last time I talked to him he was having a tough time since his parents split up, so I have no idea what's going on with his life...

Resolved Help & Support / Re: cl-gun 0
« on: December 19, 2011, 05:54:54 AM »
After you do the command in-game, type "/writeconfig autoexec.cfg" in the console.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Banned Players
« on: December 06, 2011, 09:58:34 PM »
Says the guy who "didn't hack"... If your going with the story you told me over irc, then you need to think a little bit more.

Don't be upset since your staying banned. No one made you spam cheats in #paintball...

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Banned Players
« on: December 04, 2011, 09:20:25 PM »
I heard he evaded too. just to prove that he could.

That sounds like him

the real one who got f**ked over was cusoman


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Banned Players
« on: December 04, 2011, 04:34:51 PM »
I didn't say anything to anyone, but someone either told foxhound a lie or hes full of excrement

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Banned Players
« on: December 04, 2011, 04:12:10 PM »
Dear Mr. myles,

According to Riddick and sir Myers himself, they both told me very early on before you all got banned, that they were doing it to go play LoL or css. I think thats when you all made a css clan together. However that story drastically changes when you all want to come back, not foreseeing that it would be a 1000+ day ban. oh and chalk idk how you got unbanned, must have told some heavy lies or sucked major c0ck, either way, we all know what went down.

Either way, I agree with Unrated, the ban times should be fair. Jitspoe just hasn't gotten to it yet because he's still trying to figure some minor truths out. He's a very busy man... not sure what he does, but i bet he's very good at it. so
I've never posted on this thread so idk why your writing a letter to me here lol

Yea you're right. We had to plan a whole hacking event so that we could go play CSS. That makes a whole lot of sense.

Riddick just said on the last thread that most of what you were saying was bs. You don't know jack excrement lol. As I said before, nobody from that group liked you so I don't know why you think anybody would've told you the truth.

I got unbanned by turning in my hacks and telling jitspoe how I got them (Someone gave me the hacks anonymously).

Maybe you could PM and tell me what I did to get banned and how I got unbanned, because you seem to know a lot more about what I did than I do.

why does it matter? that's not why we did it anyway....

Dear Gonass,
We turned ourselves in because we saw how boring the game was when we hacked, so we wanted to get our bans over with and come back with a clean slate, rather than get banned a month after we stopped hacking.

everyone who wasn't involved seems to think they know everything lol ^^

We turned ourselves in because we saw how boring the game was when we hacked, so we wanted to get our bans over with and come back with a clean slate, rather than get banned a month after we stopped hacking.

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