It is - demo later
Have you matched on it? If you properly set it up it is not campable.
well we played it in a match
i dunno but do we really need 2 flags? 1st with 3 points and 2nd with 4 points?
I prefer just one with 5 points. I also prefer the picute of viper.
The good thing is it is like pp1 I mean u are also fast in the lowway as the speedjump so u can still get the flag when someone went low.
@bix its sad that its impossible to make the outside bigger cuz this is the main fact
well the mid is playable
all in all its matchable
I think we really do need two flags - especially with how the layout is. If we just left Flag 1, you could sit behind it and make a 'skilled setup --> grab nearly impossible'. If we only have flag two you could simply pick people off as they come to you. We are also trying to stick to the similar design that crash originally had which had two flags. One down below and one up on the top.
Yes, originally there was very little grass and that was one of the first things changed. I am about 95% sure he said the map is as long as it can be. The stage the map is at now I feel it would be nearly impossible to stretch out the grass (even if we could) due to the rest of the map.
take off the light value on those red and blue metal textures.. it just looks bad and there are more effective ways of lighting
Have you seen the original pp3? This was a throw back to the original lighting and design. There were several people that complained because they liked the lighting from crash's pp3.
The whole goal is to be matchable. If Mr. I_am_a_pirate can find a way to camp the map against a 1v3...ill be in awe.
Please fix the sky thing I pointed out . I just keep hiting it and then I cant make it to high base so I end up in grass.
Please do not take this as being a 'detective'. I have seen you play once and you were far from having a "powerful strafe". I hit my head on the roof nearly everytime but still fly into the base at speed(to where the old f2 would be). If you look at the cat jump on pp1, you hit your head nearly everytime.
I matched IJ on beta2a yesterday. Low was very easy to camp and line(the low speed), High mid was hardly used because cat jump is sooooo easy, camp at 2, wait for them to grab 1 and go up ladder and pow and we won =]
I think we also need to realize this map is still in betas. If you compare the way people played maps when they first came out to how they are now...there is a pretty big difference.
If you choose to sit and line the low speed people need to bail off and go to hi-bd or simply from low shoot the guy that is lining it, then do the speed. I also feel that as the map gets played more people will go the 'hi-bd area' and line the cat jump much more. Atleast that is what I did against allstarz the other day and proceeded to 32-7. This causes people to go mid which by the end people were all going mid.