Author Topic: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.  (Read 29560 times)


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #60 on: December 17, 2005, 09:45:38 AM »
\o\     Dew Be
    |o|     Dew Be
       /o/     Dooooo


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #61 on: December 17, 2005, 07:30:22 PM »
Well frankly i don't really care what any of you think ,but for the record the conversation that DT and Xtreme listened to,well i knew it was them and the other people in the chan knew it was them i checked the ip...If people come in under bullcrap names i like to screw with them..I even went as far as to let blitz know on mirc i knew it was them he said he didn't know what i was talking about...As far as hacking goes the way i see it that anyone who has to cheat to make themselves look or feel good needs to find a life ,there self esteem must be very low and i really do feel sorry for them.....DONE


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #62 on: December 17, 2005, 08:08:25 PM »
^ lol.

picasso told me straight up that he knows snipen hacks, and that snipen has admitted it to him.
enough said.


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #63 on: December 17, 2005, 08:08:36 PM »
"As far as hacking goes the way i see it that anyone who has to cheat to make themselves look or feel good needs to find a life ,there self esteem must be very low and i really do feel sorry for them.....DONE"

Yet you stand behind clipz hacking.



  • VM-68
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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #64 on: December 17, 2005, 08:10:51 PM »
LOL those are bullexcrement excuses..... Sandman had no idea that they were on there... he told me afterward that he JUST found out who they were.... lame ass excuses, what a pu.ssy to cover up so he looks like a good guy. and I will agree with digi and DT on the above statements.


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #65 on: December 18, 2005, 10:21:19 PM »
i didnt tell you excrement boomer,your full of excrement and you'd agree with anyone who you have your lips wrapped around at that moment...and when did i say i stand behind clipz hacking ???


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #66 on: December 18, 2005, 10:46:57 PM »
Whatever I remember u saying something like that.... and yeah and u got mad at skater about the hacking thing? what about clipz? atleast skater admitted it and took blame and isnt sucking up to you anyone now..... clipz is suckign up to you so he doesnt get banned cause hes banned from basically every other server.


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #67 on: December 18, 2005, 10:48:45 PM »
i dont care if they admit or not Hacker is a hacker,clipz isnt banned cause he hasn't done or said anything to GT...get it


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #68 on: December 19, 2005, 12:09:21 AM »
So hacking isnt grounds for getting banned, only doing something to GT in a negative manner?

Makes you wonder about GT members in-game credibility...


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #69 on: December 19, 2005, 04:05:10 AM »
I was beginning to write a rather lengthy thread about server administration and responsibility... but I realized, there's nothing to say that hasn't been said before. Waste of my time to state the obvious...


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #70 on: December 19, 2005, 12:22:43 PM »
I was beginning to write a rather lengthy thread about server administration and responsibility... but I realized, there's nothing to say that hasn't been said before. Waste of my time to state the obvious...
Yeah stuff that has been said before. So why do you play there, again? Respectfully,
Loial   cio

So hacking isnt grounds for getting banned, only doing something to GT in a negative manner?

Makes you wonder about GT members in-game credibility..
I would say either one would do, sir.

*ask ganja
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 01:20:44 PM by loial21 »


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #71 on: December 19, 2005, 02:04:04 PM »
Ok loial, i know you dont have much authority on the GT servers, but if we agree that people should banned at least for a period of time for hacking (and i think we do) then why was clipz never banned?


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #72 on: December 19, 2005, 02:59:55 PM »
It might be the fact that most of the GT server admins hack themselves....


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #73 on: December 19, 2005, 03:16:17 PM »
I dont know, why was I temp-banned from GT servers last year?, Check my very first post. Why was I view gibbed on the e3rrt servers, check following posts in GT thread. There is plenty of blame to go around then and now. That much is true.

Who the hell is clpiz any way? Does he play under a psuedo name? I play quite a bit on publix, as you know. Never seen him/her.

I belive either poor sportmanship or cheating should get you booted. Be glad I have no authority, other than the clan tag.

 Poop talking is one thing, its fun.You know this, I know this.   When you start berateing lessers player for being "newbs" is just as unproductive and immature as accusing someone of cheating (with or with out proof) if not more so, becuase you should know better than to behave like that. Your not a poorsport newbian dont act like one. People who accuse others of cheating and have no proof at the time of the accusation should be edjucated. Not scorned. What good comes from that?

More over you should respect others opinions even if you dont agree with them. You cross a line when you start disrespecting other player's opinions. Disagreement I am ok with, but dont disrespect people, what good comes from that?. If you dont understand or comprehend what I just said then your a little less intellegent and a little less mature then I give you credit for.

Good day sirs.  way  off topic


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #74 on: December 19, 2005, 03:17:32 PM »
Well from what I have heard they said it's because everyone has tried a hack so it's not much of a big deal and I know everyone has heard Clipz say "you can't tell me you've never tried a hack before?" which is a really lame excuse becuase Clipz used a hack in a MATCH others have been caught in a pub server. Doesn't make a difference they won't ban him so your wasting your time.


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #75 on: December 19, 2005, 04:29:22 PM »
Yes, I was caught hacking in a match which i do regret cause I lost a lot of respect out of the very little I had. But I've came around and people have "forgave" me for hacking.  It was a dumb thing on my part and I honestly have not hacked  since about a week after I was caught.  I would say I was definitely punished more than Clipz when I was caught.  When the demo was released of me Picasso went ape poop on me banning me from everything without me even saying "OMGWTF I only tried it once" which is a bullpoop excuse Clipz, if you have a hack you usually don't try it once ;).  It was quite obvious you also hacked during our TnL days, but thats in the past I really couldn't care less if you hack or not, I just find it funny you say it was your first time.  Anyhow As for GT I really don't have a problem with them as people, they are all usually very nice and are always greeting you on vent/server etc...But their clan leadership/actions are some times bogus but a lot of people deserve what they get.  Of course I've said poop about them behind their backs and yea it was messed up, But I'm sure they have done the same. I recently talked to Sandman on vent and we are fine.  He was nice enough to unban me from the servers which was greatly appreciated.  but yea, Overall I will be honest, I don't like the GT *Clan*, but as people you guys are very nice.


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #76 on: December 19, 2005, 05:05:13 PM »
I am thoroughly confused by loial's post once again and this time not only because of grammar. I'm unsure if he is referring to me in all these statements or trying to make principled claims.

Rarely do i berate lesser players in the sense of people that have been playing for 2 weeks and don't have mIRC etc. I rarely speak to these people unless they say something to me first.

I do berate lesser players in the sense of unibonger or clipz. These two i have known for quite a few years and for at least the last 1/2 - 1/3 of my time with dp have disliked them immensely. However these two berate me just as much as i do back, and me berating them isn't going to cause them to quit dp or anything (although sometimes i wish it would).

I don't really know where I've been all out disrespecting others opinions. Normally i respond back in the form of an argument with an occasional subtle insult here and there. Just as much as i get insulted.

Finally, "When you start berateing lessers player for being "newbs" is just as unproductive and immature as accusing someone of cheating (with or with out proof) if not more so." So accusing people of hacking with solid proof is immature? I'd like to see an argument for that. However, you're right about it being unproductive. We presented the whole dp community with solid proof of clipz hacking and GT will not ban him. Such actions can only lead one to believe certain things about GT...


  • VM-68
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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #77 on: December 19, 2005, 05:13:27 PM »
Pierce you like to say Berate a lot don't you? And like I said before they won't ban him because they say everyone has done it before so it's not big deal and it's just a normal thing. But I will have to agree with DT and I do also agree with SkateR.


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #78 on: December 19, 2005, 05:38:50 PM »
I was just using loial's terminology, he said berate a million times too


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Re: A Video of Clipz Wallhacking.
« Reply #79 on: December 19, 2005, 06:55:33 PM »
"You" =  Anyone that it fits the discription

Its ok, Taco. You dont have to defend your self to Boomer, he likes you and me (I think). Not in that way. He really did step up to bat for yall on vent (while he was in GT)after I unfairly accused you of cheating, (I will pM you why)being and excretory opening or both i dont remember. Sorry . I wont make that mistake again and only becuase, Boomer said your kewl. Although Boomer for what ever reason has become more hositle of late, oh well he has got his reasons.    :)

I still think alot of your posts are conter-productive and hurtful. More directed towards the 2 in clan that direly need anger management lessons. Mabey your clan saying be quiet newb is just your way of saying, I love you?. Recently this has subsided, thanks for workiing on it.

"So accusing people of hacking with solid proof is immature?" I dont recall stating anything like that. Nor implied. Where did that come from?  To anwser your question, yes in a way. Follow me. As mentioned before and agreed by yourself "it takes one to know one." Im just kidden but think about this.

You would have 100's of people accusing others of hacking but only the ones that know how to hack, are to catch those who are? Thats not immature, but it is intercoursed up (oops sorry 3rd curse word). How can I or anyone justify or impose a ban if the person that decides who is a cheat, is infact a cheat. This logic is flawed and lacks credit. There just has to be a better way, that is all. 

BTW WHO THE intercourse IS CLIPZ!!!???? And if cheating is so intercoursegin bad why is he the first to feel e3rrt wrath, surely you have cought more. UNI? For instance. You claim to have cought him cheating, have you backed off on this claim?  :) howles then pees in glee